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google login Forbidden

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Google login will be temporarily disabled.  Click "forgot password" if you don't remember setting a password.


Thank you for reporting this.  Seems like every so often Google updates the security with that.   Breaks my google login here every so often.


This is the first time it's not connecting right back up.  Seems like they want something verified by a human and it says it can take up to two weeks.  /sigh  -- I guess I modified my logo they had on file a while back.  But it also had an alert for G+ permissions


I don't really think that's the issue though.  I think that change has been sitting there for months... I just never realized that you have to hit "Submit for review." -- guess the "Save" button isn't enough for Google.


Screen Shot 2019-02-01 at 1.18.01 AM.png

Pretty much sounds like it's working on their end.  And if it wasn't... I'd really expect it to error on the initial click, not after the password is entered, verified with google and login starts to initiate.


They should email me when it's done.  (again, I don't think that's the real issue.)  Until then I have an email out to Invision (the authors of the forum software here), they'll probably shed some light.  

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January 29: On January 29, we sent an email regarding projects that will be impacted by the Google+ API shutdown. The email stated that projects requesting the "plus.me" scope would be affected. We would like to clarify that only projects directly requesting the "plus.me" scope are affected. This scope may have been listed in some emails, even if not directly requested.

If you are directly requesting the "plus.me" scope, any other Google+ OAuth scopes, or making any Google+ API calls ensure that you remove these requests from your project before March 7, 2019.

To see if your project is directly requesting the "plus.me" or any other Google+ OAuth scopes:

  • If your project is written in Google Apps Script, you can view which scopes your project is requesting by reviewing your project properties in App Script Editor.
  • If your project is not written in Google Apps Script, please check your code for references to "plus.me" in OAuth scope requests. Also check if you’re using any 3rd-party libraries that support sign-in or social functionality, as these may also be affected by the shutdown.

January 15: This posting was updated with new information about OAuth scopes.


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10 minutes ago, mudmanc4 said:


Thanks dude, more help than Invision just gave me.  Clowns.  One dude in particular has been replying to me since 2017, thought he was really on the level until just now.




We cannot assist with your hosting unfortunaetly. I think I know where the issue may be here however. Have you only just set this up? If so, its unlikely you will get this working until 4.4 is released, as the API you added has not been added on our side until 4.4. The reason for this is that google unfortunately removed one of their APIs so we had to switch.

Kind Regards,
Marc Stridgen


UHHHH, patch!  WTF!  I asked them for a patch just now.


Dude, if I have to go in and patch this myself... mark my word.  I will replace Invision... in a heart beat.  


Actually, please post your IPB (Invision Power Board) alternatives here and I'll post a vote for any that can make the grade.


I have a lot of users who login here with Google.  If they don't fix it, I will... and then BYE BYE invision, there are alternatives! 



They're actually already out of time ... let's get a poll going!

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The issue with google login is not something in which is a bug. Rather we have had to rewrite large parts of it due to google themselves actually removing google+ as an API method, which is what is used for the login facility. Unfortunately this is not something in which a quick fix can be provided as it would not be compatible with 4.3.6, and has been added to the new 4.4 release which is currently at beta 2. This is a relatively recent thing, so it may well be that your system is no longer functioning because of this...


I guess they couldn't have known ahead of time.  @mudmanc4 when did Google announce the change?  Was this days ago or weeks ago?


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