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Hello again. i am once again counting on the community to help me out here. OK, so here is my problem. i found out that my 8800 gts (640MB) had physx GPU acceleration about a month ago so i downloaded what i needed too and set that up worked fine. then i found out that my motherboard supported hybrid SLI so i enabled that in my BIOS worked fine. 3 weeks later i purchased another 8800gts and got it working in SLI mode. I actually have two questions here first one is, will me running hybrid SLI and SLI together will this cause any problems or is hybrid useless now since i got real SLI ? And my other question is my gpu temps, using speedfan my temps show currently

GPU:    97c <---hot

GPU:    53c

GPU:    57c

The last two are my 8800gts i know this, but what the heck is the first one ????? is that the hybrid sli on my main board ??? the temp has to be right cause i also checked on Nvidia Ntune.

that gpu has no fan settings so my best guess is it the on-board. on my device manager has my two cards and    Nvidia 750a SLI  i believe i tried to uninstall it but it came back. i ain't sure if thats the Hybrid SLI or something i need for my gpu's to function in sli, any help ?

And thank you for reading

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ya. i am just wondering what the first GPU actually is since its so high, all the time. Ive tried searching the web with no luck. my hybrid sli is turned off and its still there so i am even more puzzled.

  Could you check the configuration of your sensor app, and see if it really isn't a GPU , but the die, or chipset, or who knows, see what i mean ?
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That probably is the onboard GPU but it isn't actually needed to run sli for that motherboard. If you're worried about the temps I would just disable the onboard GPU. Bascially what it is is a form of tri-sli using onboard gpu as the third video card. I haven't used it but I am assuming it's gonna hog some resources and probably make little difference to actual frame rates and game play. Delete should get you into the Bios to disable it and it should be on the onboard peripherals tab.

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