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well... guess ill be the broken record on this one.

- Scan for viruses

- Scan for adware

- Make sure your NIC card has the latest drivers

And most important, make sure your cablenut settings are correct!

RWIN and TTL  thats too high or too low, will cause inconsistant and

possibly lossy connections.

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I use FF with 256MB of RAM and 850MHz processor on XP. It could be my modem. It's an old SB3100 but I can reach full speed with it. My NIC is old too, well my hole setup is old hahahah.  IE is the same but spiking in small numbers like 5 to 10 and 15 to 25. FF spikes in larger increments. But I get full speed dling so this is not a problem at all. I just wanted to know if I can smooth it out.

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