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evil As I'm sure many people are aware of, today one of those testing sites that will remain unnamed has started to charge $.99 usd per month for only 100 test.Maybe its just me but I think they are a bunch of "asswipes" because this site is way more accurate, better, and easier to use. Best of all its still free.Well I just thought I'd give my nickles worth,I could be wrong.Any feedback would be nice,Ca3le guy did all this hard work on this site for the good of the INTERNET,and no this is not a commercial cause I don't know him personally. Anyway what do you think?


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Why thank you for the praise. I am very glad you are happy with the functionallity and the fact that this site will ALWAYS be free. To tell you the truth I pick up more than ten times the cost of the dedicated server in ad revinue and also to tell you the truth I do this for fun and even if I broke even I would be happy. :) ~~ though my site has text advertising I have promised never to have pop-up or anoyance ads on ANY of my sites, I feel those are making the internet a stressful place. Hell, I felt bad for those couple of months that I had some casino ads... the internet should be a place were you can kick off your boots and not have to be bombarded by advertising... blah blah blah

I am however building yet another free site I hope you all check out, http://www.tapitorslapit.com/ (MRP and I are working on this together) ~ it's going to be awesome... if you are reading this.. maybe you can be one of our first members ;-) ~~ we expect hundeds of thousands ~~ details on site content are not public yet, but we are going to fix every complait about a curtain group of sites by building out own that does not have any of the BS of the other sites :-) ~~ stay tuned.

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:D Ca3le guy thats why you and your site are very cool because of your outlook on what the net is and should be.I would be honored to be one of the first members of TAP!IT or SLAP!T when its up and running.I'm sure with you and mrp working together the site will be a blast! Again thanks for your hard work and dedication to the net>

con respecto,

microwave 8)

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  • 1 month later...

those buttholes got over 1000 paying members already... why would people pay for that when I offer it for free ... oh because those people don't know about this site yet ;-) ~~~ let 'em know people!

I promise, connection logging / geo info is coming back soon, better than ever... sit tight.

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  • 1 month later...

Hell 2000 no prob CA3LE, It's just a matter of time. I think it probably grows in proportion to amount of users. The more users you have the more people are likely to hear about it. Once you reach 200 I think it is going to rocket from yhere. And I can't see anybody who visits this site than see's what others are like not coming back.You'll be able to say good-bye to your 9to5 before you know it :D:D

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:o lorne,

ya dont think ca3le guy wants to quit his 9to5 do ya?He is a dedicated Cox cable employee who loves his job,he is just waiting to climb the corp. ladder so he can join the country club,and be on the board of directors etc..But most of all he is just waiting for 40 some years to pass until he retires and gets that beautiful watch(timex)that they give out when you retire......Or maybe not!!!hahaha

:P Microwave

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Shut up squirrel little pig with your tail stuck in the fence im going to eat you as soon as little bo peep lets me out of jail.Where did my leg go oh yeah i fed it to molly who sat on her trumpet.

Just a little taste of CA3LES mind after 40 years of selling cable :lol:

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Microwave 8)

I don't know about other people but that is what i would be like after doing the same job for 40 years. Even my current job building performance engines which i love to do. I wouldn't be able to do for more than 10-15 years without my brain ending up like the above mentioned. I don't know maybe i just get bored fast. But if TestMy.net is around for 15-20 years I will still be posting. STRANGE :!:


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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah Ca3le is diffently a rare breed with the service that he is providing. With this site there will be a lot of questions asked and with that there will be a lot of knowledge obtained so with keeping this in mind Ca3le is truly doing the internet at large a very good service. Keep up the good work and remember what you put out in life is what you will get back 10 times in return. Thank you all for sharing your knowledge. :idea::D

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