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I am planning on setting up a home network that uses a wired router/switch as well as a wireless router/switch.  The wireless router/switch has a wireless access point as well as 4 ports for ethernet cables.  I was wondering if it was possible for this to work, heres a pic to explain what I mean.  Both of the router/switches have setup wizard discs that come with them, so I would think that there is no need to manualy configure them.  Thanks


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now depending on ur system setings that wil vaary, however i think id be safe to say if u created a network folder and can axcis stuf of the first switch on poc's on the second id be safe to say ur printer wil work fine however my bigest concern is this

the begening of the entire picture is a telephone line

now dsl can be amazing but thats alot of cable bro and other devices, with all on simatinsouley

ur proly gona have sum serious lag lol but then again how fast is ur net?

i assume ur gona d this using all cat5 cables and i assume u have basic or knock off switches

if that is tru ill tell u this if u do experience lag"pertaining to the internet, not in home network"

on any of ur devices, iots gona proly be beacuse of all that cable ur runingmy suggestion, run nothing but cat6 belkin cables, custom cut if u can and use only the bare minuim of cable possible on all devices, ive personaly seen my own latency "ping" lower from just runing cat6 cables it might help u and eventualy u might wnaan think about a gigagyte switch, ud proly only need 1 of as well, update net cards to gigabyte and ud be basicly 100% overkill which aint bad :evil6:

then again this is only if u experience this lag

how fast is ur net bye the way

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Your design looks good  and should work.  By using switches instead of hubs, you will minimize errant traffic on your local lan.  Original is right that your speed may be slow with all of those machines on-line with a dsl connection (assumption-phoneline).  Your bottleneck will be there.  I wouldn't look so much at lag, but more to bandwidth available on your internet connection.  5 machines each downloading a large file at the same time could bring your connection to the internet to its knees, not so much because of latency, but more by low bandwidth.  The smaller the pipe, the more collisions you have, hence higher latency.  Who is your provider and what package do you have?  BTW:  The laptop should be able to print to the networked printer if configured correctly. 

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What exactly is a "wireless access point"?  Is it supposed to be a port to connect my jump drive into?  I have a Linksys WRT54GS Wireless G Broadbad Router with Speed Booster and, for the life of me, can't find ANY extra ports to hook up my jump drive into, besides the usual CAT5 ports for wired connections.  I have been trying to set up my PC and Laptop through XP and the instructions guide me to first plug my Jump Drive into my main PC to copy files, etc, then into the "wireless access point", then to any other other computers I want on my wireless network, then back to the original PC I started with.  Didn't mean to just jump into this topic and misdirect the original problem, but I couldn't resist when I recognized problems I am having with the same type of problem.  Would appreciate some direction.  Thanks, gents.

a wireless access point is similar to a wireless router... have a look at the image below i think it could explain a little better


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  Ok one question I don't see why no one else said this but, Why not just use one wireless router with like a 8-10 port switch on it? I use a router with a built in wireless and switch but it is only 4 ports but I am sure you can probably find one with more.

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Problem solved!  :D  I actually didn't have to insert the jump drive into the wireless/wired router (a.k.a. wireless access point).  After placing the jump drive into my laptop (the only other computer I wanted in my wireless network) and copied the network settings from my main PC into the laptop, I decided to experiment and create a shared folder on my PC's Network Places and ....  VOILA!! ........ it showed up on my laptop's Network Places and I am able to share both ways, too.  Thank you, TriRan and et al.  Maybe some day I'll be a techie (or blow myself up trying). ;)

rotoruda just glad some of the suggestions worked.. always happy to help a fellow broadbandaholic :P

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Ok one question I don't see why no one else said this but, Why not just use one wireless router with like a 8-10 port switch on it? I use a router with a built in wireless and switch but it is only 4 ports but I am sure you can probably find one with more.

Most SOHO products dont offer more than 4 ports on the router.  I am not aware of any router out there with more than a 4 or 5 port switch.  WIth the switch you are removing alot as far as wiring the other computer. you can run one wire instead of 8-10 to different locations in the house. 

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