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Is there a bandwidth monitoring tool that tracks wireless consumption?

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I have satelite internet, and have to keep a close watch over my bandwidth consumption because of the imposed Fair Access Policy crap the ISPs force on you. The bandwidth tool I'm using now works fine, but it doesn't monitor bandwidth used when I use my wirelessly connected Playstion 3 to game online. I don't game online too often, but I would like to know if there's a tool or program that monitors wireless bandwidth consumption? Or is there a certain way I need to set up my router?

BitMeter 2 is a bandwidth meter, it allows you to visually monitor your internet connection by displaying a scrolling graph that shows your upload and download speed over time. BitMeter is freeware - ie. it is given away completely free of charge, there is no trial period, no time-limited features, no spyware, and no adware, guaranteed

Google it

I use a program called Net Meter, it will allow you to monitor individual network cards or modems PPP adaptors and will monitor traffic for the day, week, month and year, great tool splitting upload and downloads and combining both to give you realtime stats.

Great tool..


LOL funny you would reply Sparky....

I haven't been on this since mar 2008... checked my inbox...i had 2 messages.both from you. It was in regards to wireless internet access but the ISP was to far away from you...  I see you went EVDO.

I have this.....if you would like it.  PM me.

Bandwidth Meter Pro is an easy-to-use network software for bandwidth usage monitoring, reporting, and notification. It monitors traffic of all network connections on your computer and displays graphical and numerical download and upload speeds in real-time (refer to screen shot below). It logs bandwidth usage and provides how much bandwidth was used by each network connection on your computer in daily, weekly and monthly.

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