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i wouldnt do this unless i had to..but you wondered about your cpu still being cold...umm if your cpu gets hot without the heatsink on it then im almost guaranteeing you its good. but i wouldnt do that unless i had to...i'd be able to turn off the system very quickly.  :wink2:

Keeping in mind the CPU can fry in a matter of seconds w/o a heat sink and thermal compound.
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Keeping in mind the CPU can fry in a matter of seconds w/o a heat sink and thermal compound.

exactly. which is why i said not to do it unless you HAD to.  i dont want to send a money order to him for enough to buy a new cpu  :lol:


i switch my power supply, and now i can get to my bios screen.

now all i have to do is buy a new powersupply or try and fix the this one. i ripped the power supply out of my parents computer and plug it into my machine and it works. but its only 250 watt power supply, not enough for what i need.


http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817189005 here's a 500 watt...a little more amps per rail than the one you have.

or you could just buy a new one like you have, it seems like a nice one...myself im paranoid cause i bought a cheap 25 dollar power supply from Hipro...i've never heard of them..but for a few years it seems to be doing fine on daily usage at least 10 hours a day.

ill probaly find a cheap one somewhere.

but my brother has a old 250 watt one that hes not using, im wondering will that be enough to run my machine untill i can find a new one.

it will not be able to run my graphics card, but i don't really use it that much anyway.

ill probaly find a cheap one somewhere.

but my brother has a old 250 watt one that hes not using, im wondering will that be enough to run my machine untill i can find a new one.

it will not be able to run my graphics card, but i don't really use it that much anyway.

yeah that would work for a while. i wouldnt keep it in there though.  :wink2:

hopefully you are luckier than i am and have a computer shop somewhere closer than 40 miles away.  :wink:

yeah that would work for a while. i wouldnt keep it in there though.  :wink2:

hopefully you are luckier than i am and have a computer shop somewhere closer than 40 miles away. :wink:

im not that much luckier i have to drive around 30 miles to computer store.

are the power supplies repairable?

Power supplies are not usualy repairable, from my experience.

I would look a little closer than just wattage output, be sure the AMP rating on each rail is enough to power the hardware that you have in the box.

Here is one you might consider


i cant believe this shit!

i just finished installing the 250 watt power supply, and everything was running good. so i left it run for a little while maybe 15 minutes. and in that 15 minutes my power in my house suddenly shut off for a second. when i went to check my computer, i found it to be dead. This time there was a smell, like something fried in it. So all the work of removing my old PS and putting in the other PS was all for nothing.

now im wondering why this power outage would fry my PS.

im just pissed off at my computer. the past 2 days before all this trouble i was trying to get my computer to work with my PS3. i finally figured out the problem with it. Some of my files were incompatible with the PS3. that is why i was converting them, which caused my power supply problem. Now im hoping nothing else got fried this time.

this is wierd, when i plug in the (old)PS everything turns on. and the cpu fan runs for a little bit then stops

what shall i do next?

heres some other questions i would like answered:

Why did my first power supply fail?

Did it have something to do with my converting movies?

Did my old 250watt PS cause that power outage for the entire house or was it the power outage cause the PS to fry? and why?

i dont think you first power supply completely failed, i think it was just one rail. and it caused some problems getting power...i dont know about powersupply issues though so im just guessing, mudman will know most likely.

i doubt it had anything to do with converting movies, i think it was just that the powersupply decided it was time to go and your computer was just pulling power from it when it decided to stop.

and it may have been have you checked to see if it flipped a breaker? it may be that your system took more than what the powersupply could handle and it blew causing the house lights to flicker. its happened before.

mudman will clear up anything i got wrong as im hoping anyways.

I know that computer parts will eventually fail, but my PS was not even 2 years old. my parents have had computers that are close to 10 years and there PS is still running just fine. The most ironic thing is that my computer was the one that always worked, nothing was ever wrong with it.

If my PS just had a rail(i still not sure what that means) wrong with it than shouldn't i be able to fix that somehow. My brother an electrician and went to school for computer engineer or something like that. i'm going to give the PS to him and see if he can find out anything.

but in the end, I will probably have to buy a new PS. That should fix my problems.

Most BOIS have a voltage utility, if your able to get in there, look around and glance at where the voltages are. See what looks odd, say if there's heavy swings, or anything out of the ordinary. Other then that I think it's safe to say you'll need to install a power supply rated for the MB.

Lot's of people say you don't need a PS w/ that much more then 3-500 watts, I disagree. You buy the best one you can afford to buy, nothing less. The PS breaths life into every component in that machine, all the devices in there need specific voltages, some heavy, some very light ( to put it simple).  If the PS is crappy, and unstable, then so will the machine follow.  Get a good one, one that you can depend on to supply the correct currents as they were meant to be.

I know that computer parts will eventually fail, but my PS was not even 2 years old. my parents have had computers that are close to 10 years and there PS is still running just fine. The most ironic thing is that my computer was the one that always worked, nothing was ever wrong with it.

If my PS just had a rail(i still not sure what that means) wrong with it than shouldn't i be able to fix that somehow. My brother an electrician and went to school for computer engineer or something like that. i'm going to give the PS to him and see if he can find out anything.

but in the end, I will probably have to buy a new PS. That should fix my problems.

The most that's going to be able to be done w/ the PS ( unless he's familiar with changing resistors, and diodes, and capacitors ect. , is a fuse change, and thats's not your problem.

Your parents machine is older, and they weren't nearly as demanding on the PS as they are now, so naturally , it will last longer.

A "rail" is where the voltage runs through, when you hear two twelve volt rails, that means it has two separate 12 volt output ports. This is good for many things today when you have several hard drives in there, so the power is more evenly dispersed, and the demand in not  put on just one area, therefore your not stressing the PS. Some have three, of four rails, or output ports. Unless your running raid on several HDD's then you don't need that.

Just size up your system, depending on how many drives you have, and if your video card needs power, then you can determine what you need, and get a little more. They have very efficient ones , called "HE

" high efficiency, they will lower the power consumption when the demand isn't there,  in return, the thing lasts longer, and the electric bill shows, ( to some extent anyway)

i guess ill start asking for suggestions on PS

i would prefer under $50.

I would find out how many hard drives I have, what type of connection the video card takes, and other things like this, you get the idea. I think Ryan will be a good one for that, he's up on it .

ok so your harddrive is sata but your dvd drive is ata 100. i can look for one of those...just a moment

ok sorry if i missed this but what video card do you have again? i seem to remember a ATI i just dont remember the model



here are two to look at. and im wondering why your fans are plugged into the powersupply...i would see if you could plug them into your motherboard. most boards have spaces for system and case fans...if not then those powersupply should still work no problem

ok so your harddrive is sata but your dvd drive is ata 100. i can look for one of those...just a moment

ok sorry if i missed this but what video card do you have again? i seem to remember a ATI i just dont remember the model


ati radean hd 3850

the fans do plug into my PS

here is what i have






yeah the more expensive of the two powersupplies i just have posted should run those fine. the least expensive will also, but i'd trust putting that extra few dollars out for a higher power and according to the specs your graphisc card needs a big power supply, so i'd go with this one if not i'd even go for a little higher power. but if you can open your budget just a little bit more, even 25 dollars more you can get a much more powerful PSU. but i think the one im linking to should work just fine


edit. i know this is way out of your budget (mine as well) but WOW!  http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817189015

there is also a 1000 Watt version as well...who needs that for a home computer!

I k now it's off what were tryin to do, but man, that's a nice hard drive !!!!

EDIT, damn, the whole thing is awesome !!!!!  :grin2: Dude, get a decent power supply, it's the life blood of all that stuff  :grin2:

definately, i was like OMG send that to me and i'll give him my western digital 7200rpm 120gb drive  :haha:

edit, if you want me to look for a different model or anything just post back, i'd be happy to help as much as possible.

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