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Hi Hachani!  Thanks for being a frequent user. 


Sorry, there isn't a full country rank listed right now.  I hope to make things easier to navigate in the next version.


Although, it is possible to query that right now... just have to know the trick.  I actually had to look at the code to remember how to do that.


Go to https://testmy.net/list and type countrycode in the search field.


Screen Shot 2018-09-06 at 11.33.46 PM.png


Then set the minimum number of test to a higher number so only the more popular countries populate.


Screen Shot 2018-09-06 at 11.35.41 PM.png


To sort by download, upload or number of recent results click the column title.


Screen Shot 2018-09-06 at 11.37.19 PM.png


Sorting that way, the url in the browser ends up being https://testmy.net/rank/countrycode.down/2500  --- the base linking for this is supposed to be listed on the site.  So you can just easily navigate to it.  I didn't build that in there to be a secret, lol.


I'm sorry that's not easily accessible.  I'll work on that for you.

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Just a heads up - if you do some work on the Database. There’s some glitches in the world results full listing behavior.


if you select “Download Speed” to sort,, page 1 comes up sorted. If you go to page 2, it’s no longer sorted by download speed. If you choose to sort on download speed on page 2, it jumps back to page 1.


Also, it looks like you should be able to sort on increasing download speed by selecting download, but it won’t change from the increasing.dorection.


i checked the beta version, it’s different - doesn’t have the tabs, but the sorting has the same issue

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