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Hi. I currently have an SMC 7004VBR router and a Webstar DPX2100 cable modem. Sometimes (not every day or every week), my internet goes down in speed and eventually down.. I solved the problem by unplugging my router and modem for a couple of minutes and all the cables out of them (1st unplug and reconnect didn't work the last time this happened (i unplugged some cables and power cables of router and modem for a minute or so), but 2nd time in which I left all the cables out and for longer, it worked afterwards).. I don't usually restart (unplug and reconnect) my router, but I do that to my modem every couple of nights.. Do you think that could be the problem (not resetting my router regularly)..? Any help would be appreciated :)

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You should never have to unplug or power cycle any of your gear that often (never is more like it).

I am not familiar with your cable modem, are you able to poll the modem's diagnostic info?

This is usually done by entering the modems local IP into your browser. ( Motorola modems use

edit: added link. Refer to line 1.F. Hopefully this works. If it does, post levels and any other useful info back.


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I had a line quality problem some months ago.. The splitter for the cable was messed up and i got disconnected every couple of minutes, but they fixed it.. I'll see what happens in the next days.. If something does happen, I'll post stats then because I gotta give the hardware a break from time to time (including the router) :D

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I had a line quality problem some months ago.. The splitter for the cable was messed up and i got disconnected every couple of minutes, but they fixed it.. I'll see what happens in the next days.. If something does happen, I'll post stats then because I gotta give the hardware a break from time to time (including the router) :D

10-4, your modem is acting like it may be experiencing a signal level issue.

FYI:  Ideal recieve levels are -10 to +10dBmV.

        Ideal transmit levels are between +30 and +52dBmV.

If you are outside these limits, it may be an issue.

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I'm having sort of the same problems.  My modem (Linksys BEFCMU10) keeps dropping the connection.  Here's my modem info:

  Startup Procedure

Acquire Downstream Channel 111000000 Hz Locked

Connectivity State Operational Operational

Boot State OK Operational

Security Disabled Disabled

Downstream Channel


Lock Status Operational

Modulation 64QAM

Channel ID 1

Provisioned Rate 5000 kbps

Symbol Rate 5056.941 Ksym/sec

Downstream Power -2.0 dBmV

SNR 31.1 dB

Upstream Channel


Lock Status Operational

Modulation QPSK

Channel ID 5

Provisioned Rate 256 kbps

Symbol Rate 2560 Ksym/sec

Upstream Power 47.0 dBmV

Is there any to change any of these settings?

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Your signal levels look good.

The one issue I see is the downstream SNR (signal to noise ratio).

Although 31.1 dB SNR is in spec for a 64 QAM channel, it is a bit lower than you want.

Not much that you can do except verify your connections are clean and tight.

If you can eliminate a splitter in the line, that may help by increasing the input to the modem.

That is a big IF, though. Most likely a line issue.

If the problem continues, I would definitely call your provider.....

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Here are my stats:

Downstream Status Operational

Channel ID 0

Downstream Frequency 615000000 Hz

Modulation ???

Bit Rate 42884296 bps

Power Level -12.8 dBmV

Signal to Noise Ratio 33.1 dB


Upstream Status Operational

Channel ID 2

Upstream Frequency 32496000 Hz

Bit Rate 10240000 bps

Power Level 46.0 dBmV

Any replies would be appreciated :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Same thing happened again.. Internet just shut off now.. Nothing is able to load.. Upon restarting the router from IE (from its options), it locked up and I wasn't able to log in, log out, nothing.. :( .. After disconnecting it for a mere 5-6 seconds and then plugging it back it, the internet got up again, but with a different IP address.. However, same thing happened (internet shut down after a minute or so of browsing).. After that I unplugged both the modem and router (like I did before), but this time I left them off for a good couple of minutes.. I didn't take the cables out of them however, so I can eliminate that as the problem.. Any ideas as to what the source of this problem might be? I'm usually restarting my modem every night (turn it off for about 10 secs and back on), but i never restart my modem by unplugging it (or give it a break of a few hours).. Could it be of overheating of the router or something? Line quality problem, which I don't think it is because after leaving the router off for a couple of minutes, my internet is back on and good for 1-2 weeks or so.. Could it be a routing IP change from the ISP, which the router didn't take normally? Any help would be appreciated as I don't like going through this thing every 2 weeks :D.. Thanks :)

EDIT: Here are my signal quality levels from the modem:

Downstream Status Operational

Channel ID 3

Downstream Frequency 615000000 Hz

Modulation ???

Bit Rate 42884296 bps

Power Level -10.7 dBmV

Signal to Noise Ratio 34.8 dB

Upstream Status Operational

Channel ID 2

Upstream Frequency 32496000 Hz

Bit Rate 10240000 bps

Power Level 44.0 dBmV

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a call to the cable company to check the line strength coming in from outside and in your room.i had the same problem,every few weeks my Motorola SB4200 would cut out.i bought new lines,new splitter and a new router and still the same problem.

my line in my room from the cable outlet would go from 10 strength and by the time it got to the modem{which is on the other side of the room} it was -1.the guy put new heavy duty cable and some weird compression fitting type cable ends.

so far,i haven't had the cable modem cut out for awhile now.

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i had a problem with my splitter before, so i guess the next time i would just try to change it and if it doesn't work, i'll call  the company.. I don't think it is the strenght of the signal though, because my internet works fine for a couple of weeks after every disconnection, but thanks for the advice :)

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Wound up being a bad splitter the cable company had installed.  Very frustrating.

I had that same thing before.. My internet would drop from 256k to 20k to nothing and it would stay like that forever.. Cable company guy came in, changed the splitter and everything was k.. Now I know what it is the next time it happens :D

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From what i learned in this topic, if its not the modem and router (which is very often the case), it is either a signal issue or a problem with the connecting stuff (e.g.: splitters, cable...) Best thing is to call the company and ask them to fix it if it happens occasionally :)

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