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one: my school laptop can't hook up to my cox usb cable since im not a cpu admin to install it... any way to get around this? i dont wanna ask the tech guy at my school cuz then he'll probably want me to leave the laptop with him for a period/block [so he can solve it] and then he'll find all my games (which i had real trouble installing since we cant install games, but i did it 8) ), my music, and all my other files...

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------two: i installed quicktime a long time ago and i was recently messing with some settings because quicktime files werent showing up, and i dont know how to set everything to its defaults... i already tried reinstalling it bout 5 times, ive tried uninstalling it and then deleting everything related to quicktime, and checked for a default settings button... no luck. any advice?

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ill try the installing to a different directory thing; it might work.

how do i use a cat5 connection? the tech guy at school was surprised when i said i was using usb; i guess thats y...

my schools smart (actually evils a better word for it :evil: ) so they disabled command prompt for non admins along with run and just about everything else. i cant even defragment it without the admin password...

all the freshmen get it for the rest of our time at my school (unless we break it- one girl already accidentally got hers run over... :lol: ), so ill have it 4 years (hopefully :wink: ). and its xp professional...

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and enables you to recover usernames and passwords contained in the Windows Secure Storage.

That should be what you are looking for.. It should be able to get the admin password..

the cat 5 thing should work if you have a cat5 and usb equiped modem.. If you have usb then you have cat5 also.. unless you have some wierd modem.. :roll: Other than that you should be set..

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Hack the admin password. I have done this many times for ligitamate purposes, and it is really, very easy. There are several utilities to use that can be easily found with a simple google search. You will have to reboot to a floppy or cd to do this, however. Then when you are about to hand it in, accidently remove kernel.exe or something. They'll never be able to tell that you had admnistrative rights on the system.

Use cat5 for your modem. Your networking settings should automatically adjust to your network settings.

Finally, you could also just use knoppix and leave the Windows install in tact :).

Good luck.

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well, quicktimes still acting stupid, though i did clear the settings. i had to go to regedit and manually delete it all.

and hacking wouldnt be such a good idea, considering they put a buncha programs on the cpu that shows them exactly what im doing and have done. they also took away the priveledge for me to close that program... see? my schools smart/evil... however, theyre not smart enough to stop me from giving my cpu the order to restrict certain folders of my choice from every username but mine!mwahaha.gif

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this is totally unrelated to my previous problems, but on my home computer, i changed the boot screen but the program i was using made a backup of the bootscreen so now when i turn on the computer, it always asks me if i want to use the backup or the regular- very annoying... :evil: i searched everywhere but i cant find the backup to delete it... where would it be?

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that is what I thought.... Snacky you might want to check into how to edit your boot log... you are going to want to make a copy of this!! Make sure that you know which one does which.. You should be able to find out how to do this by searching it on yahoo.. or your favorite search engine..

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so it is running a dual boot then.. one with the original boot screen and one with the new improved one?

no, they both seem to have the modified screen. theres no difference about whichever one i use- everything runs just the same, same boot screen, same logon screen, everthing...

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lol another totally unrelated thing here, but i didnt want to make an entire new thread. i may have said previously that my school was smart, but now theyre making mistakes left and right. i simply turned off the program (called altris)'s ability to view my screen or take control of my laptop! it was a radio button in the options! :twisted:

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lol another totally related thing here' date=' but i didnt want to make an entire new thread. i may have said previously that my school was smart, but now theyre making mistakes left and right. i simply turned off the program (called altris)'s ability to view my screen or take control of my laptop! it was a radio button in the options! :twisted:[/quote']

:shock: What a bunch of fuckin' idiots --- some people just should not set up networks :roll:

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lol, i was telling everyone with a laptop to turn off that function. im gonna get in sooo much trouble but im cool with that because they never said the altiris program would be able to let the network admin to actually control our laptops, just view our screen... i figure they never thought someone would bother to explore the program... idiots...

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