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New at this site so I will just explain my speed connectivity issue. . .  Everything is in order according to  my Hughesnet website administrators (PLENTY OF CELLULAR DATA, EVERYTHING WORKING AT PEAK PERFORMANCE, WEATHER NOT IMPACTING CONNECTION)  yet I have average 10 seconds wait to surf web pages going on 3 weeks (often wait is much longer or have to refresh which often doesn't work). According to HughesNet administrators the weather is not causing  the problem. This sounds completely wrong to me since I have satellite connectivity with HughsNet. The Hughesnet dish was adjusted 3 weeks ago by a service person - good for a few days then problems start all over again. Am getting a speed test on this site to further research issue. May have to break Hughes.net contract and pay $400. and go to Cable One. Nothing seems to help for last 3 months. Maybe Testmy.net will prove my case and I can cancel Hughes.net contract with no penalty - since Hughes.net violated contract with faulty product.  Does this sound familiar to anyone using Hughes.net?

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/7/2019 at 10:20 PM, Tomfr said:

... Does this sound familiar to anyone using Hughes.net?


I think it sounds familiar to everyone on Hughes.net from what we hear.  Often.


Satellite, is inherently slow.




The first sentence says it all.



A request for a Web page is sent from your computer to a satellite about 22,000 miles out in space.


There are no land based connections that add that kind of latency.  Round trip of 44K miles!!!  Wow.  That doesn't even factor in the server you're connecting to... at that point, who cares.  You're at over 1 second


You will always pay a penalty with Satellite.  Unless we figure out a way to send information faster than light/radio waves.  Humans figure out a lot of crazy things... any scientist will tell you it's impossible.  But, you never really know, I believe the human mind makes things possible.  Once the collective mind comes to a consensus, realities seem to happen.  What I'm saying is, if enough people believe something is possible....... that's precisely when it becomes possible.  Think about it over history. 





They say,



Because Internet via satellite is so technologically advanced, this distance hardly makes a difference, even with rural Internet connections. 


Sorry, if it's coming from satellite... there IS a difference.  Not matter what.  Again, speed of light.  22K miles... speed-of-light.  Normal use, under perfect circumstances you will still notice but may be very happy.  But don't ever attempt to game or do anything that requires low latency.  The average response time I see from Hughes clients is nearly 1 second.  Keep in mind, this is ONE way.


Here's yours for instance.


Screen Shot 2019-03-19 at 2.27.02 AM.png


663 is better than many I see.  Most are in the 800ms range.


This test is simply timing how long it takes for you to respond to a super simple request.... you can see in the screenshot my average is 81ms right now (against a server over 1600 miles away from me).  NO amount of distance on Earth, other than completely ridiculously long misrouting that NEVER happens, can ever cause 600-800ms response time.  There has to be a SERIOUS issue.  --- but not with Satellite.  This is completely, 100% normal.


If you have no other choice, this is amazing tech.  But even if you have a decent 3G connection... Satellite would be a hard sell for me.


I've asked DirectWay and others in the past to send me a dish for testing.  They don't want me to test it.  I'd be all "HONEST" about it.  :laughing7:  Maybe one day they'll be confident enough to send me some gear.  After hearing about their contracts... I find it hard to test them as a normal consumer.


What would be cool is if a user of mine would send me their equipment before canceling service.  And let me test it at my own house -- then I'd send it back for you when the contract is closed (or back to you if you own it outright).  I might be able to DEFINITIVELY prove the case one way or another.  I just need one of these systems in my hands.  Hell, I might even pay your final month for you.

Edited by CA3LE
linked to Tomfr's response time test

by the way, you can research other members RT (Response Time / ping) by surfing over to your hosts database results, then click "members" (this is a member only function right now) and you'll see a list like this.

Click on any of those names then click on "My RT" below their graph.


Screen Shot 2019-03-19 at 3.25.36 AM.png


As you can see, first one I pull up... around 700 ms


Look at more users, maybe they've improved.


I'll make a tool for you that aggregates the Response Time and gives you an average for your host, city and country.


I should just call it ping like everyone else does.  But it's NOT ping.  Neither is anything else you see out there.  Similar but not ICMP so I call it Response Time.


  • 3 months later...

I am a HughesNet customer too and I have what I feel is terrible internet speed.  Here is a test I ran on my internet on this site:


I hope that shows up - it doesn't on my side.  If not please let me know how to show the chart which was provided by the Automatic test I did.  I am supposed to have a Download of 25 Mbps on the Gen 5  pkg.  I called tech support several times but it seems that everything that is done is reducing my download speed.  They even sent a tech out to check all my equipment and they replaced all my equipment and tested all connections, placement of the dish, etc.  I need to note that I use one PC or laptop or TV.  I do not have a local network with other people using the internet when I am.  I can't stream anything.  I can't watch You Tube videos unless I start the stream and don't start watching until it is fully downloaded.  The same happens with Roku, Netflix, etc.  And I do not have the patience to wait on other streaming sites.  Other people around me claim they have no trouble with HughesNet speeds now that they have been switched to Gen 5.

HughesNet called me and stated that I need to be changed to Gen 5 but I would need to commit to another 2 years.  I did and I gave permission to change me to Gen 5 but this shows that my speed dropped after that change was made?  


My question is does this look like I am being unreasonable to expect a better speed on Gen 5 which advertises a 25 Mbps download?  Am I reading this test wrong?  


I would appreciate any advice anyone could give me.  Thank you.


Beauman Speed Test Results.pdf

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