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Sounds Don't Work?!...

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if he isnt getting sound it seems like he doesnt have the driver installed correctly, or the wrong driver....i agree with tommie, get rid of the sound driver you have now and reboot.

...is it integrated sound (plug ins for speakers on the motherboard) or is it a sound card that you have....because if you give us that info we can find the drivers you need

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Go into control panel under sounds  , if the device is installed, then you should be able to chose it as the sound device, then click the  "sound" tab that you should see, there's a drop down box there for a "sound scheme " , chose "windows default " . then apply .

Many times hen you do a fresh install, for some reason , this isn't set.

If the device isn't there, then goto control panel, add new hardware, click yes when asked if you have already installed the device, then update driver automatically.

If this doesn't work then you may have to locate the correct device driver. You can download a free tool that will scan your system to find out the devices. Called Everest , look for the system devices , you should see the device, and many times there is a link to the manufacturers site, where you can download the correct driver.

Save it to a known location, then install on "C:/ " , if you are asked to create a new folder , say yes.

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