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I don't know how many people have used Black Vipers web site in the past, I used to use it all the time ( some good info there ) but mostly I used it for the services settings.

His WebSite has been down for a long time and I just happened to find a mirror he is using at the moment, so here it is if anybody wants it........... http://dhost.info/kyeu/mirror/blackviper/

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Guest helloimtim

Allot of people wonder what happend to black viper. Not only is his site down but his gf as well. If i were to guess it would be this. I know he once posted about getting married. I am sure he knows as well as alot of others do as well. The internet and marrage generally speaking is a bad idea. I have seen lots of relationships turn south because of the net. Personaly If it creates that much problem get rid of the silly computer. So simply put. I think he and his new wife just walked away from the net. Yea I know he was a big gammer and seti fan. Real big on the net. But I have seen it before and done it myself. Just walked away. Stayed away for a few years then came back. If I was not single and forsure not looking I probally would just give my computer to my kids. Just my 2 cents...........

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Oh well looks like that's the end of that.....




I have finally decided to take my BlackViper Mirror site down due to legal, ethical and personal issues.

(No, BlackViper has NOT launched a lawsuit against me.)

Quote from Copyright Page (Under the Fair User portion):


You are not authorized to copy and redistribute my content, including screen shots.


I have had no luck in getting any contact with BlackViper (even though I tried). I still don't have

his consent in providing (almost) his entire site to the public (of which he may not have approved of).

I always had doubt in the legality of my actions, so that is why I've finally decided to make sure I was

doing the right thing (in the legal viewpoint). The right thing to do for the Internet community was to keep

the mirror up, but that would break some ethics.

Also, BlackViper showed considerable annoyance at people leeching his site. You can see his 'Rant' below.

I am sincerely sorry for this, and I wish you all the best in tweaking and maintaining your systems.


[email protected]

You can visit MajorGeek's Mirror of his Services Configuration Page for Windows XP SP2 in the link below:


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