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first off sorry for the terrible wording

Ok i have a LITE-ON LTR-523275 which i cannot do anything with i have the drivers on the system tried uninstalling it then reinstalling it still cant find it also 2 of my audio drivers went out also the SiS 7018 Audio Driver and the MPU-401 Compatible Media Device tried uninstalling them also and cant get them either to go also i keep getting Code 39 Error thank you for any help people on fixing these

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ok try these drivers... http://www.liteon.com/prod/getDriver.do?action=driver&xml_id=4_2&menu_id=4_2_7&pid=31&cid=1_7_3

Audio Driver this should be the entire package so you should be able to replace anying that you lost..... http://www.softwarepatch.com/utilities/sis7018.html

try that and see what happens... dont upgrade the firmware yet!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Since the introduction of Windows XP, a new problem has arisen involving the drive not being detected AFTER installing and then uninstalling recording software like Easy Cd Creator. This problem is caused by a couple of registry entires that must be deleted before the drive can be detected. If this situation applies to you, then please read this http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;q314060

and follow the instructions posted in this article to remove those registry entries. Once completed, just reboot pc and drive(s) should be detected during bootup.

Hail Win2k ~!~!~! :wink:


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