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    Hey people I want to know what you all think about the this hosting company http://www.canaca.com!!!? I currently have http://100webspace.com for my site at [snip] and there ads are very anoying and there file size limits make it were I can't even have big games on my site!!! But it is a free host and also they have been down alot lately!!! But anyway I wanted to know what you all thought about canaca.com there servers are located in cananca I think do you think that will make them a slow host!!!? I hope not because look at the package 10gig storage and 200gig transfer almost dedicated!!! But there features are not all that like no MSQL but they have php what do you all think!!!? And if they are not good then what host would you all suggest!!!!?

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    Hey people I wanted that plan for the storage and for the transfer since I really wnat to help cable out!!! And I was think of setting up a test on my account of course it won't be dedicated but I think I could spare about 100gig transfer because I don't use much thanks agian!!!

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canaca is hosted as a "shawcable" division.

shawcable.net Download Average = 2043 Kbps :: 249 KB/sec --- 1218 records found (30 days of logs)

shawcable.net Upload Average = 365 Kbps :: 45 KB/s --- 368 records found (30 days of logs) 

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