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I have none of those.

I only have these:

*Windows Vista Basic

*Windows Standard

*Windows Classic

*High Contrast Black

*High Contrast White

*High Contrast #1

*High Contrast #2

That's it.

Did you go back to here and see if Vista Aero was there and click on Vista Aero?  Was themes disable.

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Vista is a BETA program, meaning it's in the testing mode. Too bad M$

is too dumb / conceited to simply admit that when it was released. Here's

what I would do in your situation:

1. Reformat your C drive

2. Install Windows XP

3. Download all the updates except for WGA (Windows genuine advantage)

If you're paranoid about screwing everything up, then install the XP OS on

a new hard drive and if you don't like it, put the vista OS hard drive back in.

This will take a few hours to do, but afterward you'll be much happier  :cool:

As far as Windows 7 goes, it's also in the beta mode, and is just a build-up

from Vista. So I'll let other people do the testing and just see where the cards


Best of Luck


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Did you download any themes off the internet? Also you said you had a laptop, do you have it on power save. This can sometime turn Aero off. Here is a link to a microsoft page for trouble shooting Aero. Click on show all and it will give you the answer to the questions.


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Power saver helps to make the battery last longer when the laptop is running on the battery. To get to it Control Panel / Power Option / click on High Performance for now. The battery will lose it charge faster,but you can at lease see if this is causing Aero not to work [ if this is not what is causing aero not to work and you run your laptop on battery a lot, then turn it back to power saver after you are done checking ]. After your put your laptop on high performance then go back to Window Color and Appearance and see if you have aero. Aero should already be installed  in your computer, it is part of the OS. Also what laptop do you have. [make and model ]

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ok since the post hyperlink doesnt work ill do it manually


well I looked at it but I didn't understand it. what does "Hkey_Current_User Software Microsoft Windows DWM " mean? It's so confusing!

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ok fine I won't  :angry:

Its only in your best interest really. If you want to, go ahead, but you made it sound like you did not want to go to a lot of  trouble. If you want it "BAD" enough, its worth the trouble to figure it out. But again that would turn you into a geek eventually, so watch it.  :haha:
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