Kiwegapawa Posted November 8, 2015 CID Share Posted November 8, 2015 What happen to the test? What's this flash quick test they are running now. Has mytest gone over to the other side to use a fraudulent testing that actually leaves out the time line and correlating peek points to match the Adobe flash test? I hadn't been back here in quite some time, as my ISP is still load too many accounts on one node. Even our last Road Crew Supervisor said recently it was going to take some time before they had the right amount of servers to provide the appropriate bandwidth. Now I come back to see how they are doing putting a spin on what speed test is used???? I'm a NYS Certified Tech since 1986, now Engineer for over a decade. It takes 24 hours straight against the modem to gain a proper accounting of the bandwidth available for use. I find the graphing used now to be vague and miniscule in comparison... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CA3LE Posted November 8, 2015 CID Share Posted November 8, 2015 On 11/8/2015 at 10:12 AM, Kiwegapawa said: What happen to the test? What's this flash quick test they are running now. Has mytest gone over to the other side to use a fraudulent testing that actually leaves out the time line and correlating peek points to match the Adobe flash test? I hadn't been back here in quite some time, as my ISP is still load too many accounts on one node. Even our last Road Crew Supervisor said recently it was going to take some time before they had the right amount of servers to provide the appropriate bandwidth. Now I come back to see how they are doing putting a spin on what speed test is used???? I'm a NYS Certified Tech since 1986, now Engineer for over a decade. It takes 24 hours straight against the modem to gain a proper accounting of the bandwidth available for use. I find the graphing used now to be vague and miniscule in comparison... Flash quick test, are you even using TMN has kept the same theme and uses the same testing technology / graphing as it has for many years. How can the graphing vague now, it's pretty much the same system, techniques and style that's been done here since I've been graphing your results? On 11/8/2015 at 10:12 AM, Kiwegapawa said: Has mytest gone over to the other side to use a fraudulent testing... No. Same underlying technology as always. If you liked TMN before, you should only like it more today. Can't please everyone but I still try. Take a look at TMN before graphing to get a sense of the development here. Even that 10 year-old test still gets the job done quite well. [removed] :::.. Download Stats ..::: Download Connection is:: 168700 Kbps about 168.7 Mbps (tested with 47488 kB) Download Speed is:: 21088 kB/s Tested From:: [removed] (Main) Test Time:: 2015/11/08 - 12:19pm Bottom Line:: 3013X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 0.05 sec Tested from a 47488 kB file and took 2.306 seconds to complete Download Diagnosis:: Awesome! 20% + : 2862.77 % faster than the average for host ( D-Validation Link:: [removed] User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_1) AppleWebKit/601.2.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0.1 Safari/601.2.7 [!] :::.. Download Speed Test Result Details ..::: Download Connection Speed:: 166535 Kbps or 166.5 Mbps Download Speed Test Size:: 100 MB or 102400 kB or 104857600 bytes Download Binary File Transfer Speed:: 20817 kB/s or 20.8 MB/s Tested At:: Version 15 Validation:: TiP Measurement Summary:: Min 105.89 Mbps | Middle Avg 179.35 Mbps | Max 186.87 Mbps | 6% Variance TiP Data Points:: 105.89 Mbps, 180.18 Mbps, 177.64 Mbps, 181.92 Mbps, 178.48 Mbps, 179.76 Mbps, 183.69 Mbps, 175.58 Mbps, 180.62 Mbps, 182.8 Mbps, 181.05 Mbps, 179.76 Mbps, 175.58 Mbps, 182.36 Mbps, 177.22 Mbps, 173.56 Mbps, 177.64 Mbps, 181.05 Mbps, 186.87 Mbps Client Stats:: Test Time:: 2015-11-08 13:21:39 Local Time Client Location:: Monument, CO US Target:: Dallas, TX US Client Host:: Comcast Cable Compare:: 8% faster than client avg, 286% faster than host avg, 79% faster than city avg, 649% faster than country avg, 885% faster than world index 1MB Download in 0.05 Seconds - 1GB Download in ~51 Seconds - 2974X faster than 56K This test of exactly 102400 kB took 5.041 seconds to complete User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_1) AppleWebKit/601.2.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0.1 Safari/601.2.7 [!] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kiwegapawa Posted November 8, 2015 Author CID Share Posted November 8, 2015 I have just concluded a 4 hour test. This which is the maximum that can be run. In so doing and seeing the changes since my first downloadable test from Comcast 24 Hour Speed test. I have confirmed the points I had already seen. This as I overloaded these points during the testing. Which is recommended against as it would drag down the test and show a much smaller showing in the bandwidth than it truly is in fact. This all the while running three machines against the test. All active. Even running a TV series streaming non-stop. The TV series never buffed-out once. Luckily my Local Network engineers have been working of the problem and have made great strides to overcome to little servers for all the new members they added these last two almost three years now. But the fact remains I should have drawn the bandwidth down well below 10 megs per sec. Instead "miraculously", I show a normal functional bandwidth of 50 megs per second, where if I was only running one machine straight to the modem. Especial seeing two of the three machines where running speed test set to 10 megs in both directions set to every 5 minutes per test on each. To the additional of running one machine testing 5 test behind the other. That seals it, your speed testing has indeed join the ranks of the Adobe Flash test. This to bamboozel the computer illiterate. Well, Just to high-light the whole situation, "I am on Time Warner Road Runner"! Where line attenuation has not been published in almost 3 years that I know of. Where regulation was taken from the frequencies used. And all to create the impossible task of allowing more than one account on a node work so all may receive their appropriate bandwidth . But the fact is the Node sets the bandwidth on that node. This leaving all accounts of that node in completion for that bandwidth and none actually receiving the bandwidth they are contracted for. Luckily, as I said earlier, They finally heeded the points of the computer and fraud abuse act of 1984. This which speaks directly to these points of Ascii Standard. Hence having to actually buy the servers need to support their customer number they have.. In as far as what this speed test is - BS ! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CA3LE Posted November 9, 2015 CID Share Posted November 9, 2015 You make no sense. I think you misinterpret the results. I'm not seeing a normal, functional 50 Mbps. I see many degraded results. If you don't like my service, don't use it. mudmanc4 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kiwegapawa Posted November 9, 2015 Author CID Share Posted November 9, 2015 Yes you are right about what you are seeing, and Time Warner has many great strides to actually deliver me what you see of a 50 meg service I pay for. Misinterpret, no, not at all. You just show it better than it's been or is now. Comcast had the close to prefect speed test. But no longer. This due to a online bully type peer pressure all brought about a mistaking of facts about packets dropped and a Wireshark test spoken of yet in no way reflected the exacting tests 24 hour speed test run. But these what brought the end to the only accurate test online I had ever seen in my over 40 years of experience. So last year I tried yours. Found it faulty then. Just like that of the Adobe's Flash test. This year I took the 4 hours to give yours a look see. This where for two years, almost three now, I have received less than 10 megs of my suppose to be 50 megs. Where simple 1.75 megs should provide any streaming video without buffering. Where sync problems occur every time a bandwidth hits zero. Which were, up till this Fall occurring about every 3 to 5 minutes. This that started out to be a color bleed over the year before. In case you don't know what this is. Where the Web Site, such as Crackle or Hulu would send out the appropriate stream called for. But the ISP bandwidth would drop below zero. (No Bandwidth) There in the machine only receiving part stream and the first set of pixels would carry all the way to the bottom of the screen, there in color bleed over. Course this problem was finally overcome last year. These problems both are the result of no regulation in the bandwidth. Being able to jump well above the bandwidth and able to drop well below the bandwidth. Upside of the bandwidth being used by the engineers attempting to compensate for so many accounts on one node. Downside of the bandwidth occurring due to more accounts calling for the bandwidth and too many accounts demanding more than the node has to give. Engineers attempting to compensate for Corporate board members refusing to buy enough servers for all the new account they had sale putting on. Where do you think that money is going? Guess, Remember the AIG and claims of doom for the finances of the US. Bush refused to give credence to their smoke and mirror trick. Then along comes Obama, pumped that ole 6 trillion out. What did the AIG do. Gave themselves raises and bonuses with the money! Corporate boards of the ISP services are no different. Fats cats at the top chasing their own greed. But to the facts of your tests, with what I was doing on my end, those readings should have bottomed out. As I still am not getting a 50 meg service. As Road Runner just started to break the bounds of 10 megs tops, three weeks ago. Where the regulation has still not been set, where more than one account is still on a single node. Where new accounts are just being thrown on a node that appear to have the extra open and still in use by another account holder. They are playing a game of chance, where they figure these two account won't be online at the same time. To now,, they are starting to get more than ten accounts on one node. Yet a 50 meg service is going to have a variance to it. It won't just be a straight 50 megs you get all the time. Your test shows to be real close to an acceptable variance than anything I have yet received. Yet tomorrow I go back at their billing department as once again they've started to up the bill saying all has been fixed. When the fact is, it isn't and their road crew Supervisor just admitted to the facts I already knew. This now without having a a valid speed test reflecting what is going on in fact. As Comcast had provided that last time through. You see I know WireShark well. As well as all protocols and been with WireShark since they were first announced online. And I'm the guy that brought TCP from moth balls where it was left by the Pentagon at the start of Enable. I had clearance to the Archives of the Pentagon. Original designer of the DNS and DHCP in a promotion for a virtual commerce in 1986. This to simulate a telephone relay system. Yea, was my graduating thesis, I shortly later published on the BBS and where Aboba of UCLA came in through the encouragement of AT&T's Jovian's Empire of Schenectady, New York. Back then, my BBS, Eagle Consulting and Software. Still my DBS today. But even with all my experience, fighting Bandwidth Stealing in a daunting task.. One which I put 13 Roan Runner Engineers and two Cox cable Engineers in federal prison for in 2003. Two Roger;s cable Engineers got away with it back then. Yea, across to border.. Take them down, and ten times as many replace them. To price gouging now goes all the way to the top... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted November 9, 2015 CID Share Posted November 9, 2015 I'm not seeing anything concerning the tests different from usual. Everything appears to be running normal as it has for the ~10 years I have been testing at If you can explain what problem you are having, then we can begin to assist you in determining if there is a solution. CA3LE 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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