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Original Users... Far before TestMy.net was a thing

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I made a promise that I didn't keep and just noticed.  I'll try to right that by the end of this post.


Every time I get deep into the future... I dig even deeper into the past (my own as well as others).  It helps this website and myself grow.  Case in point...


Note: There was a press/news embargo on this film.  Here are a couple of quotes with links of the video starting near the quotes.


"human minds settle into the fixed ways of looking at the world." ... "...you know I've always that felt death is the greatest invention of life."


"I think as long as (you know) humans don't solve this human nature trait of sort of settling in, to a world view after a while, there will always be opportunity for young companies as well as young people to innovate... As it should be."


Reminds me that if I'm not innovating I'm stagnating.


I'm laughing my ass off at some of my oldest shit... that I can actually find.  I remember far worse in my history, wish I could find it.


Anyway, it's pretty much all embarrassing but I posted it on the internet... so I knew when it was posted in theory it would be there forever.


This is the archive of the domain that TestMy.net was born out of.




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and then I find 


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I guess I had a ping service I forgot about long ago. lol   ---  I look this up periodically and it seems like more holes get filled in each time.  I think that much of it is because web archive has become better over the years.  I can feel it's better for sure.  At the very least faster so I can search around faster than before.  Thanks web.archive.org


I sometimes look at my past to get an eye on the future, it helps me get a scope on what I'm doing wrong or maybe what I may think about revisiting.  By the way, I'm often wrong.  The thing is though, so many people have visited TestMy.net and I listen when you tell me I'm wrong, I correct my programs when you tell me I'm wrong.  This community has been correcting TestMy.net's imperfections with your input over time.  


Despite so much user input the core principals still haven't been challenged.  Quite the opposite.  Experts in the internet, technology and networking fields have embraced TestMy.net.  Eventually, capturing the attention of the remaining 99% is my ultimate goal.


Let's continue on our journey and keep our promise.


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hahaha... see I find something like and think, "maybe I should engage people like that again..." (obviously not with AOL buddies but you get the idea)   --- AOL buddies, wow.. I forgot about those.  Sorry to all of my AOL buddies.  :wave:


I forgot about the vast majority of these until I saw this page.

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Some links worked, many were broken or only partially loading... but it was enough to send me back in time.


...I found things I forgot happened...



with one of my best friends who died last year, Terrence Nielsen.


Then found embarrassing business ideas.  Oh, so embarrassing.



only partially loaded but you get the idea, lame.


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uhhhh.  super lame.


Back in the day I had to take the original internet testing program down because I couldn't afford to host the bandwidth out of pocket.  That died and later TMN rose from those ashes...


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Fun to look back at and learn from.  I really didn't care what people thought then (20-year-old punk kid after all) and I truthfully still don't today.  At the heart of all of this I'm just trying to give people the tools I want and need myself.  To be completely honest, the bandwidth test that would later become TestMy.net was originally supposed to be hidden in a directory away from the search engines.  I made it originally only for myself, it was spidered by accident... or by chance.  Whatever it was, I didn't originally share this... it just started getting massive amounts of traffic one day so I kept building on it. 


Having said that, I've always had a vision for what TestMy.net IS.  I can tell you today that it's not even 10% there yet.  Keep visiting and I promise, I will surprise you.


So on to the people I forgot.  The website clearly said...


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I can't say that and then have the "mark" removed from the internet.  It's still on WebArchive but really that's outside of my control.  So here are those comments, reposted minus email addresses.  All 49 of them, especially the funny ones. :2funny:


Name: Tian
Website: http://www.thedeer.com
From: San Diego
ReferedBy: Other Search Engine
Great site!!

Name: Jared
From: Jared
ReferedBy: Yahoo
damnon u have a tiny one.. lol whats up im at school messin around see ya around

Name: razier
ReferedBy: Lycos
Tool is god

Name: Brain
Website: http://dspro.hypermart.net
From: Loony Bin
ReferedBy: Friend
Wow, you are so cool. I would not get on the web if it wasen't for your site. I don't know what I would do. If you get any cooler I don't think I will be able to take it.

Lata, Sycosis

Name: Erik
Website: http://mindbreach.cjb.net
From: CT
ReferedBy: Other Search Engine
KOol site just searchin on Alltheweb and yours popped up, looks kool. Im a big tool fan, so are the people in my band-Mindbreach. Should get some stuff from their CD Opiate if you haven't already, its GOOD stuff. later

Name: Mary
Website: http://www.geocities.com/marileec
From: Crackhead, USA
ReferedBy: Friend
Damon, Damon, Damon ... you're grammar is driving me up the wall! :P Tsk, tsk, tsk. So, like ... I can fix it. I'm pretty good at editing. Writing like you speak just makes it look weird (not that you speak weird ... it's just that writing like anyone speaks would make it look weird, except me, OF COURSE!).

K, dumbass, talk to you later.

Name: kris douglas
From: inverness scotland
ReferedBy: Lycos
pretty cool site well impressive video downloads nice one son

Name: neil w coffey
Website: http://www.glassartdesigns.com
ReferedBy: Lycos
I really liked your earlier work with rotating text in 3-D on fire and such, now that I am crus'n at a cool 986,000 miles a hour (according to your bandwidth test) I need to know where you have one of those magic pages stashed, so I can show my business associates, who want to see that flare.

Name: kiri smyth
From: kempsey (hole) NSW
ReferedBy: Hotbot
tool are mad i have not heard much of there stuff but what i have heard is mad

Name: Jim Leavy
ReferedBy: Friend
The program work's fine. It is the only way I have found to see how fast things are running. Thank you and keep up the good work.


Name: Chad and KarrieAnn
Website: http://www.geocities.com/kralph2000/
From: ND
ReferedBy: Yahoo
Dude, Let us know when you get the pics of your car up!!!! We will come back and check on it. Nice design on the pages so far!

Contact_FullName: Gerry Pearson
Personal_Sex: Male
ReferedBy: Friend
What did you think?: Awesome!

Do U update your guestbook? I have signed it but didn't see anything there, also whats going to be on the agenda for Febuary? I love using your website to stop people pestering Me about buying a faster connection. Usually I blow them away and they bookmark your site!

Contact_FullName: ANNIE/ANN
Personal_Sex: Female
How did you get here:: Other
What did you think?: Awesome!

please type here...I talked to y on napster, you gave me tha site. I think that your extremty HOOOOTTTT!!!!! E-mail me if y want. But my E-mails a little F#cked! SORRY!!

Name: Dave Louis
From: IL
ReferedBy: Yahoo
killer site, I like your ping tool. Very useful tool indeed.

Name: Jay Corsoe
From: UK
ReferedBy: Yahoo
I love surftohere I use your web tools every day, I am very self conscience about how fast my connection is running. I have used many other tools in that category but have never found one quite like it. Very fast and easy to use. I bet surftohere get many many repeat visits for that kewl tool. Thank you for making it! ~ jay

Name: PK
From: Vancouver
ReferedBy: Yahoo
Cool site, I love the design. That bandwidth tool comes in handy btw. I use it almost every day. Later, and thanks.

Name: Monica Isa
From: Salt Lake City
ReferedBy: Yahoo
Cool site, damn you have alot of free links.

Name: Frank
From: California
ReferedBy: Yahoo
Very nice site, love the clean design. I can't belive you are only 18!

Name: Ava Saveabuck
Website: http://discallowphonerates.bizland.com/ld.htm
From: Ocean City, MD
ReferedBy: Other Search Engine
nice site, enjoyed my visit. Ava Saveabuck Business Long Distance Services http://discallowphonerates.bizland.com/ld.htm

Name: Wayne
Website: http://www.geocities.com/soho/6993
ReferedBy: Meta Crawler
HTTP User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows 98)
Very nice site. you have lots of free links!

Name: Ryan White
From: WA
ReferedBy: Yahoo
Bad ass site, everything run so smooth and loads so fast. This is a HUGE jump from what this site used to be.

Name: eric .s
Website: i got no f#ckin' clue what that is
From: Riverside Ca
ReferedBy: Friend
whats up dude

Name: adelina
ReferedBy: Friend
its kewl but ya gotta email e back so i can learn to do my own.

Name: Adelina V.
ReferedBy: Lycos
hey ,ya gotta kewl web site....email me back so i can do mine

Name: Knollidge
From: In a  galaxy far far away...
ReferedBy: Other Search Engine
Just for next time you need ntfs..... run this command from a command prompt...

convert <drive letter>: /fs:ntfs

and reboot....

and whala


From: Riverside, Ca
ReferedBy: Lycos

Name: Joe
From: Canada
ReferedBy: Meta Crawler
Liked the site, and loved the Free Stuff directory, you have alot of stuff in there!

Name: Tucker
From: Tucson, AZ
ReferedBy: Yahoo
Your bandwidth tool came in very handy. Please keep it up because I need a tool like the to periodically check my line speed. I am running DSL. ~~~~thanks alot! ~~~~ Tucker

Name: Jannet Pfiser
From: Oregon
ReferedBy: Hotbot
Very butiful site. Also, I loved the free stuff.

Name: Dean  ($loth)
ReferedBy: Lycos
TOOL is by far the best band ever! The only other band that could come close to TOOL is NIRVANA but they still cant touch TOOL's music!

ReferedBy: Friend
Love the pics...what a babe... great site I don't have to go anywhere else everything I need is right here. ...I'm watching your every move... so keep moving...I'll be back.

Name: gamemaster
From: bosnia
ReferedBy: Other Search Engine
This is a kind of page I looking for a centuries,thank you for creating it

Name: travis
From: ky
ReferedBy: Lycos
tool is the best m___er f#cking band in the world.

Name: Rodrigo
From: rodrigo
ReferedBy: Lycos
hey, cool page on tool man.!! do u know if they are going to have a new cd out or what, hey yeah i also wanted a repot on regeneration of animals like the starfish and crabs!!! quick!!!! thanks................................................

Name: Jonathan Spencer
From: Independence, Kansas
ReferedBy: Lycos
I haven't been listening to Tool that long, but I am hooked. They have changed my life, and how I look at it.  Thanks to Maynard and the rest of the guys.E-mail me back sometime and give me some info on the band or some stories you could tell me.

Name: Jonathan Spencer
From: Independence, Kansas
ReferedBy: Lycos
I haven't been listening to Tool that long, but I am hooked. They have changed my life, and how I look at it.I'd like to thank Matt Holum for getting me hooked.To Holum, East Coast Mafia! Monster,Monster,Monster!

Name: mike
From: usa
ReferedBy: Look Smart
good info, just wish i could believe your info, need Maynards e mail address to find real info on TOOL

Name: dorothy
ReferedBy: Friend
nothing to comment on yet

Name: lucas
From: texas
ReferedBy: Yahoo
i,m new one on the block. i like what your doing. i,m sure it get,s better.

ReferedBy: Friend

Name: Brian
Website: http://i.am/collide
From: Phoenix Az
ReferedBy: Friend
Hay there Damon I like the page allot. Very clean and nice style's. I didn't find any bugs yet. (And you know I am looking)

There is only one thing I think I am getting natious just watching all your pages circle around.

Like the sign... It wasen't what I thought it would be like. (Much Better than what I thought) It even has it's own heart beat (Kinda freaky)

I hope this is long enough for you. Thanks for signing my guestbook.

C Ya Later, Brian Feeley (WebMaster of The Delirium Sphere)

Name: Crystal Whitmer
ReferedBy: Other Search Engine
Damon, I think your site is really swell. Everything I need to do on the computer is right here. Did you ever know that you're my hero. CW

Name: Claude
From: Luxembourg
ReferedBy: Friend
Hey Damon. Great homepage. I think I will follow the suggestions you mailed me.

Name: Skip Rimza
Website: http://www.ci.phoenix.az.us/
From: Phoenix, Arizona
ReferedBy: Yahoo
Hey Damon, I just wanted to say keep up the good work, it's come a long ways. I love that news links thing, Awesome.

Name: Jared schmidt
ReferedBy: Friend
damon kick ass web site just checking out the web sites you gave me talk to you in the future later JARED SCHMIDT

Name: jasin
ReferedBy: Lycos
If you like thrash, hardcore, bands like snot, korn, (hed)p.e., slipknot, rammstein, you'll love this thrash-zine, to subscribe, simply send a blank e-mail to: [email protected]

Name: Pat
Website: http://www.patonline.com
From: New York, New York
ReferedBy: Yahoo
Nice site man... like the don't look script you have.

Name: O.
Website: http://expage.com/page/viperEXTRA    
ReferedBy: Friend
hey coo,page

Name: wade
From: Napa Valley California
ReferedBy: Yahoo
i love your site, i have a request for you too. Could you do something on anime. email me when, well if you do. --thanks--


haha, Lycos and Hotbot.  When was the last time you heard that sh*t.


  • 2 weeks later...

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