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Testmy.net rules

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Guest scatrbrain

I love this site guys. Personally for me living in Wichita Kansas, this site gives me the most consistant, accurate results Iv ever gotton in the 5 years Iv had cable. I have a list of about 5, maybe 8 test sites that Iv used in the past and just found this one less than a month ago and turns out this one is the best. Who ever is responsible for this site, i dont know how you have made it so reliable and free but my hats off to you. And I try not to suck up too much of your bandwith by testing only every few days. :shock:

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 8186 Kbps about 8.2 Mbps (tested with 2992 KB)

Download Speed is:: 999 KB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

Bottom Line:: 146 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 1.03 second(s)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=MQNHV9YQ2

:::.. Upload Stats ..:::

Connection is: 650 Kbps about 0.6 Mbps (tested with 1496 KB)

Upload Speed is: 79 KB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

Bottom Line: 12 times faster than 56K you can upload 1MB in 12.96 second(s)

Validation Link :: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=KK0TIRH1D

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:) Your right it is the best site....I also have used other sites but this is the ONE......the person who is responsible for this cool site is Ca3le Guy , and I cant speak for him but he has always encouraged people to test often and he has enough bandwidth for us to test often as I do and many others do.There have been many ,many improvements since I first joined this site but it has always been the most accurate, and cool people to answer questions which makes for a nice place to visit often....So tell your friends and keep coming back:)And your speeds are killer :cry:

8) Microwave

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Guest scatrbrain

heck yea MICROWAVE your right on all of those points. The cool people that reply do make it that much better too. Now that you mention it i have seen Ca3le Guy`s posts in here but i wasnt aware that he was the one that created this! I originally posted this message because I saw some chump slamming this site saying that his results were whacked, I was thinking.....what R you talkin about buckko, iv ran possibly thousands of tests over the years at various sites and never had one perform as smooth as this.... I embarrassed to admit that I even PAID for a subscription for one test site (that I wont mention) that actually does have continual issues with the results being inaccurate. i know its got to be frustraiting for Ca3le Guy since he must know he has a awesome service while people slamm it. So i thought id give em some positive feed back. Anyway I deffinitly have recommended this site to all my broadband buddies, as for my speed tests being what they are, I dont know whats up with that but im not gonna complain about it thats for sure. anyway, catch you laterzz!! Thanks for the reply Micro

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Well thank you for the encouragement and praise, I always love to hear it.

As for people slamming me... it's going to happen, I have literally hundreds of thousands people at this site a month (and growing every day) --- there will always be people that complain and I really don't care.... because if the site really sucks... I wouldn't have hundreds of thousands people at this site a month ;-) -- If a site sucks people don't come, and I do not at all advertise, 100% word of mouth. Again if a site sucks, people don't tell other people

As for bandwidth... I'm only touching 1/10 to 1/8 of my bandwidth, I don't want people to abuse my service... but I am not going to cry if you test as often as you need to :-D --- my contextual advertisments I have on the site far more than pay for the huge expense of hosting this site... and as I have said in the past, if I ever get to the point to where I am running out of bandwidth... I will just buy up another server :lol:

Name another site that offers SQL logging of test scores without having to sign up or pay for it ;-) ~~ also name another site that graphs those results... also name another site that has taken extra care in ensuring that the server used actually meets the application.

But one thing I do admit is that I need to work more on my upload test, it is out dated and is not as accurate as I would like it to be -- it is an extreamly hard test to perfect (to where it's accurate on EVERYONE's machine), and this is why most test sites don't offer upload tests -- but I am completely re-writing it... that is going to take me a while

People like yourself are what has and will motivate me to move forward.

There is only a very small amount of people that talk crap anyway and there always will be... with every site on the internet, hell people talk crap about google and we all know how friggen awesome google is. In d_load.cgi (the parent PERL script for the download test) there are over 1000 lines of code or about 28,000 characters of hand-written-code.. there are at least 10 other scripts that tie into that script alone and all and all at least 100 different scripts that are on this site at least(some of which you guys don't see). In the complete development of this site including old versions I have most likely written over a million lines of code --- having said that, I would like to see any one of those people that talk crap do any better ;-) // I think for a one man show I have done pretty awesome... not to toot my own horn or anything :wink:

Very nice scores by the way... I only get half of your download :(

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 4739 Kbps about 4.7 Mbps (tested with 2992 KB)

Download Speed is:: 578 KB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

Bottom Line:: 85 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 1.77 second(s)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=IABK34TOV

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Name another site that offers SQL logging of test scores without having to sign up or pay for it ;-) ~~ also name another site that graphs those results... also name another site that has taken extra care in ensuring that the server used actually meets the application.

It would be ironic for someone to mention a website that uses your custom testing stuff.

How much space does the logging take up? Eventually, you'll have to delete really old database entries to free space for new entries.

But one thing I do admit is that I need to work more on my upload test, it is out dated and is not as accurate as I would like it to be -- it is an extreamly hard test to perfect (to where it's accurate on EVERYONE's machine), and this is why most test sites don't offer upload tests -- but I am completely re-writing it... that is going to take me a while

If you need help some help to make even tests by the most unreliable connections accurate, just ask me.

I'm not implying that I have such a bad connection whatsoever. Sue me. :roll:

Very nice scores by the way... I only get half of your download :(

Idem dito, but then for your speed compared to mine.

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My database is in MySQL -- as of right now I have logged about 550,000 scores since June --- My database is pretty optimized and is only 45MB right now --- the size of the database does not matter to me I have 160GB availible to me on my server :-P, I just need to make sure that the database does not get too big that it becomes slow for queries.

Right now I have Comp_ID indexed --- so that speeds up personal stats queries.

I think that I will be able to hold at least a year of stats without speed becoming too much of an issue... maybe more than a year of stats :) --- if I do need to perge, I will just optimize the table once a month and drop off the oldest month logged --- but for now it's running great, MySQL server is really proving how awesome it is to me.

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Not to mention his tendency to spam :P

I'm starting to understand why the "be a dork ;)" line is on the main page. It's me, isn't it? :lol:

Edit: Why is it that the 'animated' smiles no longer do their thing? They just stand there. Without the rolling eyes my life is incomplete... :roll: Move damnit.

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Hey I have to jump in here and say thanks too. Althouh I have never seen anyone talk crap about your site, and I cant IMAGINE why they would. Anyway I will never use another speed test site and I have sent at least 5 people to this site since I found it and they all love it to. So yea thanks for the great site, anyone talks crap about this site is either cross eyed or came here looking for porn.

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and it is most likely true! :roll:

Gotta be true, I cant imagine one complaint they could possibly have. I mean an honest complaint. I could think of an honest complaint about google before this place. Nice people, GREAT testing, its free and the creater/owner of the site comes in and talks frequently and doesnt sit on a high horse like so many other webmasters. I just hope to learn alot from this place and you guys.

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I have found that most of the web admins that have a forum area are pretty active... Atleast the ones that I am a member of... It is just to hard not to be... But CA3LE is special... he really does care about his members... He is constantly re writing test to make them more accurate and better..

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