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i tried getting it apart but got stuck on the back end thing would not come apart grr. i can shine a lite in there and no dust or anything. took can of air and blew in there not much of anything came out.

So you can't get the case open ?

Well just blowing air into the case through a hole isn't going to do a thing. You need to get that case open, some of them can be tricky, just work with it, you'll get it.

You need to blow the crap out of the fins in the CPU heat sink , I'm taking a good stab at the fact that it's so packed because chances are, it's never been opened, like most .

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Here's a perfect example of what causes heat issues within laptops. This is a Dell inspiron D810 blah blah whatever. They had the machine plugged in, and charging , while on the CARPET  :roll: , they crashed out for the night and left it to roast there, since the cool air intakes are on the bottom of the case, you guessed it. And the pic shows just how bad they can get. So when you spray air into the outlets, all your doing is pushing that junk back into the machine, not only to be charged somewhat statically, but to be later slurped back into the heatpipe radiator.

Small pic, i forgot to set the camera bigger, and I already used the mini vac to get rid of the stuff.  Press cntrl , and scroll wheel to get a bit closer


edit~ if anyone says "look, he's got the thing setting on the cpu omg " well, thats the old one  :haha:

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the heatsink was clean as all ever somehow.... these people keep a very clean home. was some dust in the fan but not much. As for the thermal paste. Stuff on there was hard as a rock and not covering good. Came off way faster then other machines i have done and came off in clumps with no leftovers lol.

The machine currently is doing the same thing i was talking about before when i changed the ram and its not posting when i magically get it to work as in the other 4 times i will repost on results.

Had some OCZ freeze compound i am sure its better then the junk they had in there before.

If this does not work i think its a chipset in the machine and think this strongly.

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Had a P4 machine do the same thing except i could stick my hands in the case. The chipset was getting way way too hott and it would freeze up the screen. This since the monitor wont kick on sometimes would be caused by the graphics chipset (maybe could be many things) Also ruling out ram and power supply helps narrow it down.

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anyone know if the toggle to use an external monitor for this machine IS KEYS FN + F4

Also assume that the 2 power supplys is causing problems if i was to use a voltage meter on it would the possitive go on the inside and the negative on the outside? I dont want to burn the psu on something thats not mine.

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Might be the PS.

W/O me reading this whole thread again, lol, Iv'e had my hands in too many different things in the last 24 hours, some things got shoved outta my memory,  so it freezes up with, or without  the hard drive in it, it freezes if you try to boot to a cd, you cant boot to anything whatso ever. You cant get into safe mode, all of this, right ?

If this is the case, then I'm going to say the CPU crapped itself.

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Yes it pretty much freezes on anything that is done.

booting from xp or vista cd - freeze

bios left on too long - freeze

booting from ultimate boot disc - works longer will boot but ends up freeze buys it maybe a few more minutes

but as of now

Is not even showing picture on screen

The lite comes on and goes back off like it is having a power issue. So maybe i have 2 bad psu sitting here.

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i am trying to use a secondary monitor but i cant seem to get fn + f4 to work am i doing this correct?

machine also powers on i feel fan and hdd moving softly. 1 lite comes on. should be 1 lite then a flash of about 4 lites. The 1 lite that stays on decides to turn off after about 1 min and the pc still has power fan is still going and usb if i put something in it lites up. Motherboard tester still not picking up a code.

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I can't seem to find anything on the keys to make this happen, where did you find out that it was the f4 key ?

edit, I found this...................

          Fn + F3, Fn + F5, Fn + F8, or Fn + F9 is pressed to switch between alternate displays. So if your laptop was Fn + F3, pressing and holding both Fn and F3 at the same time would switch between displays.

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Well i couldn't get any combo of those to work but i did get it to work on another laptop. I even took the monitors off both of them and tried it. Without the attached monitor connected the 2nd laptop pushed the screen instantly to the 2nd monitor. But screen vanished and i used an fn +f? (cant remember) and it showed up and worked fine. tried that same psu in the laptop in question and still wont post. Thing just getting worse and worse it seems like maybe its day is done :(

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Well if it is a gonner, you cant say you didn't put an effort forth.

Here's a motherboard for it. But no CPU included, so if in fact that is the bad part .......

Here's the CPU.

OR....... maybe those above aren't such a great idea, because chec this out.

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