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Hey all, I am new to this site, so i hope i don't break any protocols, i've looked around some of your forums, for an answer to a question, but have had no luck so far. You may need to move this question, or direct me to a post i have overlooked. But the question is: I have just gotten dsl with hughesnet the modem i am using is a 9000 i think, my prob is sometimes i have a 1.2mbs speed for about an hour or so, then it drops to .5 or .3mbs,. I would like to believe it was something to do with downloading but so far i haven't had a chance to download only a few songs and they are downloading at about 10kbs sometimes less i have had them start out at maybe 90kbs but around 40% loaded it has dropped down to 8 or 9kbs. I am wondering if anyone has any ideas why my speed keeps jumping from 1.2mbs all the way down to .3mbs and it usually stays there until i get frustrated and shut the thing down. i hope i have explained it enough if not let me know. :roll:

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First have you been fapped? Been downloading past the allotted bandwidth allowed for the month?

Second. Are you reffering to torrents? If so they are always slower for usage.

3rd and last, you say DSL and hugesnet. Did you really mean hughesnet as in satelite ISP? If not could you provide a link to the ISP. I could not find their site.

And welcome to the forum.

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Hughesnet FAP policy page.


Hughsnet expected speeds on Spaceway3..


No FAP between 3am to 6am eastern time. Even though in some cases, it is now(new) from 2am to 7am eastern time.

Spaceway3 beam map attached. Since you say you are on the HN9000 modem Ka band.

You may be getting 'soft' FAPped if you are getting noticeably throttled with continuous torrents running.  And if you get FAPped For going over the daily limit, you will  have your speeds dropped to sub dialup speed for 24 hours, which means only doing text based emails.

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Thanks for getting back with me so quick......i am a newbie so bare with me...i'm not sure what fapped is for sure. but if it has to do with like you said download overload so to speak. i don't think i have reached my threshold mainly because it won't let me...i wish i could download torrents that's what i  really wanted the faster internet for.

and yes the hugesnet is the satellite service. sorry i say dsl but it might be ISP but again i am not real sure what that is either.. i am paying for the 1.2mbs and its suppose to have like 144kbs download capability. i would just like to be able to download with 90kbs...most of the time it might start at 60kbs or so but will very quickly drop to 8kbs or lower and this is just on one song download...it can take me anywhere from 10 to 15 minutes or longer to download one song.....i do understand that the person i am downloading from can also have a slow speed and that will slow me down.. but when i see my download speed at 8kbs and i am downloading from 12 hosts i begin to wonder.

I thought it might be a modem problem so the tech guy is going to replace that today...it was real squirrelly like it would run 1.1mbs for couple hours and then drop to .3mbs and stay there for the rest of the night...and all i'll be doing is changing pages no downloading of any kind...

i am interested in the map you have but i don't really understand what your telling me or how to read it.

thanks guys for your help so far and sorry for being kinda techno stupid..... :roll:

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With the map of 'spot beams'. It will come in handy when Hughesnet gets that satellite to capacity of abouts one million users. In about two to three years(or maybe 4). Support should be able to tell you what is your beam and NOC. I think it was Aug 2008, that the Spaceway3 went live to home customers..


As with WildBlue(U.S.) and Xplornet(Canada), at this time, some beams are over-subscribed on their respective satellites... Meaning slow 'Primetime' speeds(as in 5pm to 10pm). And call support agents who blame the user for slow surfing speeds, when it's the systems problem.

A NOC(network operations center), is where the satellite connects to the Earth and the Internet. There can be 5 or more NOC's for one satellite. A basic tracert can sometimes show the location of your NOC... NOC's Can also have bandwidth limitations(as in not upgraded for bandwidth requirements) resulting in slowdowns. Weather can be a factor in speeds when there is a major storm over a NOC and it is sunny in your location Or a major storm over you... But the Hughesnet spaceway3 is pretty good in rough weather according to reviews.

I think some people set Torrents at a slow speed and sometimes kill the upload sharing portion.

Sometimes the modem can get stuck at the slow speed and you have to reboot it to bring the speed back up.. It is part of 'traffic shaping'. as the satellite providers prefer only webpage surfing and email, as opposed to high bandwidth using applications.

ISP.... Internet Service Provider.

DSL..... Damn Speedy Line.

Hughesnet should have usage page. Don't know if it works with the spaceway3. And it may be 2 hours delayed in readings.


On the right hand side under "Self Help" select "Tools"

Now select "Check Usage"

Now Select your modem "XXxxxx"

Enter your SAN number:

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thanks zalternate,, i got a buddy to help explain some for me too.. and i got to looking you may be right about needing a different ISP.. i guess i should have researched hughes a little  more they are showing a threshold for the pro at 300mbs..which i guess basically means you can download 2 songs and maybe one clip from youtube and don't even think about trying to download a movie heck thats 700 mbs by itself then you have reached your threshold....where after looking at wildblue there threshold for just a 1.0mbs is 12,000 big time difference..how can that be  :undecided: it seems to me to be to big of a  difference..whats your take on this??

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Stay with the Hughesnet SpaceWay3 KA. At least you have a 3 year window before any major slowdowns. No one really recommends satellite, but Spaceway3 is the better of the choice right now. Until ViaSat 1 gets launched sometime in or after 2011......

Never even think about WildBlue at this time  :idiot2: , due to having many, many customers on the satellites. The Primetime slowdown on some beams is criminal.  :knuppel2:

Use the FAP free period overnight for your big downloads. Your daily limit does not count during that time. It's the good part about Hughesnet. So your monthly total can be higher than the daily calculation...  And I guess you are also under a two year contract as well(30 day satisfaction policy that WildPoo does not have)..Right?


Early Termination: Promotional Option

If you cancel your order before installation, you will not be charged.

If you cancel within 30 days of activation:

You will be charged a $400 Equipment and Installation Fee.

You may choose to return your HughesNet modem, power supply and radio for a $200 refund.

No service termination fees will be charged.

If you cancel after 30 days of activation but before the end of your 24-month term commitment:

You will be charged a $400 Equipment and Installation Fee and a $400 Service Termination Fee.

You may choose to return your HughesNet modem, power supply and radio for a $200 refund.

Bandwidth monitors.......


Net Meter http://www.metal-machine.de/readerror/

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Thanks, sparky, and please excuse the dsl blunder....my hughes net tech guy just replaced my modem i am hoping maybe this will help....i do alot of my downloading with limewire pro..which to be perfectly honest i think has issues all its own..it takes forever just for it to connect and thats when i am running at 1.2mbs..go figure :knuppel2: may wind up changing them..if you guys know any good ones shoot me a line.. i do have a 2 year contract with hughes so even if it won't download the way i want i will still be staying with them...so with that said i am going to try to go do some downloading with this new modem i will let you know if it works...and thanks to all of you for your help...you have a great site here.. i am glad i found you. :grin:

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The downloading issue using Limewire is down to Hughes network, they are doing something with the Peer 2 Peer users on there network, I had the exact same issue with them.

Hey, don't worry about the DSL thing, I was messing with you but Hughes would like you to think it is Broadband when it actually is not, they have got class action law suits against them about that among other things.

Let us know how things go, ohh there is a forum especially for hughesnet customers, it can be found here http://www.testmy.net/b-21

Its a little quite these days but we will try to help out where we can, some of us are ex-hughesnet ourselves.

Good luck

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Its a little quite these days but we will try to help out where we can, some of us are ex-hughesnet ourselves.

Good luck

Actually several of us survivors are here, and a few still stuck in the mud. But we all try to help. Send your friends too.
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Graywolf. If you are downloading using limewire or bareshare or anything like that You are forsure asking for a virus and or trojan. You may already have one. Thats your first step is to make sure you DON'T have any nasty's.

Now if you insist on downloading go with bittorrent. It is less likely to give you a Virus and or trojan. If someone Catches a virus in the program, they will post in the reply section it has one, and the torrent will die. Hackers have much better luck spreading Trojans through Limewire or Bareshare or any program like that.

Download this first, http://www.malwarebytes.org/mbam.php and http://www.safer-networking.org/index2.html . Now Malwarebytes does come in a free and paid subscrition. I use the free verson It works just fine. Spybot is also free. 

Update them both and scan with one, then scan with the other. Now last but not lest try this free program. http://www.iobit.com/advancedwindowscareper.html .  After you check for spyware and virus and everything is ok. Set a restore point on your computer. Then run advanced system care and see what that does for ya. If it is of no help, or makes things worse then use your restore point to reset your computer to default settings. I love this program and have used it a long time. Give that all a shot and see what happens, let us know if it helped or not.

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thanks guys.. i think replacing the modem has helped with the speed going up and down i seem to be hanging right at 1.2mbs.. so i am beginning to think my downloading prob is limewire i can't get that speed up to more than 10kbs but i am downloading from like 10 to12 hosts...i have been using the malware program and your right it is excellent...i will try bittorrent for download site.. but are they like piratebay they find the movies but they use your download program like limewire, bareshare, frostwire ect...you can't actually download from that site or can you... is there a better site to use as a download site??? thanks for the hughesnet sites i am diffently going to check those out

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thanks toad...anything you can give will be appreciated...my email is graywolfXXXX@yXXXX.com   shoot me anything ya got....this hughesnet is going to drive me to drinking  :occasion14: .....for about 2 days i stayed right at 1.2mbs...then i check last night and its 0.1mbs... and i'm not anywhere near my fap...downloading just may not be in the cards for me.. :cry:

Removed email for your security, never post personal information, you could get bombarded with spam.

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this hughesnet is going to drive me to drinking

Join the rest of us, drinking, baldness, moments of complete madness..... did you not read the contents of the package, it comes with your setup, ohh and don't forget the endless calls to India for technical help, they start to call you after a while asking you for help.  :2funny:

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sparky i can tell you have been here.....i have been pulling whats left of my hair out and my sanity is quickly leaking out the holes that are left.....i thought i had read the package deal..but i missed the "if you actually try to download were shutting you down" clause...and don't even get me started on the support help from hell..i am just an old hillbilly redneck country folk who does good just to understand the operator...now i have some guy from india..took me 20 minutes and about a hundred "what????s" later to realize he wanted my name..oh well....I sure do appreciate all the help you guys have done for me...I guess i'll just have to stay with hughes net and work with it as best i can...you have given me some great sites to check out though....hughes is better than dialup...but as soon as dsl comes to the country..oh yea!!!!! :grin:

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Yeah, your like many of us that had to take that route.... its not a bad system if you stick within your limits.  Many moons ago when the FAP was first implemented it worked like a bucket system, you use it and it trickled back over time, now you get worse then dial up speeds if you hit your limit and you get that for 24 hours!

As you may realize, some of us are old hats at Hughesnet, if we can help we will.

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thanks sparky...i have one more quick question..i want to track my hughes speed..i've been looking on your site but haven't found a place yet...i guess what i'm looking for is a place where i can tell it to check my speed for like a 24 or 48 hour time period...like i said one minute i'll be hitting at 1.2mbs and it seems like an hour later its 0.1mbs...i would like to see how much that jumps and how often...cause everytime the hughes tech guy comes out my speed is all ways at 1.2mbs..every stinkin' time.. i know he thinks i'm a dope smoker from way back when i tell him "no, really it was running 0.1mbs only 20 minutes ago!" .... but if i could show him by tracking it maybe that would help...and downloading or not it still should not drop that much.. doing the math on that..it puts me slower than dial-up :angry5:

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The only way I know you can do it is on this website, its not mine by the way....lol.

Anyway, goto the link at the top for download speeds, if your logged in it will keep a record of the speed measurement.

I do not know of any other way unless you want to run some software on your computer.

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