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Beta Download hangs up with older Safari 13.1.2 - OK with Classic test


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@CA3LENot that it's all that important, but my old iMac OS is still v10.13.6 High Sierra and can't be updated. With Beta OFF, the Download test runs fine though.


Probably not that many people coming to your site with a 14 year old computer, so I wouldn't blame you if you paid no attention to this issue. I normally run your tests with my fairly new iPad. Just thought you might want to know in case there was an issue that might affect versions newer than mine but not the latest. I get plenty of other websites on this computer with issues because this Safari is so out-of-date. 


Like I said, I don't really need you to fix this. The computer is so old that it can't run at the full speed that my ISP allows. My good results on this machine are about 220 Mbps, and on my iPad I get 320 Mbps on the 300 Mbps Spectrum plan. So I don't use this computer any more to assess my Internet speed and delay times.


Right after I hit the Download button or choose a Manual size test, it goes here and just sits. 


Beta Hangup Safari 13.1.2.png

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Not too sure why it's showing the post 7 hours old on the forum index, I'll look into that.


As for the beta not loading on v10.13.6 High Sierra.  I've had to make special accommodations for older browsers with every beta release.


I'll do some tests myself with Safari 13 and make the changes needed.  It will probably just have to fail over to the previous version because the browser may not have capabilities needed.  But if that's the case I'll have it show a notice to the client and disallow setting the beta. ...sometimes, I just need to call a method a little differently or reform some functions to make it work.


My wife's laptop (2015 Macbook) isn't getting updates anymore, for a long time it was stuck on the old version of Safari... then all of a sudden it gave an update the other day.  To 16.6.1 -- the version on my 2020 iMac is 17.5.


Still searching for official word from Apple on this.  See if you maybe have an update... long shot.

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I compiled chart.js into ES5 javascript and added a ResizeObserver polyfill (adding a newer JS feature to an older browser, filling the gap) and am able load the beta is Safari 13.1.2 now with no issues.


495.2 Mbps [61.9 MB/s] | Downloaded 200 MB Linear in 3.23 seconds
Pre-Test: 520 Mbps [65 MB/s] | 106.7 MB in 1.64 seconds
Download Graph: [560,552,544,512,488,496,432,480,488,504,504,512]
Test Latency 44 ms Avg - 16 ms Min
Latency Graph: [117,117,66,16,18,16,110,19,17,16,129,17,16,24,19,16,16]
User: CA3LE | CompID: 6532027578876 | Host: Comcast Cable | Locale: co.testmy.net
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_6 AppleWebKit/605.1.15 KHTML, like Gecko Version/13.1.2 Safari/605.1.15
Graph & Validate: https://testmy.net/x/tmn?resultID=8IZxw75l0


40 Mbps [5 MB/s] | Uploaded 24.8 MB Linear in 4.96 seconds
Pre-Test: 40 Mbps [5 MB/s] | 10 MB in 2 seconds
Upload Graph: [44.8,40.8,44,42.4,43.2,41.6,40.8,41.6,40.8,41.6,41.6,42.4]
Test Latency 39 ms Avg - 11 ms Min
Latency Graph: [51,56,42,12,12,50,11,44,43,44,48,51]
User: CA3LE | CompID: 6532027578876 | Host: Comcast Cable | Locale: co.testmy.net
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_6 AppleWebKit/605.1.15 KHTML, like Gecko Version/13.1.2 Safari/605.1.15
Graph & Validate: https://testmy.net/x/tmn?resultID=x69j8nxpt


Hoststats and DB search charts also rely on this same resource.  Charts are working across all pages on my iMac running a fresh install of High Sierra.


My super old iPad, not so much.  That's running Safari 10.  I thought this would have worked... there may be another polyfill I need.  But it's really hard to debug that one because I can't get it to connect in dev mode (so I can see what's really happening in the console).  Maybe if I reset the device.  But then I go to use the internet in general on that thing and pretty much all sites are broken in some way.  May be time for that to retire.


So this won't fix all cases but it should bridge the gap for many.  It's basically been translated into language old browsers can understand.


There are ways to polyfill the entire modern js framework... but how much of a payload do I want to send?  Answer: As little as possible.  It may not be worth it to make it work for every single browser.  Especially since I have a legacy version of tests and charts that work in that scenario... I just need to give it instructions to serve that client a little different.  Which isn't ideal but it will work.


Please let me know if it's working for you now.


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On 9/29/2024 at 1:55 AM, CA3LE said:

Please open this can let me know what the alert says.



On 9/29/2024 at 6:47 AM, Pgoodwin1 said:

It doesn’t fully finish loading the page but shows this


the page and shows what’s below


On 9/29/2024 at 11:05 AM, CA3LE said:

That's really funny.  On my iMac running a fresh install of High Sierra, with Safari 13.1.2 gives the error I expect... anywhere else I load that it just says, "ok" ... loads instantly.

Well, let's see if this works.

Load up this URL [removed]

Take a screenshot for me please.  Do the charts load?

What version of Safari is the iPad again?  Does everything work on the iPad?

- Damon


On 9/30/2024 at 7:10 AM, Pgoodwin1 said:

Everything is fine on the iPad. My iPad PS is 17.6.1 (21G93). The latest.

That is weird that your iMac runs differently than mine.


On 9/30/2024 at 7:18 AM, Pgoodwin1 said:

This is what the link above Load up this URL  [removed]
looks like on the iMac. This is with Beta set to ON or OFF






On 9/30/2024 at 7:23 AM, Pgoodwin1 said:

I refreshed the iMac Results link and it flashed the complete plot, then went to this



On 9/30/2024 at 10:35 AM, CA3LE said:

Can you reload again and see if it's correct now.

Yes, very weird that it loads differently for you, on what should be the same browser.

Is your browser Zoom changed?  ... if I can duplicate the settings and get it to happen on my test bench it will be easier to fix.  Hit Command+0 for default zoom. -- I changed that on mine and didn't have any affect but reading about the issue and some people had mentioned the zoom level.

Any other settings or changes to Safari you can think of?

Does it do that when you run a test or land on the results page?

Ahhhh!  I was able to reproduce it.  Now it makes sense, we didn't have the exact same variables.  ;) 

I forgot when I tested that just now I had already uploaded a potential fix... looks like that fixed it.  It was related to the zoom level being set at 90%.  It's still going to shrink the chart a little but not nearly as much.  Modern browsers don't have this bug.  Avoid it with default zoom levels.

- Damon


14 hours ago, Pgoodwin1 said:

Amazing you figured that out. Whooda thunk?

The Zoom is for sure the issue. When I view at actual size it's just right. When I Zoom, everything on the page zooms properly except the actual plot.The white background box scales correctly. It's just the plot itself that's scaling in bigger steps than everything else on the page

1st pic is actual size. 2nd is Zoom out 1 from 100%, 3rd is Zoom in 1 from 100%.





14 hours ago, Pgoodwin1 said:

I tried it with Beta OFF and the plot is missing. Tried different date ranges. No help. Zooming in and out didn't help either



13 hours ago, CA3LE said:

😀Nice, glad it's fixed.

Fixed the other issue too, something I left on in development by accident triggered it.  Good to know that old browsers are still being properly detected, that's the only way that variable can be triggered..... but the legacy charts aren't compatible with other changes made so that's now disabled... I can still call them up via the old script but I think the current charts being able to run on our max updated 2011 era iMacs is good enough for me.


57 minutes ago, Pgoodwin1 said:

Fantastic. I can’t believe you got all that figured out that fast


1 minute ago, CA3LE said:

Thanks man.  :TMN: :headbang:




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