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HELP!.my computer is crashing frequently, driving me crazyy!

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my system has been crashing and ive been getting this after it reboots from the blue screen...it happened like 5 times todayy!:(

Error Caused By A Device Driver

Thank you for submitting an error report. Microsoft is unable to specifically determine what caused the problem you reported. To troubleshoot the problem, please see the information below.


A device driver installed on your system caused the problem; however, we cannot determine the precise cause. Depending on which situation is applicable to you, please do one of the following:

If this problem occurred after you installed a new hardware device on your system, the problem might be caused by the driver for the device. If you know the manufacturer of the device, contact the manufacturer's product support service for assistance.

Some software, such as firewall and anti-virus software, also installs drivers. If this problem occurred after you installed new software, the software might have installed a driver that caused the problem. If you know the manufacturer of the software, contact the manufacturer's product support service for assistance.

If you don't know the driver's manufacturer and need help diagnosing and resolving this problem, contact your computer manufacturer's product support service.

Updated drivers might be available on the Microsoft Windows Update website. At Windows Update, you can have your computer scanned and, if there are updated drivers available, Windows Update will offer a selection of drivers that you might be able to use. To learn more about updated drivers that might be available, visit Microsoft Windows Update.

For information about Microsoft support options, visit Microsoft Product Support Services.

anyone know what the problem might me and how to fix it? thanks!!

Oskar, have you resolved the problem? If not, is this sp1 or sp2?

do you have automatic updates enabled, if not have you gone to the site and checked for updated drivers?

Have you added ram or had the case open, removed or otherwise screwed around in there possibly leaving something NOT properly inserted;

ram, pci card, cables to HD or CDROM?

If so, turn off your machine, disconnect the power cord, ground yourself to the chassis, and check to see that all connectors and cards are properly seated.

If you find something loose, check everything else too, close it up, power up and restart.

If not;

Disconnect all external USB devices, EXCEPT keyboard and mouse, things like external drives, card readers, scanners, printers, etc.


If you still get a blue screen, go to CONTROL PANEL System Hardware Devices and look for problem areas.

If there is nothing listed then re-attach each USB device one device at a time and reboot.

Check the Hardware Devices list for problems.

repeat until you find one.

During this process you just may find the culprit, and windows may actually load the proper drivers. (you may have to supply set up disks for windows to find them)

Do everything in order, and post back here.

Note that windows will sometimes report that there is a device driver problem and the driver it needs is right there on the machine. It is reporting that there is a problem not because it doesn't have the correct driver but because the results it is looking for do not happen. If a driver is dependant on a device which is not properly connected, then it will cause windows to report errors. If a .DLL is missing or corrupt, and the driver cannot load, you may also get the blue screen.



diagnostic startup of that won't tell you wich drive it is. but if things work with just the basic drivers you know that it is a driver (which you know already) then just disable each driver one at a time and reboot run for awhile and if you don't get a crash you know which driver is the culpert. But it sounds like you know that already.

hey you guys..! my problem still hasnt been fixed i was just waiting for a bluue screen to pop up and i got two .. one yesterday and one today . the one i got yesterday said " PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_ARE" and all the way in the bottomm something like this " SAVRT.SYS-ADRESS F2413048..." lately i havent been gettin any more blue screen my computer has just been getting frozen and not responding. that happened today and when i rebooted.the sound didnt work and all the drivers for my sound devide uninstalled.so i had to install everything back! after the installation i restarted..everything seemed to be fine but after a while of listening music chatting and using software. i suddenly got the blue screen..this time it said " IRQL_NOT_LESS_NOT_EQUAL" and it was making some weird noises throuhg the speakers...so i guess its the driver of the sound the problem..not so sure .. my guess lol well i hope someone can help regarding my problem.ill be on frequently ! thanks alot! - oscar

hey you guys..! my problem still hasnt been fixed i was just waiting for a bluue screen to pop up and i got two .. one yesterday and one today . the one i got yesterday said " PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_ARE" and all the way in the bottomm something like this " SAVRT.SYS-ADRESS F2413048..." lately i havent been gettin any more blue screen my computer has just been getting frozen and not responding. that happened today and when i rebooted.the sound didnt work and all the drivers for my sound devide uninstalled.so i had to install everything back! after the installation i restarted..everything seemed to be fine but after a while of listening music chatting and using software. i suddenly got the blue screen..this time it said " IRQL_NOT_LESS_NOT_EQUAL" and it was making some weird noises throuhg the speakers...so i guess its the driver of the sound the problem..not so sure .. my guess lol well i hope someone can help regarding my problem.ill be on frequently ! thanks alot! - oscar

Have you resolved the raid driver issue? This: " PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_ARE", and this:" SAVRT.SYS-ADRESS F2413048..." whereas, not complete error messages, indicate to me that there are memory issues which can be caused by a number of things. One, could be the raid driver not properly functioning and causing your page file to be corrupted by an incomplete write. You get the errors, blue screen and lockups when windows tries to read what it thinks it has placed in memory. If that info is not there or is not in the same state as when it was written, then the puter locks up. The memory can be either physical ram or virtual (page file) that is causing the problem. This can be caused by a corrupted page file which we will need to delete. It could be caused by bad sectors on the HD, we can fix this too.It could simply be a fragmented HD. Do you or have you defragged your hard drive. If your drive is too full, it will not defrag properly, if at all.

Did you check to see that your memory sticks are properly seated and locked. How many pieces of ram are in your machine, if more than one, are they a matched set, same type, equal value? There are a number of things that can contribute to this problem. You need to take them one at a time and make sure all is right. You cannot do this with everything installed. The best way to diagnose this is to reduce this machine down to basics and as each item checks out, add ONE thing at a time, reboot and check every thing.

Push come to shove, I'll drop the firewall on one of my networks and we can do a remote assistance.

Download Belarc Adviser; www.belarc.com, PM or email it to me and I'll look at you system to get a better idea of what might be going on. I can then be able to step you through this.

But the first thing you have to do is address any uninstalled or disabled hardware devices. If you cannot load a driver, then remove the device. If the sound card driver is not working, remove the sound card, reboot and check everything else. Do not return a device until you have looked at everyhing else that might be causing a problem.

But first answer the the questions above and run Belarc.


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