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FIBER OPTICS is the technology of using bursts of light as a medium of transfering data compared to packets being used in home networks or pulses of eletricty being used in phone lines.

"The technology in which communication signals in the form of modulated light beams are transmitted over a glass fiber transmission medium. Fiber optic technology offers high bandwidth, small space needs and protection from electromagnetic interference, eavesdropping and radioactivity."

There is a lot of science and math in the use of fiber opticts,  I'll try to talk plainly.

OC3 (Optical Carrier Level 3, fiber optic, 2016 Voice Circuits at 155.520Mbps

OC12  ".................................................................................." at 622.080Mbps

OC-48 ".................................................................................." at  (2.488Gbps).

These are used in business aplications but,

The largest fiber optics are only used to bridge the flow of data across contenents or oceans as below:



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;) And it has been around a long time only not used this way. The first time I worked with FO was in 1970 it was being used in a machine that I was helping to build . The machine was used to make the photos used for print media for newspapers.... :)

8) Microwave

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