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Time for this cowboy to fade into the sunset..........

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Guest helloimtim

Well Its time for me to get away from the net for awhile. I go through this about once every couple of years or so. Get away from it and computer. Then Few years later im back to them learing about all the changes. My daughter will start college soon. God im old :haha:. She needs a computer so I will let her have mine. I custom built this one and it sure beats that prebuilt stuff in my humble oppinion. This computer should give her years of good use. Hope so anyway. I even made her a restore disk for both harddrives. I used nortons ghost 2003.  I Will tell her about and give her this web site address. That way if push comes to shove and she is haveing problems with the computer she can come here to get the help. Its about the only site I would trust to give her the help she needs with out makeing her feel stupid. For thoes that have posted on other boards you know what I am talking about. Some posters forget they at one time were just learning about computers to. Heck I have messed with them for years and I am always learning new stuff. So for now this will be my last post. I will not say I will never be back. I will not say how long I will be gone. Life is funny. With my eyesight getting worse all the time I just do not know. Its been such a huge pleasure posting with you guys. Its been really fun. This is a really cool board. Hope it always stays that way. Thank you all so very very much for letting me be part of all this. Been some great debates. Some great info. To sum it all up. I always always did my best to respect others oppinions and even though I may disagree I tried to do it with the utmost respect. I can say I have had nothing but respect given. You guys are super great. Fallow earth....Shug....Vanburen.....cal3e......and thoes user names that escape me right at the moment. Thank you all. God Bless and continue to be kind to each other and help as much as you can. Now its time for me to start tearing this computer down. My kid will be here in a few want to get it ready...............Peace all.......and Thank you so much.........peace......im out

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sorry to see u go...but do come back asap...if nothing else u can go to the library and check in from time to time...

what a fantastic daddy that would give up his computer so that his daughter could have one...WOW

take care and hope u find a cure for what ails ur eyes


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