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Hey everyone I hope I can get an answer for this.  I'm hoping to get Verizon Fios in a month or so and I figured I would try and save some money and run the networking wire thru the house for my computers instead of paying someone else to do it.  Well I ordered some Cat6 cable 500' bulk roll from Controlcable.com and bought the EZRJ45 connectors and EZRJ45 tool.  Now after a few tries I finally have correctly wired up the connectors.  This is were my first problem began I found that by plugging in the cat6 cable to my computer with a gigabit nic card from linksys and connecting that to a linksys wireless g router and switch the cable works for a minute or so then windows xp shows the network cable is unplugged. The wires are still physically attached.  I have ran the Marvell Virtual cable tester and it says I have a short at 15meters on wires 4,5,7 and 8.  I have physically inspected the wire casing and everything seems fine.  Does anyone know of a way to correct this problem this is occurring on two separate wires.  I don't have a line test tool. Should I get rid of the cat 6 or try and use a different style connector for the ends?

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Welcome to the forum, cstmstyle.  :hello:

Same problem and two separate lines.  How long are they?  With ethernet, there is a 300 meter limit on length.  May also want to double check the RJ45's for color sequence correctness. 

Edit:  In other words, what php says below......

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Yes absolutly sure on the wiring sequnece as I made that mistake already following the cryptic directions I got.  I had to actually look at a 3 foot cat6 patch cable I had that works and followed that.  As for the length one wire is only about 50 feet and the other maybe about 80 feet.  Here is the thing I think maybe the EZRJ45 connectors may be crap in general if anyone can confirm this I will swich them out to something better.  and an update on the shorts one the first wire I get a short on wires 4 and 5 at 15 meters and a short on wires 7 and 8 at 14 meters.  One the ther wire I get the short ne wires 4 and 5 at 22 meters and wires 7 and 8 at 20 meters.  I have again looked at the cables and there are no sharp bends or crossing of any other wires.  any thoughts?

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Yes absolutly sure on the wiring sequnece as I made that mistake already following the cryptic directions I got. I had to actually look at a 3 foot cat6 patch cable I had that works and followed that. As for the length one wire is only about 50 feet and the other maybe about 80 feet. Here is the thing I think maybe the EZRJ45 connectors may be crap in general if anyone can confirm this I will swich them out to something better. and an update on the shorts one the first wire I get a short on wires 4 and 5 at 15 meters and a short on wires 7 and 8 at 14 meters. One the ther wire I get the short ne wires 4 and 5 at 22 meters and wires 7 and 8 at 20 meters. I have again looked at the cables and there are no sharp bends or crossing of any other wires. any thoughts?

If you have enough connectors, try to build another line and see what the results are.  Maybe defective wire, if not the connectors?  Never used that type of connector (EZ) myself, but the ones I used when I first started making patch cords, took me 7 rj45s before I got it right.

This may help too.  These seem like good instructions.


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Thanks for the link wish I had seen that before I got started.  I trile checked the connection sequence and it is correct.  I am going to try and make a crossover cable run and connect my computer upstairs to my computer in the living room.  A friend of mine asked if maybe the router doesn't supprt cat6 cabling, don't see why not its a linksys wrt54g. I don't know I'm running out of ideas

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Thanks for the link wish I had seen that before I got started. I trile checked the connection sequence and it is correct. I am going to try and make a crossover cable run and connect my computer upstairs to my computer in the living room. A friend of mine asked if maybe the router doesn't supprt cat6 cabling, don't see why not its a linksys wrt54g. I don't know I'm running out of ideas

Have you tried skipping the router and connecting directly to your souce (Cable modem, etc?  I doubt it will work, but worth a try.  Also, PHP is correct.  You could try replacing each of the rj45's one at a time, testing before replacing the second one.  If the same shorts appear, its most likely bad wire.

Edit:  If you have a regular multi-tester, test the continuity of each wire prior to connecting the rj45's.  This will assure that it is or is not the wire......

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Cstmstyle I agree with Blunted  I think you have bad cable..A short  can be a break in the wire if this is  inside the insulation you might  not be able to tell by looking.I  know its a lot of trouble but  Take the connectors off & check each wire in the cable for continuity move the cable around when you  do this to see if it loses continuity.This can be done with a simple multimeter on the ohm setting.If you can get a couple of female connectors you won't need to take the ends off just build a couple of testers with the female connectors .Then if you find a short remove the male ends & test the cable that should tell you if its the cable or the connectors.

You say they are wired correctly but are the connectors supposed to be the same on each end or opposite.Meaning both facing down at each end color code the same or 1 up & 1 down color code the same.

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Why not order online and get a free install, a free month, and a free router. When I tried to order it online last week it said it wasnt available for my address. So I called them told them I couldnt order online but still wanted the free install, router, and month and they said no problem because I asked for it!!! Just cgot my verizon fios thgis morning for not a dollar out of my pocket. took him 4 hours to install. here are my speeds....

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 24242 Kbps about 24.2 Mbps (tested with 12160 kB)

Download Speed is:: 2959 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2)

Test Time:: Wed Jul 20 00:29:46 EDT 2005

Bottom Line:: 433X faster than 56K 1MB download in 0.35 sec

Diagnosis: Looks Great : 2.39 % faster than the average for host (79.3)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-0IJGMVEYC

:::.. Upload Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 2902 Kbps about 2.9 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB)

Upload Speed is:: 354 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2)

Test Time:: Wed Jul 20 00:34:53 EDT 2005

Bottom Line:: 52X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 2.89 sec

Diagnosis: 90% + Okay : running at 94.53 % of your hosts average (79.3)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-4Y2JQSZAF

I have 5 meg upload but this site is inaccurate with my upload.

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Also cat6 will work fine! cat5e and up is good but they are running cat5e from the ONT to ur wall jack so maybe Im wrong but I dont see a reason to put any better grade wire. Also it sounds like u have a short in ur wires, or pinched the wires to tight, or didnt put the ends on correctly.

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is he building his own conection?

wait wait wait, is he building the cat6 cables

ahahah o boy

just buy really good belkin 1's and if u really want speed cat6 is not gona neesarly do that just lower latency"ping" unless ur dealing with 100mb internet and higher what u proly really need to use those cat 6 cables all the way is a gigabyte switch "a super router, routes without a wan, or nat or any of thaty bs", and wireless and t6, sumthings fishy

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to make a really long story short the problem was I had my router plugged into an outlet that was controlled by the light switch. Little did I know that was the reason I was getting network cables unplugged errors.  I even had a guy come out and he "fixed" the problem by deleting a bridged connection between my firewire port and the ethernet connection.  Well the lights were on in the basement the whole time he was there so everything worked as it should.  He left I turned off the lights and connection was lost.  I figured out the problem when I went back downstairs to look at the router I had the idea that the connectors were just lose in the router ports. While I was doing that my girlfriend turned the lights off on me and surprise router lost power.  So moved router to new outlet and everything works now.  Also some mentioned just to have Fios give me everything when they come out.  Fios made it very clear they don't fish walls or run cables so to try and save money I did it myself.  Hey at least the guy who came out said my cable runs and connections look professional.

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to make a really long story short the problem was I had my router plugged into an outlet that was controlled by the light switch. Little did I know that was the reason I was getting network cables unplugged errors. I even had a guy come out and he "fixed" the problem by deleting a bridged connection between my firewire port and the ethernet connection. Well the lights were on in the basement the whole time he was there so everything worked as it should. He left I turned off the lights and connection was lost. I figured out the problem when I went back downstairs to look at the router I had the idea that the connectors were just lose in the router ports. While I was doing that my girlfriend turned the lights off on me and surprise router lost power. So moved router to new outlet and everything works now. Also some mentioned just to have Fios give me everything when they come out. Fios made it very clear they don't fish walls or run cables so to try and save money I did it myself. Hey at least the guy who came out said my cable runs and connections look 

Glad you got it resolved!

Sounds like a new version of the old "is it plugged in?" issue that comes up at work on occasion.  :)

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my only ? is what insipred u to make ur router switch conectected to a lightswitch i mean, any 1 could just turn it of, mesing up dl's or w/e,

maybe its just that i would master lock m,y router to the wall if could but thats just funny.

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Nothing inspired me to plug my router into an outlet controlled by a lightswitch. I just moved in to this house a couple of moths ago and really had no idea that this outlet in the basement was being controlled by the lightswitch.  I should have known something would go wrong seems like everything else is screwin with this house so why not the outlets too.  P.S Never buy an old house :oops:

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