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Hi there: 


Please see attached pic: 


Yes, my connection is terrible. But the reason for this post is to request assistance interpreting the results produced by TMN's methodology. 


In the attached pic, there are five widely different results. It seems the last one (or is that the first one ?) is the result that most accurately describes the knuckle-dragging crawl I am experiencing at present. 


Am I reading the results properly ? Are these five different pings to five different servers spread out across the US ? 


If so, why are the results so crazy ? why am I stuck with the worse result ? 





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The results shown at the bottom are for 5 different people, yours being the top. It's only a little snapshot of what's going on at TMN. The horizontal bar graph is just your data compared to your prior avg, your cit and your provider averages. To see only your test results, go to the Results link in the upper right. All results on that page will be your own. There you can filter the data by extra identifier and by amount of data (date range). You can select your test ID (right side in each row) to plot that particular download test.

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