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So I went and became hooked on Guild wars 2. Oh the hours I have wasted on that game. The new call of duty came out, Got it, still playing it from time to time. Still have a LONG way to go. Now the New Far Cry 3 is coming out in december, and a Start Up Company is gonna release the game "Grim Dawn" in August I think. That game just looks all kinds of good.

Its gonna take me a year or two to get through the recent releases, God Please NO MORE NEW GAMES!!! Killing me, lol. Man I am gonna have NO life, well don't have much of one now.

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i beat assassins creed 3, black ops 2 campaign and went through up to level 10 i think online. still want wwe13. aftermath on bf3 for ps3 has taken a few hours from me as well. dead space 2, mlb 12 the show, tom clancy's future soldier, way too many to even think of. i know the feeling man lmao. on top of full time job and family there is a ton of stuff out there just begging to be played.

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Grim Dawn Just looks so freaking good. If it gets great reviews and things fall into place, Oh Yea, Im on it. Far Cry 3 is taking the open world kinda play.

Think I am gonna have to re adjust my game play ideas, Put Guild wars two on the back burner, Get through the new call of duty, THEN get through far cry 3. Let play Guild Wars 2 Between Beating Far Cry 3 and Grim Dawn release. I knew it was getting bad when the GF wanted to spend some "quality time" together, I said sure, Just let me finish this level, 2 hours later, I finish, and she is asleep. Oh man.

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Hey ninja, been there done that, evercrack around 12 years or so ago, wife started telling me I needed help hahaha I DID, so I quit cold turkey, stopped the monthly server, and wiped the drive. Hurt for a bit, but then again , what addicting that you leave behind doesn't haunt you for a minute until it fades to black ?

AC3 I might get after christmas , maybe. I started over at the first one a couple months ago , have not touched it since. Ran through the two half life's and started the easy and rather boring portal, which grew old in less then a few minutes.

Guy's keep things in perspective, before they keep you in chains. ( as i sit here surrounded with enough tech to choke me ) DOH! :laughing7:

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Hey ninja, been there done that, evercrack around 12 years or so ago, wife started telling me I needed help hahaha I DID, so I quit cold turkey, stopped the monthly server, and wiped the drive. Hurt for a bit, but then again , what addicting that you leave behind doesn't haunt you for a minute until it fades to black ?

AC3 I might get after christmas , maybe. I started over at the first one a couple months ago , have not touched it since. Ran through the two half life's and started the easy and rather boring portal, which grew old in less then a few minutes.

Guy's keep things in perspective, before they keep you in chains. ( as i sit here surrounded with enough tech to choke me ) DOH! :laughing7:

yeah sometimes you dont realize how much money is spent on stuff like gaming and pc hardware until you want to buy something else haha.

by the way, i'd give you a discount price on AC3 if you wanted the ps3 version. i have used the codes for an extra pistol and the multiplayer but heck the game is mint condition. not even a wrinkle in the inserts in the case. THATS HOW I ROLL haha.

but seriously, any game for ps3 i have, i'm most likely wanting to trade in. any good suggestions?

but back on topic. The hardware you have, mudman, well lets just say i wish i still had a garage the size of my old living room full of computer towers, cases, parts, etc. i miss that.

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I have no idea why I have collected this old crap. I shouldn't say crap because everything i have is in working order.

I have used it for teaching myself the things that I want to explore. I'm not fluent at all that I do by any means, but I can take a pile of seemingly trash, get it put together as a server / workstation or both complete with a dynamic site behind the desktop (or no gui ) and start the xserver remotely gui access.

Or have several VM's running to host any number of desktops / servers/site locally, nat them for remote access as if hosted in a datacenter, with no more then old 'stuff's ( aside the VM's I use a 64 bit intel for that ), configure a firewall appliance along side telnetting into a cisco switch and allow specific traffic through specific hard ports and or soft ports. And have fun doing it.

Enough with the boring, but this all started with me when I quit gaming, after building my own systems and learning about clocking everything properly, something clicked on and I've just been on a constant quest, to 'do something' with my brain since.

The latest 'thing' aside the daily grind, is a perl URL shortener, should be fun :toothy6:

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My biggest thing, is working 3rd shift. On nights I have off, I still keep 3rd shift hours, but not much to do. Maybe putting up this thread kinda woke me up. Find myself not gaming as much, Gonna get rid of the New call of duty for now, Will pick it up later, I have the disks.

Started Reading more. LOVE to read.

Just really slowed down. Still love my Guild wars, But slowing down game play there as well. I guess the first step in fixing a problem, is admitting the problem is there.

So.........Hello.....My Name Is Nigageek.....and I am a P C gaming junkie.........

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So I went and became hooked on Guild wars 2. Oh the hours I have wasted on that game. The new call of duty came out, Got it, still playing it from time to time. Still have a LONG way to go. Now the New Far Cry 3 is coming out in december, and a Start Up Company is gonna release the game "Grim Dawn" in August I think. That game just looks all kinds of good.

Its gonna take me a year or two to get through the recent releases, God Please NO MORE NEW GAMES!!! Killing me, lol. Man I am gonna have NO life, well don't have much of one now.

lol I have accepted my no life

I am not a fan of CoD but to each their own :)

I play Planetside 2, GW2, still play Halo 1, CS: Source, CS:1.6, CS: GO, lfd, lfd2, tf2

and many more, those are just top tier :D

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