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I am looking to get a new video card(currently i have an NVIDIA GeForce 4 MX420).  The computer is about 2.5 years old so it definitely does not have PCI-E cards.  I was wondering whether I should go for the ATI X850 for AGP or PCI-E.  Would my computer even support AGP 4x/8x?  Also would the NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GTX with SLi be better?  If you need more information about my computer I'll be happy to find it for you.

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If you want to know your maximum AGP speed you'll need a program like Everest or SiSoft Sandra.

The difference between 4x and 8x is minimal, so don't worry about that. Your computer will most likely support 4x, and I advice a GF660GT, as that card should be able to max out your computer. An X850 is complete overkill for 2.5 year old computers, that money is better spent elsewehere.

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Also would the NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GTX with SLi be better? If you need more information about my computer I'll be happy to find it for you.

You would have to upgrade your motherboard to use that card as SLI technology is dual graphics cards on 1 board.

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I would probably go with a 6800 nvidia card! That is what I have and my pc is pretty old! I think at least a year not sure time flys to fast lol! But the 6800=ATI X800 and the 6800gt= X800pro or something like that so it is a good card I have one thanks!

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i just bought a 6600gt and i like it a lot. You seem to have about the same situation as i do as far as computer specs go so i would recomend the 6600gt i bought one from newegg.com  it was $164.00 USD and has a $15usd rebate so it was a good deal and it is from EVGA. Those more expensive cards will be overkill like mentioned before

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anything more then that card, or really even the Nvidia Geforce 4 ti 4600 would be like "Putting nos in a pinto". with the machine u r workin with.

like, putting ultra low profile tires on an 18 wheeler.

like,  putting saddlebags on a katana.

like, putting kind bud, in a blunt.

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