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Video card Question "trouble shooting new build"

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i am hoping someone here can help me.

i started building a PC using the XFX 750Sli nFORCE motherboard http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?Sku=P450-9118

got a http://www.amazon.com/AMD-HD9500WCGDBOX-Phenom-Processor-Thermal/dp/B000YPP7F4/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1231305249&sr=8-1

and also http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820145043

now i have a Geforce 8800 GTS http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130071 from my old system.

well i add the card plug the monitor to it and monitor just blinks so i take it out and add it too the onboard graphics and does same thing. shut down PC take gpu out and onboard works just fine,

now i figure i have to turn off the onboard graphics i go to BIOS cant find crap sadly. so i uninstall the graphic driver and try again same thing. i am wondering if this sounds more like a compatibility issue. the motherboard has PCI express 2.0 not really sure if that can mess with my graphic card or not. any help would be great if you need more details i will be happy to add them. this is my first time trying to build a computer so kinda in the dark with trouble shooting.

thanks again for any help.

I think you would go to Advanced>Onboard Devices Settings>HDMI/DVI>Off to turn onboard video off. Here is a link with screen shots of the BIOS page by page.


I can not see there being a compatibility problem . You are using a Nvidia graphic card with a motherboard with a Nvidia chipset. As far I know PCI Express 2.0 is backward and forward compatible with PCI Express 1.0.

Try reseating the card again, make sure the secondly power connect is in all the way. If that does not fix the problem ,try the card in another computer to make sure the card still working.

Ok, i figured it out. this is a SLI motherboard right, usaully the first PCIE closet to the Processor would be the primary. which it wasnt it was PCIE slot 2 that was the primary. i did try both slots before hand and they both didnt work, restroe bios to default and added it in slot listed PCIE 2 and all fixed works good now. i dont know why they would do that  :?. i knew i could count on ur guys for help ! now its time for more questions

and ty for answering my questions.

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