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I am curious as to why on the TraceMy.net page under User que it show me using Comcast cable which is correct but in a city that is quite a bit away from where I actually live?

As a matter of fact the city listed Saint Helens Oregon is a small town about id say 45 miles away from where I actually live.

I would of expected possibly Portland Oregon to come up way before Saint Helens.

Any Idea why this is?

Could it possibly be that back in the day when the Trojan Nuclear plant was up and running a main internet backbone could of possibly been mainlined to saint Helens and branched off from there?

I figured maybe Nuclear plants would of needed Internet mainlines back before internet was a household item??

I am not sure when the plant was built but I know it was there prior to 85 long before I remember even hearing of the internet.



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Geolocation by IP is only about 81% accurate at the city level within a 50 km radius.  A generalized area is better than nothing.  I also feel its better than asking you what city you're in.  In the future I may allow refinement by GPS, it's actually already built into the site I've just never turned it on for the public.   :razz:

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