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Now we're gettin' somewhere.  Grab the little | between the Name (RDN) and In Folder headings and drag to the right till you can see the whole userid listing  (Resizing the column) then ...........

BTW:  The ones with 2 heads are groups, the ones with one head are users.......

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Click once on the Authenticated Users, then hold the Ctrl key down while clicking once on the Interactive  listing.  If you did it right, only the two you selected should be highlighted.  If this is true then click on "OK" button and post.

You ARE in a group (the Administrators Group) which you are presently adding to.  The reason the Administrator group doesn't appear in the list is that you are adding to it and you can't add a group to itself.

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click Ok, as you suspected........ :)  The two new goups should be showing in the listing now.  If so, click Apply, then OK and reboot.  If you have trouble, to remove them go back in and click once on one of the two we added, then click Remove" button.  Then do the same steps with the other we added.  then apply, ok then reboot again.  ok? :)

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Well, I'm not sure we did anything. What I will post is the same info as it was last night, in the Groups/users catagory. Anyhow, take a look.

Double click on the Administrators Group, not the Users group to see the results.  Don't remove them from the Administrators group until you reboot to check and see if the error comes back or not.

resi3js:  Donations are ALWAYS welcome... :haha:;)

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Nothing to report  :cry: Nothing helped, but what we did didn't hurt either, so I'll leave it the way it is for now. Ya, I'm tired tonight, we're working 9 hour shifts now and that just makes the grind a little longer :( So have a good one and see you on the morrow for sure. Your'e sure helping me to learn stuff I've never done before, thank you. Nitey Nite and cheers  :wave: :wave: :occasion14::icon_salut: :icon_salut: :icon_rr:


Let's try this.  Add back the authenticate users group to the administrators group and take the Authenticated users group out of the Users group (If that makes any sense.....)  What this will do is give all authenticated users admin access to the machine.  Figured out a quandry at work with this particular thing also. 

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Hi cak46. Well, that didn't do it.  :cry: :cry: We're working longer hours now  :angry5: so it will be a little later before I start posting. A fourth hull is coming over from Westport as we speak, for us to build. That's makes four in our building !! It's about an hour and a half trip"across the pond".  We need more people!!!  Know anybody with boat building experience that wants to live in the beautiful Pacific Northwest? Many postions are open.

Lot's of pine trees, too  :haha: :haha:

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Hi cak46. Well, that didn't do it. :cry: :cry: We're working longer hours now :angry5: so it will be a little later before I start posting. A fourth hull is coming over from Westport as we speak, for us to build. That's makes four in our building !! It's about an hour and a half trip"across the pond". We need more people!!! Know anybody with boat building experience that wants to live in the beautiful Pacific Northwest? Many postions are open.

Lot's of pine trees, too :haha: :haha:

:haha: :haha: :cool:

Bath Iron Works just had a layoff.  Might want to contact the Maine Dept. of Labor.  Ship builders though......

Activate each deactivated service, one by one, each time try opening the component services that cause the instant lsass error after starting the service.

Xtra work......  Always a bummer to get home later.... :cry:

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Well, I'm back. I've been fighting this installer thing. I'm following what MS is saying and some of the cmd prompts are not working on my system. Something else is going on, I think. I tried to re-register Windows Update Components and the

"Regsvr32 wuapi.dll" wouldn't work. I couldn't re-configure the proxy settings, either. So the ball is back in their court now. Nighty nite for me and I'm sure by now your'e sawing logs, large Pine ones at that  :haha: :haha: Catch ya later on the flip-flop Cheers  :wave::icon_salut:

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Hi... I'm a newbie, and I have upgraded to windows XP, ever since I did that, a window pops up telling me something about LSA shell and then another window pops up telling me lsass.exe failed or something of that sort and will shut down in 60 seconds!!!!!!! :x I've reformatted several times thinking it might fix it, but no luck! I'm getting very frustrated and don't know how to repair it. Also my IE keeps messing up and won't let me type in the browser and search for anything..... if anyone can help me I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!

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Welcome aboard Hottiecakes. I'll post my error message so you can compare. I got the 60 sec "doom" only once at the very beginning of all this mess, two months ago!! If I click on it right after it comes up, it will reboot. If you leave it alone for awhile, then you can delete it and your'e OK. If your'e getting the same error I am WITH the 60 sec "doom", that sounds like a virus, which I don't seem to have. I do beleive that the LSA shell is Local Security Autority and that is part of the Lsass.exe. It is in your Windows/system 32 folder. The best thing for you to do, although painful, is to start reading this thread from the beginning to get an idea of what we have already done. Many things have been tried, to no avail. If you have a virus, then it should be an easy fix.For grins and giggles, try running a thorough anti-virus scan in safe mode. Then go to your anti-virus website and download all "fixes" that they may have for the different viruses. Mine at the time was McAfee. They have the "Stinger" tool that you can try. I'm getting wordy here. I'm a really tired, sorry, but it would really help for you to read this thread. There are many items that could possibly help you. cak46 has been with me through this whole mess. Anyhow, stay tuned, there may be more.

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