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you can use any router you want but jus as an fyi normally we dont support a lnksys if you get a tech that knows about linksys and is confident then we will support it

but on the off chance u get someone that doesnt then they will recommend using the dlink we give u.  all u need is to set the route to PPPoE and use any user name ans pass since its open PPPoE set the MTU for 1492 and thats bout it it should work fine..

then set up your security to what you wish it to be and ur done.

Right now I have the D-Link router hooked up to one computer, hardwired. and then out of port 2 on the D-Link, I have that connected to the Internet In port on the Linksys (giving me wireless capability)

Do you think this would reduce my speed greatly, should I switch it all onto just the Linksys?

mmm i dunno if it would reduce speed th eonly thing i can see is that maybe it wil cuz of it being wireless but other then that the bridging shouldnt reduce it that much but again im not quite 100% positve try testing it out worst comes to worst call up VZ and have them send u a wireless one only costs like 60 and besides i would just do the linksys anyways if your comfortable with it.

thres really no difference just hard wire at least one pc.

  • 2 weeks later...

I just installed Verizon FiOS, and was wondering how I could hook up my Wireless Linksys WRT54G Router to it. Any help, thanks.

You can do that if you want.  I have a Linksys WRT54GS.  I am however, using it behind the DLink (DI-604)  provided free by Verizon.  There are two main problems with using the Linksys.  First, like TM said, some techs might not provide support to you, since they don't know that router.  Second, and more importantly, is that Linksys seems to have an issue with PPPoE over about 10 MBits.  For some reason, it chokes on more than that thru the WAN using PPPoE.  Using DHCP it doesn't break a sweat even at 15 MBits/sec as is the plan I suspect you have.  So for now, since FIOS uses PPPoE, you may want to keep the Linksys behind the DLink.  Let the DLink handle the PPPoE duties, and let the Linksys handle everything else, as I have done.  You can always try the Linksys, and if the speeds don't keep up, just insert the DLink.  Hopefully, FIOS will turn to DHCP, and then this problem will go away :)


  • 4 weeks later...

I dont know about the LinkSys routers, I have a ViewSonic wireless router and when I hook it directly too the FiOS from the ONT I get a major speed decrease. So I keep the D-link they set up for me and use the viewsonic as a daisy chain. I have tested the wireless and get 10+mbit speeds thru the wireless G I have in the other room. And there is no slow down on my own system which is hardwired into the d-link. so I would suggest daisychaing the linksys or any other routers to the dlink as the dlink has the special firmware from verizon themselves.


I dont know about the LinkSys routers, I have a ViewSonic wireless router and when I hook it directly too the FiOS from the ONT I get a major speed decrease. So I keep the D-link they set up for me and use the viewsonic as a daisy chain. I have tested the wireless and get 10+mbit speeds thru the wireless G I have in the other room. And there is no slow down on my own system which is hardwired into the d-link. so I would suggest daisychaing the linksys or any other routers to the dlink as the dlink has the special firmware from verizon themselves.


  Depending on the unit it may have a MAX of 10Mbps on the wan. Lucky for me the WRT54GS has a 100Mbps and you must set it up for PPPOE.

  You are absolutely correct that if the other router has a 10 Mbps max that the "Daisychain" remedy will work albeit the wireless may or maynot be a issue.


  • 1 year later...

Just switched over my ActionTEC MI424WR Router that I got with my Verizon FiOS Install to a WRT54G ver2.

Right off the start it wouldn't automatically take the DHCP Request off the Verizon Equipment, but once I cloned the MAC Information of the ActionTEC it worked like a charm. Grabbed the DHCP instantly.

The ActionTEC footprint is way to large for my taste.  :cool2:

Last Result:

Download Speed: 9948 kbps (1243.5 KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 3314 kbps (414.3 KB/sec transfer rate)

Regards, SirHOAX

Well there is a noticeable speed difference between using the WRT54G and the ActionTEC MI424WR Router. With the WRT54G I wasn't getting close to the speeds I get using the hardware Verizon FiOS gives you.

Oh well, maybe in the near future they will have higher speed WRT version that LinkSYS will release designed more for fiber optic connections to the internet. 

Will have to see what hooking a PC directly to the DROP running Slackware set-up for NAT can do. Probably good results if not better. Anyone running a PC with *nix as their firewall hooked directly to FiOS? Be sure to reply, would love to hear your results.

Last Result w/ActionTEC Hooked Up:   :shocked:

Download Speed: 20508 Kbps (2563.5 kB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 4760 kbps (595 KB/sec transfer rate)

Regards, sirHOAX

Has anyone installed a LinkSYS WRT54G Wireless Router with a Verizon FiOS Fiber-Optic Internet Connection? Just curious to see if you had better results than what I originally had experienced.(see above) Mine does have the non-linksys firmware made by dd-wrt, wondering if that might be what is doing it. Can't see why it would slow down the router itself. Any thoughts?

The thing is, I should be able to get the same results between both routers. The one the verizon people gave me and the aftermarket WRT54G. Can not see why I would see such drastic differences in the connection's speed.

Anyone with any info please post.

Regards, VyraCOM!  :wink2:

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