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if i follow .s1 to change my download to 3000, i get this


VanBuren, i uninstalled all my tweaking utility, including windows tweaks. Now only using the cablenut, TCP optimizer.

All the test running on the same PC, from my very first post, using USB 2.0 port. This is what i have in my network configuration now..

-Client for Microsoft Networks

-Microsoft family Logon

-ADSL USB Modem Wan Adapter

-Dial Up Adapter

-NDSIWAN->ADSL USB Modem Wan Adapter

-TCP/IP Dial-Up Adapter

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From my ISP homepage..i see that it use PPPoE . what is that?

this is the link


dont really know what it stands for but its a type of dsl

you need to decide who your goin to listen to, cos me and .s1 dosent speak the same language

I say TCP optimizer is not good for your low bandwidth, .s1 probl think your score of 3000 kbps here are real, i do not think they are made from your pc...


1. deside who you will listen to

2. then follow instructions and do not start changing things inbetween

VanBuren :)

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dont really know what it stands for but its a type of dsl

you need to decide who your goin to listen to, cos me and .s1 dosent speak the same language

I say TCP optimizer is not good for your low bandwidth, .s1 probl think your score of 3000 Kbps here are real, i do not think they are made from your pc...


1. deside who you will listen to

2. then follow instructions and do not start changing things inbetween

VanBuren :)

lol im just going back to the fiirst score he/she posted. If that's what his connection was *before* tweaking, an dhes getting these type of results now, then 3000 is what hes on.... If not, then meh i unno unless he is honest.

but this ( http://ttester.broadbandreports.com/tweak/block:2e6b055?service=dsl&speed=3000&os=win98SE&via=normal)

was looking pretty good, other then the ping.

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I'm tellin the truth..if there anyway u want me to prove, just tell me..

So, now i uninstall eveything, now using Modem Booster by Inkline. Using the auto tune. This is my result..is it ok?



and this..

Connection is:: 411 Kbps about 0.4 Mbps (tested with 386 KB)

Download Speed is:: 50 KB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

Bottom Line:: 7 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 20.48 second(s)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=LP60BBDVC

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Ok i sended em

PPPoE using a 1492 MTU, but you showed me a result of 1500, that makes me think that TCP optimizer has manually set yout MTU to 1500.

However make sure you have MTU set to 1492 with these files, changing MTU is easyest with DrTCP, here you can download it


good luck

VanBuren :)

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