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I had an issue with my EMTA and the tech on the phone said I should change it. SO I had to wait for a tech to come out to the house because they don't stock those at the store. I get the bad one disconnected and ready for the tech so i could change it out fast and he had all kindsa Ideas of what could be the problem. he said it could be my router or because I am using wireless. I told hime I already connected straight through the EMTA and it was the issue my upload speed ent from 3MBps to .3 about a month ago then he said it was my splitter it could be the problem even though I had no download speed issue or phone issue only upload speed when we finally get done and I get the new EMTA all is good. Then he has me go to speedtest at comcast .net and of course it says I am getting 20 download and 9 upload but when i check on testmy.net I am at 12 download and 6 upload which is what i was at before my EMTA went caput. I just thought that was funny all the things he tried to blame it on and then how he made me think i was getting a faster speed than I actually get. I figure what about all the people that know nothing about the computers and stuff they are really blowing smoke up their butts about stuff.

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That's all those techs ever do is lie. I've had appointments and had nobody show up. I wouldn't even get a phone call either to let me know they cancel or postpone the appointment. Whether I deal with a Comcast tech over the phone, or a tech in my house...they always lie. I've been promised things over the phone, only to be let down. They'll tell you that an alteration to a service bundle won't cause a penalty charge to your account...Then you'll get the bill and see a penalty charge. Even though they promise to wave the fee, or say there will be no fee. I love the actual service itself, however I don't like their customer service one bit. The techs are hit and miss, either they're good to me or they're complete trash. I'm basing all this on my own experiences with them in my area. -Nick

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Ya I also found out that that great price lock they have is only for new costumers or people who don't have all three services. I really like my internet its better than any other provider in my area. I have had some horendous storys with MCI,Qwest and verizon says they dont cover my area. I am thinking about dropping my tv service and looking into the Direct TV or Dish I had Direct TV in 97 through 2001 and I loved it. Its just to bad that after 2 solid years of this package and not missing a payment I cannot get some kinda discount. My package went from 109 a month to 150 and they say their is nothing they can do to hook me up with some discount.I even had to drop my Starz because it made it almost 170 a month. If i wasn't so dependant on the internet I would drop the whole thing for a month then re install and get the deal but with my schooling and stuff I cannot do that. I am looking into  other options so when I go back in I will have some bargaining room so maybe they will work with me if I have a option to cancel some of my subscription service.I figure they would want to keep me at a lower rate then loose me all together.

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