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i had just finished figuring out how to maximize my wireless speed by enabling frame burst in my router and i needed a place to test the new difference. i can't believe i had never heard of testmy.net, it is what i was looking for my whole speed testing life. i can finally bypass thecomcast powerboost tease speed by just downloading and uploading past the powerboost limit. so thank you testmy.net and hello to all the members.

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i had just finished figuring out how to maximize my wireless speed by enabling frame burst in my router and i needed a place to test the new difference. i can't believe i had never heard of testmy.net, it is what i was looking for my whole speed testing life. i can finally bypass thecomcast powerboost tease speed by just downloading and uploading past the powerboost limit. so thank you testmy.net and hello to all the members.

:grin2: Welcome!  :welcome:
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whats up shug? i got a funny sotry for ya... i played on COD WAW yesterday and was owning everyone....picking them off with my pistol and thompson.....became level 65....got accused of hacking and keep getting punkbusted every server i try to play on.  :haha: :haha:

edit sorry thread derailing is my part time job...just skip this post and continue the thread  :uglystupid2:

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whats up shug? i got a funny sotry for ya... i played on COD WAW yesterday and was owning everyone....picking them off with my pistol and thompson.....became level 65....got accused of hacking and keep getting punkbusted every server i try to play on.  :haha: :haha:

edit sorry thread derailing is my part time job...just skip this post and continue the thread  :uglystupid2:

Cant really derail a hello thread man.  :evil6: Sweet, why didnt you send me an invite. I was playing L4D all day but I would have switched over. Holler at me next time your on. Your on my buddy list for the 360 right?

Your new sig is one of the best songs ever.

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nah unfortunately i had to sell my 360 so im playin PC right now...im workin on another 360 though...all i gotta do is get medically cleared to drive again and head to wally world

fuck that walk to Wally World and get it. I need some more partners online.  :knuppel2:
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lmao shug. i do like pc better though when it comes to shooters...easier to control and aim for me...but i want a 360 so bad cause of all the games coming out for it.

I have heard that for ages  but I am better with the controller. I cant stand the keyboard. The mouse is great, keyboard sucks for me.  :tickedoff:
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lol i like both but i am not very accurate with a controller, thats my main thing, i just cant seem to aim with an analog joystick lol. but you can bet if im using a controller im a slippery jerk that can sidestep, jump, and run for the hills without dying.  :evil6:  ...all while returning fire in sporatic bursts hoping for a kill.

now on pc im stealthy and can pick anyone off as long as i see a muzzle flash from lets say a sniper.

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lol i find it really funny that my hello message became a xbox 360 conversation. i'm glad i can bring people together even if it's not on purpose. i wish i could afford a 360 right now then maybe i could join you in the conversation. call of duty for life.

do you play on PC? i have all of the call of duty games for pc, including expansions. i can install them. i also have medal of honor airborne. let me know what games you play if you PC game and i'll hook up with ya ingame. then we can represent TMN and kick some ass!
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oh i don't think my pc could handle any of the new games. i used to play COD2  all the time during college - i must have missed a class or two because of it. too bad i don't have a copy anymore. it was fun though, college wouldn't have been the same.

NICE, i was a member of the clan Extreme Idiots. in cod 2. :P  havent been on in a while though, they might have forgotten about how i'd taunt them with some preset voice taunts we put in and then snipe them...or run away from them and drop a grenade and blow them up in pursuit.  :2funny:

but hey, if you got some old games let me know, i have a ton of older games that i want to play but no one is ever on that doesnt hack.  :shocked:

and by the way SHUG: ...i just now saw your post edit...yeah i love that song!

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