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I am just happy it works now what was making it not work was xp firewall

Shanee, I've been trying to set up a file server on my computer, but it won't work. I can connect to it fine through my lan with the LAN IP, but people outside my network cant connect to it. I opened port 80 on my router and everything, and tried just about everything i can think of and nothing will work. What's this windows XP firewall ur talking about, and how can i get around it to host my server?

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Well first of all are you trying to do it through a router? If so I need help for the same reason! Because the only way that mine works is just through the modem not the router because the router seems to block it and I have also tried everything to get it to work through the router and nothing but if you will tell me what kind of router you have and if you are using it then I would be happy to help try to setup your router for you in order to allow access to your server. I have tried alot of things and I really bet you haven't tried everything because I thought I did to but didn't. Also the xp firewall is a built in xp firewall and to disable it you have to open your network connection properties and unclick protect my compter.But that may not be it you may have the same router as me and it may not allow it so first please tell me what kind of router you have. Also I am a really active user of this forum but I also have my own form that is just for tech help and I do check it more so please if you are want faster responce time then please post your problem at www.talktech.tk or you can post at both places meaning this forum and mine in order to get more than one responce may or more than one person helping you but I do have lots of experience with tech related problems so I will help you know matter were you post ok thanks!!!

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Also please also ask swimmer or ca3le guy they also know alot and they maybe able to help us both thanks but still please tell me what kind of router you have in order for me to help better and so I can see if you have the same router as me so we can help each other thanks!!!

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ok the first thing is that most ISP's do not allow you to host a server on their service... with that being said I wouldnt recommend it and they, the ISP, might be blocking it,closing port 80 on their routers... The thing that you can try is to place your computer in the DMZ and then turn off the firewall... this way if some one calls your ip address it will automatically forward it to the computer in the DMZ.. however you are standing there naked.. so you are going to get viruses rather quickly... I dont know if the newer antivisuses are scanning port 80 but they might offer a little protection..

Port forwarding isnt a good idea with a router... if you want to keep your other computer secure you dont do any port forwarding.. NAT is a very basic firewall... on the port is open it allows everything to coming in.. However, if you place your "server" in the DMZ you can leave all of your ports off and still have the rest of your network protected...

The server that I am building is media/file... It is going to stream videos via VideoLan... http://www.videolan.net/ running dual nics one to a 54g wireless router and the other to a wired lan.. this way i can run a movie and still provide ftp/sharing access...

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Ok first I will talk to swimmer.Ok so I see that you are planning on setting up a media server well I hope you know that when doing this you have a high risk of over heating your system and possibly damaging your servers but If you have good cooling systems then you should be ok.Also you do not have to use that program you can simply just tell the server to open the file at the same time as it is downloading simply by changing the extinshen on the file from say .mpg to .asx and that well make it open in media player or you can change it to ra witch will open it in realone player. As far as that program goes I have tried to use it before and had no luck but I am planning to try again. Also what you also have to consider is if you want to make these files secure or not meaning if you want the clients to be able to go to their cache and copy you movie after it is done downloading to any place they please if not then you will have to use some kind of program.

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Ok I will talk to Peeps well hello again Peeps I see what you are saying I have the same problem but I think my roouter is just broke but that may not e the case for you. Also try setting your port to something like 999 because I am pretty sure you can't go above 1000 if I am wrong please correct me anyone. Also you can add you computer to the DMZ like swimmer said but there is risk with that. But one I have not heard yet was what I was told and that was to go to my firewall on the router and create a new program rule and setting that up. But can you tell me something what service or DNS Service are you using like Tzo or Dynu or no-ip or what I need that info to help you more. Also have you treid to setup the server without your router hooked up if that does not work them it not the router.

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it is going to host .mp3 and dvix files... it is for my friends and I...

I understand what you and Shanee is saying but how do you actually set it up so others can get files directly off your comp. I would like to allow my friend to get some files from me without the current system I use. I would like to allow him to just take it from my hard drive.

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Shanee: not only have you hijacked my thread, you have posted illegal content. I don't know whether or not CA3LE has seen all of the posts that you have been making, but I bet he wouldn't want his site to be associated with the illegal downloading of movies, etc.

I know for a fact that you are in copy right violation, as you do have a connection in the US, and you do have illegal content. Your disclaimer will provide you with little legal protection, especially since you are advertising your 'server' on a very prominent site on the web.

Am I the only one that is starting to get annoyed by Shanee? I don't mean to be an ass, but come on.

As for your slow upload... Based upon your host name, you are on ADSL. This means that you are probably on a 1500/384 connection or something near there, which is why your upload isn't the same as your 1500 download. The A in ADSL stands for asymmetrical, which means that the upload and download speeds are different. The upload is by definition slower.

Your comment about ports was incorrect. Ports above 999 are commonly in use. For example: AOL=5190, BitTorrent=6881+, MSN=1863, and on and on.

Your comment on media servers??? Media servers can over heat? Media servers produce comparable heat to desktop systems. With the proper cooling, they run just fine.

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Not too pissed off... Shug, if you want to allow others to be able to pull files from your hard drive, grab guildFTPD for windows. Then open up ports 20-21. (20 is the control port for FTP and 21 is the actual send/receive port) on your router. Then you should be able to have your friend go to ftp://username:[email protected]

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Not too pissed off... Shug' date=' if you want to allow others to be able to pull files from your hard drive, grab guildFTPD for windows. Then open up ports 20-21. (20 is the control port for FTP and 21 is the actual send/receive port) on your router. Then you should be able to have your friend go to ftp://username:[email protected][/quote']

Will this set up work even though I am behind a wireless router, that has caused me more problems, thanks for the tips. :D

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so how is downloading now and what because I just want to know if you are downloading a big file so I don't turn the server off so please tell me before you do thanks!!!


If you have a one on one issues with a person, please try using email or IM , it makes it more interesting if a post concerns all users (or maybe most) and I'm not trying to nitpick but it would be better if you do your own house cleaning......when you know its a bad link please edit or erase so as not to waste users time if they are interested in going to that link. Thank you for your cooperation.The more concise a question and answer is the easier it is for all to understand and benefit from.As someone has already said some of your content is questionable,it may be better if in the future you have any questions about what your displaying on this site it may make more sense to clear it with the owner first,just a suggestion.

8) Microwave

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To Luwigie I didn't know you owned this thread. Besides you haven't posted in days. Also I didn't know that I wasn't supposed to post in your thread so what does that mean that I can't post in amyones theard I have to make a new one everytime then how can I help people you do realize that I have help alot of people the whole time you been gone and I have help more people then I can count of this site already with there problems I didn't know I couldn't help people I didn't know I don't have any rights on this site. I don't even know who you are but you still come at me as not a nice person when you don't even know me. Also like someone else told me since I came here I have made it like days of are lives I guess it is your turn. I really think you are just jeolus because I have aonly been here for only a day or two and I am already almost past your rank because I am a very active poster witch from what I seen of you you are not. Also I have no problem with you so why do you me?I think this site is very nice but everyone in a while you get someone who is not nice. And that sucks why that got to be you for. You know people around here can ask nicely and not threaten if I was ca3le I would kick you for your additude I have not had a additude with anyone yet even know I have got several form others like yourself and I have already told ca3le that all he has to do is tell me if he doesn't like something and I will stop. But no never does he say anything just others like you how think they own this site.

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To Luwigie I didn't know you owned this thread. Besides you haven't posted in days. Also I didn't know that I wasn't supposed to post in your thread so what does that mean that I can't post in amyones theard I have to make a new one everytime then how can I help people you do realize that I have help alot of people the whole time you been gone and I have help more people then I can count of this site already with there problems I didn't know I couldn't help people I didn't know I don't have any rights on this site. I don't even know who you are but you still come at me as not a nice person when you don't even know me. Also like someone else told me since I came here I have made it like days of are lives I guess it is your turn. I really think you are just jeolus because I have aonly been here for only a day or two and I am already almost past your rank because I am a very active poster witch from what I seen of you you are not. Also I have no problem with you so why do you me?I think this site is very nice but everyone in a while you get someone who is not nice. And that sucks why that got to be you for. You know people around here can ask nicely and not threaten if I was ca3le I would kick you for your additude I have not had a additude with anyone yet even know I have got several form others like yourself and I have already told ca3le that all he has to do is tell me if he doesn't like something and I will stop. But no never does he say anything just others like you how think they own this site.

I do have to interject here, Cable did tell you to respect anyone with PIMP or MiniPIMP in there name and Microwave kinda agreed with luwige on this one so be careful.

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Ok as far as the media server.. I have done this in the past... I currently have a media server that is hooked up to a surround sound/entertainment center... VideoLan is alot easier because you can setup channels for the system.. meaning that you can watch on video on one channel and a different one on the other..

As far as copying DVD I thought that it was resloved but i guess the case is still sitting in the supreme court.. However, all charges were dropped against a company that built software to crack the encription on eBooks... My guess is that this is going to be cleared but not for a while...

The case was widely viewed as a test of how far commercial software could go in helping consumers make backup copies of their own legally purchased digital entertainment products, such as DVDs or video games. Illston wrote that federal law made it illegal to sell products that--like 321 Studios' software--break through DVDs' antipiracy technology, even if consumers do have a legal right to make personal copies of their movies.

Most Hollywood DVDs are protected with a technology called Content Scrambling System, or CSS, which encrypts the content on the discs so that they can only be read by devices with authorized "keys" to unlock the data. A studio-affiliated trade group licenses those keys to DVD player manufacturers.

However, in 1999, a Norwegian teenager named Jon Johansen released a software program called DeCSS, which allowed computers to decrypt DVDs, even without a licensed "key." Once the video was decrypted, it could easily be copied, and so DeCSS quickly found its way into DVD-copying tools.

he was cleared in 2001.. freedom of speech...

see there isnt a clear answer here... there was a counter claim filed and that is still in the process...

So as of right now.. who know..

As far as shanee goes we know that you have a website... if you would like to promote it on this site please submit a request to have it placed in the links area... Unfortunatly you have choosen to run a site that is illegal.. As you can see some of the other members are asking you to discontinue posting information about your site and the content on it... I will have to agree with them... Please discontinue the posts regarding your content.. I am glad to have you knowledge onboard but I could care less that you have a 4.2 gig dvd rip available for download...

Just a reminder.. this is CA3LE's site so he will have the last say in this...

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To Luwigie I didn't know you owned this thread. Besides you haven't posted in days. Also I didn't know that I wasn't supposed to post in your thread so what does that mean that I can't post in amyones theard I have to make a new one everytime then how can I help people...

I have been quite active in the past few days. Possibly I have not been posting that much, but I have been around.

Plus, I wouldn't brag about being here for 2 days and almost passing my "level". Judging by the quality of your posts, you have a ways to go to pass what I consider my level. Judging by the quantity, yes, you are getting a high level. That's great, but please try to put more content in your posts, instead of fludding threads with multiple posts to cover one idea. Either that, or use the edit function. This is just how I would post, again I am not a mod, so I really have no say over the way that you post.

Usually the thread is 'owned' by the original poster. Look at the post on the first page on the top to find out who 'owns' the thread.

I don't mind you posting in my thread. But please, stay on the topic. Staying on the topic is just easier for the original poster, and those following the thread. It's sort of like the old phrase 'nettiquite'. If you want to advertise your site, or help others, do so in the appropriate threads.

I hope that I am not stepping on any mod's 'toes' in saying this. If so, let me know. I don't want to offend any one.

Basically, I don't have a personal problem with Shanee, but rather with his posting style, and choice of web site that he created (and constantly advertises).

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Plus' date=' I wouldn't brag about being here for 2 days and almost passing my "level". Judging by the quality of your posts, you have a ways to go to pass what I consider my level. [/quote']

2 days and already an ego... that's quite fast, don't you think? :?

High? I don't think so. And yes, Swimmer is a bloody spammer. :twisted:

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