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What is basically reason behind market meltdown.Day by Day market is going down.What you think?

The opportunity to give all people the chance to own a home, wether they could afford the home or not. The packaging and selling of these nots , and the intentional mishandling of the funds involved. For starters.

  Greed and global growth along side of corruption within the United States government, as well as world financial leaders. 

This progressive , socialistic movement was in dire need of a drastic measures to provoke  " feeling " from the American people into believing there has to be a world change in political and social activity to help those that refuse to help themselves.

Along with the one world government movement that has been forever in play, this could be no better time for major players in world moneys to play a game of  " cat and mouse " if you will by dumping large amounts of stocks one minute, then buying them back up the next to show the vulnerability of the world market.

There will soon be a world note, one bank, one currency, one market.

Let me say this, this is the best opportunity for young people to invest in certain markets, they cannot stay down, they never have.  We may never see this again, so if you have any interest in possibly doing very well in the future, my advice would be to invest. Of course I would have to place a disclaimer on these words, because who knows what will happen, but i know what I am doing.

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My advice is only invest what you can afford to loose , any investment now has got to be for the long term , no quick returns to be made , sure there are are markets doing OK ,

like insolvency,debt collecting , refinancing , pawnbroking, cut price shops,etc, but they will fall back rapidly if and when  times get better ,.

I  guess housing is a safe bet , on the grounds of land ain't being made anymore ,but maybe this applies more to the UK ,

Is Microsoft a good long term investment ? , I am not so sure on that ,

Walmart ( ASDA uk )  not doing so good , we have a new chain store "The

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Actually I was referring more to the times when these companies were young. Not now. Merely in reference. But a good buy in would be opportune now. And reale state at any time is good if you know what your doing. But now is definately not a time to sell it.

Just find something that is low and bound to rebound. Oil in fact as low as it will go will be a good one for real.

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My advice is only invest what you can afford to loose , any investment now has got to be for the long term , no quick returns to be made ,

  That there is negative thinking, and we all know what that brings. Nothing.

There is millions plus to be made right now, and people are making it hand over fist. Using the volitivity of the markets to buy near death companies for pennies, hold for a few days, and drop it. Others are so low, there going to be bought out soon, so they would be the ones to hang onto for a few years.

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What is basically reason behind market meltdown.Day by Day market is going down.What you think?

The initial drop was due to the market trying to adjust to the failure of all those banks from taking too many risks in an already declining economy and housing market. But only in the last week the fall in the maket is because there have been true signs of fear in investors that things could get more worse than they already are. This next 4 weeks will be very important.

  That there is negative thinking, and we all know what that brings. Nothing.

There is millions plus to be made right now, and people are making it hand over fist. Using the volitivity of the markets to buy near death companies for pennies, hold for a few days, and drop it. Others are so low, there going to be bought out soon, so they would be the ones to hang onto for a few years.

I don't think thats negative thinking. Negative thinking would be to sell everything you have. The market could still go down and the losses are real, so playing it safe isn't a bad thing.

Some sectors were indirectly hit by the fall of the financial sector. Those are what i'm putting my money in hoping they will come back quicker and stronger than the financial sector will. You could go and put your money in aig or fannie mae or something but that will be putting your money in a slot machine basically. I suggest that people wait till some stability returns and then honestly, you should throw every dollar you have in there. Just WAIT it out. As the market falls, your money in the bank is gaining value in the stock market. After a good consecutive 2-4 weeks, throw everything in.

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Playing it safe is just that, your not making much , if anything, but riding the ups and down's( or bottom feeding ) is what I'm talking about.

I have a friend who lives quite well on that. Man does he ever go through mood swings. One week spend like its water, the next he is ready to jump off a bridge.  :evil6: He has over 2 million invested now. And makes his own shirt line which he ships to walmart. He does ok.  :wink:
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the next he is ready to jump off a bridge.  :evil6:

i have been thinking like that recently but i just gotta keep thinking long term. Once the market bounces back, however long it takes, everyone should make a killing. The only reason the market wouldn't come back is if this is the end of the rise and fall of the roman american empire.

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The only reason the market wouldn't come back is if this is the end of the rise and fall of the roman american empire.

There will always be people that are in need for products, so thee will always be a market .  Now if the far left implements the fairness doctrine, we may loose our ability to use the markets, and much of the internet, among so many other things.
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