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Sounds like your speaking from experience there shug.    :lol:

its true bro....if its below say...10 bucks, you are a cheap lazy idiot...if its about say 50 then according to them you wasted money and therefore are an idiot for not buying a real gift even though ever 5 seconds you receive a hint on a new gift she wants...so...its a hope and pray situation.  :roll:[nerdly]:shocked:

Depends on the amount.

In my experience actually giving something thats not a gift card no matter what the amount works out better.

If I thought I a $500 gift card to Louis Vuitton, Victoria Secret, Brighton, Coach etc. etc. would have worked out better I probably would have done it, and saved a ton of time and effort in the process.

In my experience actually giving something thats not a gift card no matter what the amount works out better.

If I thought I a $500 gift card to Louis Vuitton, Victoria Secret, Brighton, Coach etc. etc. would have worked out better I probably would have done it, and saved a ton of time and effort in the process.


Sounds like your speaking from experience there shug.    :lol:

Not really, Im just thinking if someone gave me a 10 dollar gift card Id be like WTF??? 5,000 dollar gift card. SHIT YEA! TALL CANDY!

Not really, Im just thinking if someone gave me a 10 dollar gift card Id be like WTF??? 5,000 dollar gift card. SHIT YEA! TALL CANDY!

Your not a women tho (At least I think not.) Its different for a guy. If someone gave me a $5000 gift card, Id be excited too. Depending on the store.

If it was a $5000 gift card to say Yankee Candle, I'd probably be pissed off.

Your not a women tho (At least I think not.) Its different for a guy. If someone gave me a $5000 gift card, Id be excited too. Depending on the store.

If it was a $5000 gift card to say Yankee Candle, I'd probably be pissed off.

Could always try and ebay it  :haha:

Oh so I can pay a eBay and Paypal fee? By the time I'm done my S#!tty Yankee Candle gift card will net me probably $2000. And who the hell needs a $5000 gift card to a F#@&ing candle store  :haha:

True. You never know some of these people lol

Your not a women tho (At least I think not.) Its different for a guy. If someone gave me a $5000 gift card, Id be excited too. Depending on the store.

If it was a $5000 gift card to say Yankee Candle, I'd probably be pissed off.

:evil6: :evil6:

Well I went. Was not to bad. Went early in the am. Place was quiet. I got her a Digital Camera. Holy CRAP there were Tons to pick from. Nice lady helped me out. Paid 100 bucks for a 12 megapixle. I figured she don't like it buy something else. Did not go the cheapest or the most expensive. 


Well I went. Was not to bad. Went early in the am. Place was quiet. I got her a Digital Camera. Holy CRAP there were Tons to pick from. Nice lady helped me out. Paid 100 bucks for a 12 megapixle. I figured she don't like it buy something else. Did not go the cheapest or the most expensive.

Its amazing how much camera $100 will buy these days.

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