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Greetings from Chile - Testing "Mundopacifico Fiber 100 Mb"

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Hi all . Landed here after searching for an automated way to test download speed every 1/2 hour.


Chile is at present on UTC/GMT -3.

I have been experiencing consistent drop for download speed to international servers every day afetr 18 hrs local in the afternoon ( testing Atlanta or New york USA servers )

The speed seems to restore to "normal" early in the morning ( say 02 hrs in the morning )

The problem extends to practically the whole day ( say working hours ) if it is ona weekend or holiday like yesterday - today 01 November.

The drop is very clear , and I am talking 80 - 90 % drop from whatever speed it happens to be on "normal" hours.


At "drop time " I usally do not get more than 2 mbps download speed to servers in New York - Atlanta in USA or Berlin in Germany.

My contracted speed is 100 Mps Fiber over Huawei EG8245H Interface


Thank you for your service




Yes Sir It is a huge drop.


Called several times and even posted an "official claim". But still no answer.

During last holiday , the drop was during the whole daylight hours, max 2 mB.

TestMynet has been very helpfull with the automated testing procedure and graphical representation of results after several 6 - 12 hours testing every half hour I have done. Thank you all .

Every now and then , when I was present, I double checked the speed with typical Oklas Speedtest. Just to make shure that when "it drops" it efectively "drops". no matter the testing tool used.


Just finished contracting with another ISP , MOVISTAR in this case. The new contracted download speed is not that high but I hope it will be stable. It is an ADSL

I have no other tech options in my home town.


In my country , Chile, It is thankfully free to opt in or out of an ISP contract with no explaining to do. Except for proportional day to day charge until the day of departure.


If This new "slower" connection satisfies me , I am going to drop Mundopacífico alltogether, apart from following legal procedures for not answering my claims. 


Greetings from Chile

Have a Nice day Sir




Mytest_34 horas_1102_23__1104_10.JPG

Mytest_34 horas_1102_23__1104_10_FAA.JPG

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