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Due to a topic I started being removed recently I would like to suggest some procedures that might be added to this.

1. When a topic is completly removed that it be put in a file that is available to administrators & moderators.Instead of completely gone. So If the offending member would like to see the offending parts that caused the removal they can be PMed to that member.With a warning not to copy & paste them back into the forum.

2. The offending member or members should be PMed explaining the reason for removal of the topic.As detailed an explanation as possible.

3. If it is only one post that is the problem then only that post removed or edited.(I know this is already done sometimes) Still with a PM to the member that posted explaining why.Or a short explanation in the post like if it too explicit a picture for example.

4. Off Topic should be allowed a great deal of leeway before a topic is removed.And in off topic freedom of speech should apply in most cases.

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I agree that people should be notified when a topic is deleted, and we actually have two sections for topic removal.  First is the Archives >> http://www.testmy.net/forum/b-9.0 -- this section is available to all

then there is a non-public deletes section, where really bad items are moved and only viewable by the testmy.net staff members, we try and retain all information posted by our users.

But for sure, members who have a post deleted or altered should be notified, and in the future will.

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