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After running windows 7 and even dual booting with xp I still find Xp faster. I have windows 7 tweaked pretty well. Now windows 7 does seem faster on the net for browsing. Depending how many "Fixes" Microsoft comes out with It and how it affects O.S.  would not surprise me to see the masses back to Xp.

What do you guys and gals think??

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I think XP will end up old school and pass on. And according to you there is not much difference anyway, and I am  sure all new apps will go that way so there will be little choice in the end.  [nerdly]

Of course  still feel Vista was a puke job for others to have had to pay for. I still feel we should be able to upgrade to "7" for free.  :tickedoff:

dude my bro and i went to a pawn shop that just opened the place is like a damn Walmart and we bought an acer aspire 5610z 5 from 2007 it had a 1.60Ghz Intel Pentium dual core and 1gb of ram it said it came with windows vista but what do you know we booted it up and found windows 7 home premium not beta. We bought the computer at a price of $265 and by our surprise it was crazy fast.

weird thing is windows 7 full version arrived the day before :shocked: :shocked: :shocked:.

I will keep Xp on the slave just in case. Really working with windows 7 to see what I can do. Think I have it tweaked as I am gonna. Be careful tweaking this thing. To much and it gets Slow. In short. Leave the services alone. Bad Idea!!

Found a work around for a few problems. I had Icon Issues. Thats all better now. Got it to shutdown being slow fixed, Added I think its called Verbose or something like that. Shows in text  whats shutting down and starting up. Nice for trouble shooting. So I got a nice jump on what some of problems are and the work around to fix it. The slow shutdown and Icon issues drove me crazy. Will keep a clean updated copy back up. When time allows tear into windows 7 just like I did with Xp. Find all the "O crap time to reload" buttons. Who knows maybe we can get a sticky to post some tips and tricks as we learn them?

I am definately due for a clean good all fashion wipe everything off my hardrive day.Although I dont want to lose all my music.  So i may consider upgrading and as a student i can get it for 30 bux or free on piratebay. :evil6:

Back up what you can!!  Install creator works nice for that kind of stuff. Once you have windows 7 loaded give this a shot. May save you some time.  http://ninite.com/

I will keep Xp on the slave just in case. Really working with windows 7 to see what I can do. Think I have it tweaked as I am gonna. Be careful tweaking this thing. To much and it gets Slow. In short. Leave the services alone. Bad Idea!!

You mean shutting down unneccessary sevices? So its different than Vista after all.

Find all the "O crap time to reload" buttons. Who knows maybe we can get a sticky to post some tips and tricks as we learn them?

I'd talk to any mod on that one. Now would be a great time to start that one. But make 'sure' it works first. Hate to hear "well that was a load of crap" stuff.  :wink:

I am definately due for a clean good all fashion wipe everything off my hardrive day.Although I dont want to lose all my music.  So i may consider upgrading and as a student i can get it for 30 bux or free on piratebay. :evil6:

I get it for free since I am a CIS major  :lol:. I get free access to MSDNAA, which has Windows 7 Pro free of charge.  :grin2:

Back up what you can!!  Install creator works nice for that kind of stuff. Once you have windows 7 loaded give this a shot. May save you some time.  http://ninite.com/

If only I knew about this whenever I went to Windows 7! I had to reinstall everything because you can't upgrade from Vista Home Premium to 7 Pro.(I was probably better off doing a clean install anyway though)

A friend and I were talking about Windows 7 release. We both kinda wonder if Microsoft is not making there releases with a small glitch so it can be shared. If your harrrrrrrrr friend who you think is just a geek has it loves it uses it, then they may run out and buy a copy. I do own a legit key, all my geeky friends fell down and about kicked me out of the "we have no life" club. But yea, Its a nice release, The more the people buy, the more money they have to put into the next release.

just as a note, i have been playing with windows 7 also, and to create a backup i used a spare hard drive and used a program called "Drive image XML"  its freeware and it made a full drive to drive backup for me. so if something happens i can pop in the other hard drive and carry on :wink:

definately, you can even compress a backup of your drive to a dvd..but to do the good compression i cancelled because it kept going from 14 to 21 hours left...i was like...ehhh no.....but the drive to drive backup was about 25 minutes long...and i backed up 28.8gb of used space on my harddrive to a 40gb laptop drive (since im on my new laptop) and it works great, i already tried it.

I will say the switch from xp to windows 7 has really taught me allot. I have always been a backup everything kinda guy. Found a program that backs up the browsers. http://www.favbrowser.com/backup/  its free and the program is called fav backup. Odd thing with opera is when you back it up or restore make sure at the bottom you pick opera as the profile, It offers just the keyboard settings and others.

As with any backup I always always say TEST IT first. Example with opera. I backed it up with the program. I then Found the location of it. Backed that up to a folder on the desktop. Deleted operas profile folder. Opend opera made sure it was gone. Ran the Program to restore it and all is well.

A silly program I loved called winroll just does not work well on WIndows 7 I did find this I use all the time. http://www.hyperionics.com/files/index.asp I use it for the roll the window out of the way. Sometimes I use the pin to keep the window on top.

Just never forget. Keep your important stuff burned to disk just in case.

Oh If your looking for some new wallpaper I found this site I really like it.  http://wall.alphacoders.com/

Back with a bit more info. Tweaking the settings for surfing simply a BAD idea. HA. Tried a few. Made it slower. Its looking more and more like Microsoft has learned to put out a O.S. you don't have to tweak to make it better. So far I have found Windows 7 is already tweaked to the max for surfing. Its kinda nice. I have a pretty decent puter so Tweaking the services seems pointless. Think the only tweak I found is the Shut down tweak does help some. But even then think i am gonna try the default and see if it does not fix a small bug with the icons being so slow to load.

I'm just a dumb ole country boy that don't know diddly form squat but personally I hate windows, I've used win3.1, win95, win98 and winxp. I think win 3.1 was the best but today's standards you can not run 3.1. Win 95,98 not bad xp is so-so. I use Firefox and I love it. It is much faster and less problems.

Bill Gates put so much unneeded stuff on his widows it is ridiculous. Who ever comes out with system that is perfect w/out flaws is going to make money, ( wish it was me)  :haha:

Bill Gates put so much unneeded stuff on his widows it is ridiculous. Who ever comes out with system that is perfect w/out flaws is going to make money, ( wish it was me)  :haha:

Try a calculator. They don't crash very often and have very few security vulnerabilities.

Oh, wait,you wanted features?

Seriously, W7 is probably less bloated than both XP and Vista, it doesn't come standard with Windows Movie Maker, an E-mail client, MSN Messenger or office. Some are already saying that it doesn't come with enough extras. Personally, I love W7 and am looking for student discounts for the full version, since I have never made the move to vista really so I can't use the upgrade version.

I just got the windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit  'Microsoft' version installed on one of my new machines today.

Quite nice. Other than a strange crash of my BIOS and needing to pull the battery to reset it, but......... The Windows updates are a tricky thing at the moment. At least I think that was a part reason. Even though it should not affect the bios.  :undecided:

But for those poor people out there who got a OEM version from some Computer company. My Condolences.  :sad3:

All that bloat of crapware.

My XP is almost retired. 8 or so years of dependable service.  Vista was never a choice, even though the kids computer has Vista on it. Soon to be fixed.  :smile2:

1 thing I know is windows 7 is slower for fast internet connections and to far away websites I get slow sleeds but to the same website with XP I get way faster results using cablenut and win 7's auto tuning sucks. The download is fine its just slow upload with and I dont know how to tweak that on win 7. any ideas ?

1 thing I know is windows 7 is slower for fast internet connections and to far away websites I get slow sleeds but to the same website with XP I get way faster results using cablenut and win 7's auto tuning sucks. The download is fine its just slow upload with and I dont know how to tweak that on win 7. any ideas ?

I've been monkeying with my NIC just now. I turned up the receive buffer to 64(from 16) and I also turned it to 100 full duplex(or 10 depending on connection speed), instead of the default 'automatic'.

It has caused my download speed to be more stable in a higher range. Otherwise my speed showed a bit slow that it should be.

the transmit buffer is good at 256.

Still needs some more tweaking.........

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