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I have noticed that there are a lot of programs that profess to speedup your internet performance.  I have read that many do not improve on performance. 

I am wondering if there are any programs that will actually work to speed up dialup internet ie downloading and webpages.  I am open to both free and paid programs if they actually work.

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Here bud, try this out ok.

Reviewed by:

CNET Staff

Slow-connection users often switch off images to speed up page download, but that can mean surfing without navigation. Miliki Dial-Up Accelerator claims to find a compromise, stripping out a predetermined amount of colors and pixels to reduce image size. You can easily turn acceleration on or off from an Internet Explorer panel. A sample picture shows the effects of the four degrees of quality/speed trade-off. Miliki can be used with your browser and with mail clients. In our testing, the reduction made files 1.5 to 2 times smaller. Note that the maximum acceleration setting blurs images considerably, and that surfing speed depends on more factors than image compression. Although the tool is effective, it would be more so if it tweaked other Internet settings.

The link is >>>HERE<<<

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If your getting 56k, thats pretty much it. Unless you get closer to the telco. ROM-DOS was real close and get unusually high speeds by dial up. Like less than a block. And everyone was so curious why he got such great speeds.

Have you  tried cablenut or TCP Optimizer?

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  • 6 months later...

Hi Coknuck,

You served really well here and you really solved the problem. Sometime, I got the problem with the speed of internet and then I have to repair it again, but it is still not worth. But, I will work on your suggestion and get facilitated. I mean, in future, whenever I will face any problem with the internet connection, I will approach you.


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