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Before I was able to get my advertised speed on this site. (23Mbps/5Mbps) but now Im getting only getting this kind of speed (only on this site)



on other speed test site I get this



When Im downloading a game from Steam I get my full speed of 2.8MB/s and when I speed in torrents I get 700KB/s upload. So I know that my speeds are correct but the test results for testmynet is off by a lot.

Here is my speed test back in Jan 2010


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Here's an update. I contacted my host about the issue and they responded with the following...


Our investigation shows no issue within our network. We used your site to test the speeds, and they show to be accurate.


62765 Kbps or 62.8 Mbps (7662 kB/s)


44118 Kbps or 44.1 Mbps (5385 kB/s)

The issue seems to be outside of our network. To determine where the issue is taking place, please provide several trace routes from customer having the issue. Also, please provide a trace route from a customer that is NOT having an issue, so we can determine if they are taking a different route into our network. We will await your response.

Thank you for choosing The Planet!

Julio G.

Technician, Network Operations Center

There still may be a bottleneck in one of the peering connections along your route but I need a traceroute to give to my host so we can hunt the problem down.

FYI: I should have at least two more servers by the end of the year. An addition of an East coast and West coast server will give our users more options in cases like yours. We used to offer mirrors but stopped the practice years ago because it was impossible for me to maintain quality control over donated mirrors. I like my test servers to be dedicated to the tests and nothing else.

As long as the problem is something within my control or my hosts control I'll see to it that it gets resolved. But if it's one of Comcast's hops then there isn't anything I can do.

If you need information on how to run a traceroute see this post >> ---- Thank you for your input, I take things like this very seriously.


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Tracing route to testmy.net []

over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms

  2     *        *        *     Request timed out.

  3     6 ms     6 ms     7 ms  ge-3-7-ur01.shelton.ct.hartford.comcast.net [68.


  4     7 ms     7 ms     5 ms  te-9-1-ur01.seymour.ct.hartford.comcast.net [68.


  5     7 ms     7 ms     7 ms  te-9-2-ur02.waterbury.ct.hartford.comcast.net [6]

  6    12 ms    12 ms    11 ms  be-53-ar01.chartford.ct.hartford.comcast.net [68


  7    15 ms    15 ms    15 ms  pos-1-4-0-0-ar01.needham.ma.boston.comcast.net []

  8    22 ms    32 ms    21 ms  pos-2-2-0-0-cr01.newyork.ny.ibone.comcast.net [6]

  9    28 ms    28 ms    28 ms  pos-0-11-0-0-cr01.ashburn.va.ibone.comcast.net []

 10    55 ms    56 ms    55 ms  pos-1-3-0-0-cr01.atlanta.ga.ibone.comcast.net [6]

 11    82 ms    86 ms    78 ms  pos-1-15-0-0-cr01.dallas.tx.ibone.comcast.net [6]

 12    77 ms    78 ms    77 ms  pos-0-1-0-0-pe01.1950stemmons.tx.ibone.comcast.n

et []

 13    75 ms    75 ms    76 ms  theplanet-cr01.dallas.tx.ibone.comcast.net [75.1


 14    76 ms    75 ms    83 ms  te9-1.dsr01.dllstx3.theplanet.com []

 15     *        *        *     Request timed out.

 16    76 ms    77 ms    75 ms  a.ff.5746.static.theplanet.com []

 17    76 ms    78 ms    77 ms  8c.bb.78ae.static.theplanet.com [


Trace complete.

I think I have found out why it was off. I removed a switch out of my network and ever since I did that my test speeds are back to normal. I guess the switch was bad or causing additional lag. Thanks for your help


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Nice man... you had me all worried :D

The problem came back. (Test taken at 2:30pm)


Here is my traceroute.

C:\Users\NaRu>tracert testmy.net

Tracing route to testmy.net []

over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms

  2     *        *        *     Request timed out.

  3     7 ms     5 ms     5 ms  ge-3-7-ur01.shelton.ct.hartford.comcast.net [68.


  4     7 ms     7 ms     7 ms  te-9-1-ur01.seymour.ct.hartford.comcast.net [68.


  5     8 ms     8 ms     7 ms  te-9-2-ur02.waterbury.ct.hartford.comcast.net [6]

  6    11 ms    11 ms    11 ms  be-53-ar01.chartford.ct.hartford.comcast.net [68


  7    27 ms    24 ms    24 ms  pos-1-4-0-0-ar01.needham.ma.boston.comcast.net []

  8    45 ms    22 ms    21 ms  pos-2-2-0-0-cr01.newyork.ny.ibone.comcast.net [6]

  9    31 ms    27 ms    32 ms  pos-0-11-0-0-cr01.ashburn.va.ibone.comcast.net []

 10    54 ms    55 ms    59 ms  pos-1-3-0-0-cr01.atlanta.ga.ibone.comcast.net [6]

 11    77 ms    76 ms    77 ms  pos-1-15-0-0-cr01.dallas.tx.ibone.comcast.net [6]

 12    78 ms    77 ms    78 ms  pos-0-1-0-0-pe01.1950stemmons.tx.ibone.comcast.n

et []

 13    75 ms    75 ms    75 ms  theplanet-cr01.dallas.tx.ibone.comcast.net [75.1


 14    86 ms    98 ms    75 ms  te9-1.dsr01.dllstx3.theplanet.com []

 15     *        *        *     Request timed out.

 16    76 ms    75 ms    75 ms  a.ff.5746.static.theplanet.com []

 17    78 ms    78 ms    77 ms  8c.bb.78ae.static.theplanet.com [


Trace complete.

The problem could be my router. What Im going to do is remove my router out of the network and just plug myself directly into the modem. This way we can eliminate my local network.

I was getting this as of a result before the problem came back.



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Letting you know its off for me aswell. This is what I get on a 24 MB connection

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Download Connection is:: 15837 Kbps about 15.8 Mbps (tested with 25598 kB)

Download Speed is:: 1933 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Houston, TX USA)

Test Time:: 2010-09-02 20:18:49 GMT

Bottom Line:: 276X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 0.53 sec

Tested from a 25598 kB file and took 13.241 seconds to complete

Download Diagnosis:: Seriously? Are you kidding me?: You are running at 404% of your hosts average (sbcglobal.net)

D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/db/DW9ZLTBV5&

User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_4; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.8 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.1 Safari/533.17.8 [!]

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Download Connection is:: 15170 Kbps about 15.2 Mbps (tested with 25598 kB)

Download Speed is:: 1852 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Houston, TX USA)

Test Time:: 2010-09-02 20:20:14 GMT

Bottom Line:: 265X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 0.55 sec

Tested from a 25598 kB file and took 13.823 seconds to complete

Download Diagnosis:: Seriously? Are you kidding me?: You are running at 387% of your hosts average (sbcglobal.net)

D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/db/UV08YAK9W&

User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_4; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.8 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.1 Safari/533.17.8 [!]

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Download Connection is:: 12918 Kbps about 12.9 Mbps (tested with 25598 kB)

Download Speed is:: 1577 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Houston, TX USA)

Test Time:: 2010-09-02 20:20:37 GMT

Bottom Line:: 225X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 0.65 sec

Tested from a 25598 kB file and took 16.233 seconds to complete

Download Diagnosis:: Seriously? Are you kidding me?: You are running at 330% of your hosts average (sbcglobal.net)

D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/db/ZTXBKIA7Q&

User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_4; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.8 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.1 Safari/533.17.8 [!]

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Download Connection is:: 12510 Kbps about 12.5 Mbps (tested with 25598 kB)

Download Speed is:: 1527 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Houston, TX USA)

Test Time:: 2010-09-02 20:21:01 GMT

Bottom Line:: 218X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 0.67 sec

Tested from a 25598 kB file and took 16.762 seconds to complete

Download Diagnosis:: Seriously? Are you kidding me?: You are running at 319% of your hosts average (sbcglobal.net)

D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/db/8ZJ2MPH04&

User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_4; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.8 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.1 Safari/533.17.8 [!]

Normal should be around 22 - 22.5 Mbps

traceroute to testmy.net (, 64 hops max, 52 byte packets

 1  home (  1.315 ms  0.926 ms  0.919 ms

 2  99-10-196-3.lightspeed.wepbfl.sbcglobal.net (  21.708 ms  20.442 ms  20.314 ms

 3  * * *

 4  * * *

 5 (  26.672 ms  22.596 ms  21.896 ms

 6 (  22.232 ms  22.994 ms  22.702 ms

 7 (  23.745 ms  23.620 ms  23.925 ms

 8 (  25.791 ms  24.615 ms  23.537 ms

 9 (  22.903 ms  25.656 ms  23.965 ms

10 (  29.027 ms  112.649 ms  54.772 ms

11  cr81.fldfl.ip.att.net (  42.908 ms  42.748 ms  41.413 ms

12  cr2.ormfl.ip.att.net (  42.090 ms  42.186 ms  42.939 ms

13  cr1.attga.ip.att.net (  42.691 ms  42.081 ms  42.635 ms

14  attga01jt.ip.att.net (  41.033 ms  40.574 ms  40.734 ms

15  te3-4-10g.ar2.atl2.gblx.net (  68.732 ms (  69.180 ms (  69.109 ms

16  the-planet.tengigabitethernet2-3.ar2.hou1.gblx.net (  53.160 ms  64.266 ms  52.460 ms

17  et5-4.ibr03.dllstx3.theplanet.com (  60.694 ms  63.554 ms  61.440 ms

18  te3-5.dsr02.dllstx3.theplanet.com (  90.133 ms

    1e.ff.5746.static.theplanet.com (  61.630 ms

    te3-5.dsr01.dllstx3.theplanet.com (  61.318 ms

19  6a.ff.5746.static.theplanet.com (  60.859 ms  60.659 ms *

20  e.ff.5746.static.theplanet.com (  61.986 ms  61.657 ms

    a.ff.5746.static.theplanet.com (  62.045 ms

21  8c.bb.78ae.static.theplanet.com (  61.602 ms  61.654 ms  62.589 ms

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I am down too. Normally I am at 16000 Kbps on download speed. My speed been showing around 7000 Kbps for the last couple of weeks. Right now it is at 4101 Kbps, but is 5:30 pm. Comcast always sucks at this time of the day.

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Download Connection is:: 4101 Kbps about 4.1 Mbps (tested with 4096 kB)

Download Speed is:: 501 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Houston, TX USA)

Test Time:: 2010-09-02 21:27:12 GMT

Bottom Line:: 72X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 2.04 sec

Tested from a 4096 kB file and took 8.182 seconds to complete

Download Diagnosis:: May need help : You are only running at 57% of your hosts average (comcast.net)

D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/db/74XQ2103A&

User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100722 Firefox/3.6.8

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7600]

Copyright © 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Users\Buntz>tracert testmy.net

Tracing route to testmy.net []

over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 1 ms <1 ms <1 ms DD-WRT []

2 10 ms 7 ms 8 ms

3 8 ms 7 ms 6 ms

4 7 ms 9 ms 10 ms

5 8 ms 9 ms 8 ms

6 87 ms 19 ms 8 ms po-10-ur01.audubon.nj.panjde.comcast.net [68.86.


7 9 ms 9 ms 9 ms

8 12 ms 11 ms 12 ms be-10-crs01.audubon.nj.panjde.comcast.net [68.86


9 13 ms 13 ms 11 ms pos-0-12-0-0-ar01.plainfield.nj.panjde.comcast.n

et []

10 14 ms 15 ms 13 ms pos-0-7-0-0-cr01.newyork.ny.ibone.comcast.net [6]

11 20 ms 23 ms 18 ms pos-0-12-0-0-cr01.ashburn.va.ibone.comcast.net []

12 35 ms 36 ms 35 ms pos-1-6-0-0-cr01.atlanta.ga.ibone.comcast.net [6]

13 57 ms 57 ms 57 ms pos-1-14-0-0-cr01.dallas.tx.ibone.comcast.net [6]

14 56 ms 57 ms 57 ms pos-0-3-0-0-pe01.1950stemmons.tx.ibone.comcast.n

et []

15 71 ms 57 ms 57 ms theplanet-cr01.dallas.tx.ibone.comcast.net [75.1


16 57 ms 56 ms 55 ms te7-1.dsr02.dllstx3.theplanet.com []

17 * * * Request timed out.

18 56 ms 61 ms 56 ms e.ff.5746.static.theplanet.com []

19 57 ms 55 ms 58 ms 8c.bb.78ae.static.theplanet.com [


Trace complete.

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Thanks Buntz, I've forwarded your info to my host as well...

Here's a quote from their most recent response regarding this

Hello Damon,

We have done a few MTRs and found no packet loss issue.

My traceroute [v0.71]

ux-planetshell01.dllstx2.inside.theplanet.com ( Sep 2 15:29:35 2010

Keys: Help Display mode Restart statistics Order of fields quit

Packets Pings

Host Loss% Last Avg Best Wrst StDev

1. 0.0% 0.3 0.3 0.3 2.4 0.2

2. dsr01.dllstx2.theplanet.com 0.0% 0.5 3.5 0.4 199.9 20.5

3. e.ff.5746.static.theplanet.com 0.0% 0.6 3.8 0.5 308.5 24.6

4. 8c.bb.78ae.static.theplanet.com 0.0% 0.4 0.3 0.2 1.5 0.1 -


My traceroute [v0.71]

ux-planetshell01.dllstx2.inside.theplanet.com ( Sep 2 15:20:16 2010

Keys: Help Display mode Restart statistics Order of fields quit

Packets Pings

Host Loss% Last Avg Best Wrst StDev

1. 0.0% 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.9 0.1

2. dsr01.dllstx2.theplanet.com 0.0% 0.5 3.8 0.4 190.9 19.0

3. 85.ff.5746.static.theplanet.com 0.0% 0.7 4.0 0.7 171.2 18.4

4. et3-2.ibr04.dllstx3.theplanet.com 0.0% 0.6 0.7 0.5 5.5 0.4

5. DLLSTX97HBZJC01-GE0-0-0-0.mcleodusa.net 0.0% 0.9 1.0 0.7 2.0 0.2

6. DLLSTXHMH04JC04-XE1-0-0.paetec.net 0.0% 1.1 1.3 1.0 3.6 0.3

7. so-4-1-0.STLSMOGZH00JC03.paetec.net 0.0% 17.6 17.7 17.4 22.7 0.5

8. STLSMOGZH00JC02-GE3-0-0-0.mcleodusa.net 0.0% 17.7 17.8 17.5 29.0 0.7

9. DVNPIAEQH00JP01-SO1-1-0-0.mcleodusa.net 0.0% 24.0 27.5 23.7 99.8 10.7

10. CDRRIA10H00JP02-SO1-0-0-0.mcleodusa.net 0.0% 25.1 25.2 24.9 26.4 0.2

11. 64-199-239-35.ip.mcleodusa.net 0.0% 25.5 33.9 25.0 140.1 20.2

12. 64-198-91-123.ip.mcleodusa.net 0.0% 25.7 26.0 25.5 28.4 0.4

13. 0.0% 26.2 26.2 25.6 30.9 0.5

14. 0.0% 27.0 26.4 25.6 49.7 1.5

15. [HIDDEN FOR USER PRIVACY].cpe.imoncommunications. 0.0% 26.4 26.3 25.7 30.4 0.5

16. [HIDDEN FOR USER PRIVACY].cpe.imoncommunications. 0.0% 33.0 34.1 31.9 52.4 2.0


My traceroute [v0.71]

ux-planetshell01.dllstx2.inside.theplanet.com ( Sep 2 15:20:55 2010

Keys: Help Display mode Restart statistics Order of fields quit

Packets Pings

Host Loss% Last Avg Best Wrst StDev

1. 0.0% 0.3 0.3 0.3 12.4 0.8

2. dsr01.dllstx2.theplanet.com 0.0% 1.9 3.9 0.4 195.2 18.8

3. 81.ff.5746.static.theplanet.com 0.0% 0.9 4.1 0.7 179.7 19.6

4. et2-2.ibr01.hstntx2.theplanet.com 0.0% 0.7 0.6 0.5 2.1 0.2

5. be-10-405-pe01.1950stemmons.tx.ibone.co 0.0% 1.1 1.1 0.8 33.6 2.2

6. pos-1-5-0-0-cr01.dallas.tx.ibone.comcas 0.0% 1.2 1.2 1.0 2.7 0.2

7. pos-0-11-0-0-cr01.atlanta.ga.ibone.comc 0.0% 23.0 23.0 22.6 34.0 0.8

8. pos-3-12-0-0-cr01.chicago.il.ibone.comc 0.0% 45.0 44.1 43.4 51.3 0.7

9. pos-1-13-0-0-ar01.woburn.ma.boston.comc 0.0% 63.4 63.1 62.6 70.0 0.6

10. pos-0-14-0-0-ar01.berlin.ct.hartford.co 0.0% 66.9 66.8 66.5 78.0 0.8

11. po-60-ur01.waterbury.ct.hartford.comcas 0.0% 69.1 69.6 68.9 161.9 6.4

12. po-51-ur02.waterbury.ct.hartford.comcas 0.0% 69.5 69.3 68.9 89.2 1.6

13. te-8-1-ur01.seymour.ct.hartford.comcast 0.0% 69.5 70.2 69.3 198.0 8.7

14. te-9-1-ur01.shelton.ct.hartford.comcast 0.0% 69.7 69.9 69.4 98.8 2.4

15. 0.0% 69.7 69.6 69.4 70.8 0.2

16. ???

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No improvement here either.The best I can get is around 7 Mbps download. Upload in good.

. testmy.net test results ..:::

Download Connection is:: 7074 Kbps about 7.07 Mbps (tested with 6144 kB)

Download Speed is:: 864 kB/s

Upload Connection is:: 1560 Kbps about 1.6 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB)

Upload Speed is:: 190 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net (Houston, TX USA)

Test Time:: 2010-09-07 21:13:04 GMT

D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/db/5J8QL0BIM&

U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/db/G3KCF2L6B&

User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100722 Firefox/3.6.8 [!]

C:\Users\Buntz>tracert testmy.net

Tracing route to testmy.net []

over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 - <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms DD-WRT []

2 - 9 ms 10 ms 8 ms

3 - 9 ms 8 ms 7 ms

4 - 9 ms 9 ms 9 ms

5 - 8 ms 9 ms 9 ms

6 - 9 ms 9 ms 9 ms po-10-ur01.audubon.nj.panjde.comcast.net [68.86.


7 - 9 ms 9 ms 9 ms

8 - 12 ms 11 ms 11 ms be-10-crs01.audubon.nj.panjde.comcast.net [68.86


9 - 13 ms 13 ms 12 ms pos-0-12-0-0-ar01.plainfield.nj.panjde.comcast.n

et []

10 - 13 ms 13 ms 14 ms pos-0-7-0-0-cr01.newyork.ny.ibone.comcast.net [6]

11 - 18 ms 19 ms 18 ms pos-0-12-0-0-cr01.ashburn.va.ibone.comcast.net []

12 - 35 ms 35 ms 36 ms pos-1-6-0-0-cr01.atlanta.ga.ibone.comcast.net [6]

13 - 56 ms 57 ms 56 ms pos-1-14-0-0-cr01.dallas.tx.ibone.comcast.net [6]

14 - 56 ms 57 ms 57 ms pos-0-3-0-0-pe01.1950stemmons.tx.ibone.comcast.n

et []

15 - 57 ms 56 ms 57 ms theplanet-cr01.dallas.tx.ibone.comcast.net [75.1


16 - 57 ms 56 ms 55 ms te7-1.dsr02.dllstx3.theplanet.com []

17 - * * * Request timed out.

18 - 58 ms 57 ms 57 ms e.ff.5746.static.theplanet.com []

19 - 56 ms 57 ms 57 ms 8c.bb.78ae.static.theplanet.com [


Trace complete.

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traceroute to testmy.net (, 64 hops max, 52 byte packets

1 (cisco_2600) 6.152 ms 0.671 ms 0.931 ms

2 * * *

3 network-024-029-165-173.woh.rr.com ( 15.458 ms 12.939 ms 24.715 ms

4 tge2-0-2.clevoh1-rtr0.mwrtn.rr.com ( 18.464 ms 23.767 ms 18.151 ms

5 ae-3-0.cr0.dca20.tbone.rr.com ( 25.339 ms 33.502 ms 28.470 ms

6 ae-1-0.pr0.dca10.tbone.rr.com ( 26.022 ms 27.589 ms 25.363 ms

7 ( 25.939 ms 27.152 ms 26.201 ms

8 the-planet.tengigabitethernet2-3.ar2.hou1.gblx.net ( 58.009 ms 60.131 ms 57.680 ms

9 et5-4.ibr03.dllstx3.theplanet.com ( 57.442 ms 57.551 ms 56.986 ms

10 te3-5.dsr02.dllstx3.theplanet.com ( 63.965 ms

1e.ff.5746.static.theplanet.com ( 59.426 ms

te-1.dsr02.dllstx3.theplanet.com ( 56.599 ms

11 6e.ff.5746.static.theplanet.com ( 60.186 ms *

te1-3.dsr02.dllstx2.theplanet.com ( 58.722 ms

12 e.ff.5746.static.theplanet.com ( 57.747 ms

a.ff.5746.static.theplanet.com ( 57.685 ms 59.509 ms

13 8c.bb.78ae.static.theplanet.com ( 57.471 ms 57.618 ms 58.487 ms

Ye , somethings up here as well , 10-15 second hesitation which I know is somewhat intentional to start off , then a 5 second or more in between test sizes , but not always.

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Download Connection is:: 7583 Kbps about 7.6 Mbps (tested with 12288 kB)

Download Speed is:: 926 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Houston, TX USA)

Test Time:: 2010-09-07 22:19:18 GMT

Bottom Line:: 132X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 1.11 sec

Tested from a 12288 kB file and took 13.275 seconds to complete

Download Diagnosis:: Awesome!: You are running at 125% of your hosts average (rr.com)

D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/db/2HI0A7PNW&

User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_4; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.8 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.1 Safari/533.17.8 [!]

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey Naru... can you do me a favor and re-test for me and post your results. ;)

(last post deleted... posted under my test account on accident)

.. oh, and also try the new California mirror >> https://testmy.net/california-speed-test.php

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Here are my test results:

:::.. testmy.net test results ..:::

Download Connection is:: 1816 Kbps about 1.82 Mbps (tested with 3072 kB)

Download Speed is:: 222 kB/s

Upload Connection is:: 2267 Kbps about 2.3 Mbps (tested with 5983 kB)

Upload Speed is:: 277 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net (Dallas, TX USA)

Test Time:: 2010-09-27 22:30:52 GMT

D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/db/5UJ0IF29Z

U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/db/CLG6QXAW0

User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100914 Firefox/3.6.10 [!]

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Yea the speed results are way off. I normally get 17/3 and now getting 1.8/2.5 lol at the download. I am a Comcast subscriber.

Here are my test results:

:::.. testmy.net test results ..:::

Download Connection is:: 1816 Kbps about 1.82 Mbps (tested with 3072 kB)

Download Speed is:: 222 kB/s

Upload Connection is:: 2267 Kbps about 2.3 Mbps (tested with 5983 kB)

Upload Speed is:: 277 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net (Dallas, TX USA)

Test Time:: 2010-09-27 22:30:52 GMT

D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/db/5UJ0IF29Z

U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/db/CLG6QXAW0

User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100914 Firefox/3.6.10 [!]

Have you tried the secondary server yet?

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Hi cable thank you for your time.

Here is my Cali test result:

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Download Connection is:: 994 Kbps about 1 Mbps (tested with 3072 kB)

Download Speed is:: 121 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Fremont CA, USA)

Test Time:: 2010-09-30 18:31:40 GMT

Bottom Line:: 17X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 8.46 sec

Tested from a 3072 kB file and took 25.321 seconds to complete

Download Diagnosis:: Running at 14% of hosts average (Comcast.net)

D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/db/0VOKDU4C7

User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100914 Firefox/3.6.10 [!]


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Hi cable thank you for your time.

Here is my Cali test result:

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Download Connection is:: 994 Kbps about 1 Mbps (tested with 3072 kB)

Download Speed is:: 121 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Fremont CA, USA)

Test Time:: 2010-09-30 18:31:40 GMT

Bottom Line:: 17X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 8.46 sec

Tested from a 3072 kB file and took 25.321 seconds to complete

Download Diagnosis:: Running at 14% of hosts average (Comcast.net)

D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/db/0VOKDU4C7

User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100914 Firefox/3.6.10 [!]


You may want to post in the help section. Are you seeing those speeds everywhere. Slow browsing?

I'm actually leaving town for about a week. But we have a large number of resources here... and helpful users.

My first suggestions would be...

  • Direct Connection - get the most direct connection to your modem... take all routers off.
  • Swap IT - swap out your Ethernet and Coaxial cables if you can.
  • REBOOT - As always with problems like this, reboot your computer and cable modem... leave them off for 10-15 seconds to make sure the memory is fresh.
  • Splitters? - ALSO, if you have ANY splitters on that coax before the modem, try it without them... make sure you put them back on if no improvement. Your technician may have put them on their to purposely drop dB in your signal (that will actually improve your signal in some cases)

Good luck, if you figure out what the problem is please post a topic about your resolution. Other people with your same problem will be grateful.

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