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I have a friend in my small town of 2,000 people whom has a faster internet connection than I do.  I have RoadRunner at 5Mbps/384Kbps and his connection is about 10Mbps.  The only rational thing that I can think of is that his connection is very fast because his father works and runs a DirectTV store in his house.  Am I right in assuming that his speeds are very fast because of that?

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I HIGHLY HIGHLY doubt anyone gets 10Mbs on DirecWay, except maybe major businesses, because large businesses that like their service=more advertising=more people suckered into their crap=much more money for DirecWay...

His speeds might be faster than the average DirecWay user, but i doubt anywhere near 10Mbs (unless he found a way to uncap it)

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hey, you guys probably don't want ot bring up his name, but umm...the *Rev* once told me a story about how he had proved to the world that is is possible to get 11mbps donw with sat, and he used a very special type of satelite that he got from a military base, though I don't thaink that that's what's going on in your case. uncap? maybe.  :-P

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hey, you guys probably don't want ot bring up his name, but umm...the *Rev* once told me a story about how he had proved to the world that is is possible to get 11Mbps donw with sat, and he used a very special type of satelite that he got from a military base, though I don't thaink that that's what's going on in your case. uncap? maybe. :-P

Yea, its possible... satellite is CAPABLE of incredible speeds... but we have DirecWay limiting us... you want to hear speed?  My best download burst was 10MB in 2 seconds... with DirecWay... then it dropped to 80KBs...

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