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My ISP has a new limit on my usage per month. They say i can use up to 80GB worth of downstream bandwith and 40 Gb worth of upload bandwith. I was wondering do I need to wory about going over the limit or is this plent. I surf the internet quite a bit, and play games online everyonce and a while.


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80GB a month (2.66 GB a day) is good.  Based on your average download speed of 369KB/s, you'd have to download constantly for 2 hours at max speed a day(if i did my math right) to fill your bandwidth.  I highly doubt you will ever download that much  :cool:

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Ok, good. Thanks for the help. And I e-mailed my ISP telling them there needs to be a way to check your network usage, and now their is on their page. I have used about 2 gigs of bandwith this month so far and i got plent to spare.

Wait a sec. ISP's actually listen to their customers??  :shock:  Who do you have?

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they are not going to hit you if you go +3-5 gigs..  I get 3 gigs per 24 hours up and down.. and I am downloading all sorts of stuff..  I never get about 2GB.. and I share my connection with my room mate via wireless router..  I wouldnt worry about it..  What they are looking for is a huge jump in bandwidth which is normally associated in server hosting or movie downloading..

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