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i was wondering how i could do this,I dont know if anyone has ever been to di.fm but it is a great site if you love techno, trance dance etc. Anyways, i realy like it and i was wondering if i subscribe to the premier service they offer is there is any way to record to my computer so i can play on an ipod or other device? thanks

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I use Windows Media Encoder 9.0 (free from Microsoft) to record an overnight AM radio show.

I discovered this capability by accident, it will encode from sound card to disk drive (or anywhere you want).

WME 9 is quite a useful tool, I originally and still do use it to stream my TV card output to my wireless laptop.

Work great, watch TV out on the deck if I want.


**info not inteneded to assist in the recording of copyrighted material.(f off riaa-mpaa)

im kind of confused about the audio recording ability of the windows encoder....

"The first digital surround-sound codec for the Web, WMA 9 Pro captures full-resolution audio (24bit/96Khz sampling) for both stereo and multichannel (6+ discrete channels) delivery at 128-768Kbps. "

does that mean that i can only record up to 96Khz? because on di.fm they stream mp3 at 192 and wma @ 128 .

im kind of confused about the audio recording ability of the windows encoder....

"The first digital surround-sound codec for the Web, WMA 9 Pro captures full-resolution audio (24bit/96Khz sampling) for both stereo and multichannel (6+ discrete channels) delivery at 128-768Kbps. "

does that mean that i can only record up to 96Khz? because on di.fm they stream mp3 at 192 and wma @ 128 .

I use it for recording an AM show from a webstream, so I am not recording at very high bitrates or frequencies.

But, I do have the choice to record on up to 96khz at 768kbps.

That is a very high rate, maybe you mean 128 kbps, not khz?


  I re-read your post. They are talking 192 and 128 kbps.

I believe most standard stereo broadcasts are around 44 khz.

WME 9 is easily capable of that.

I would just experiment with it, there are alot of functions that I am clueless about.

I use the trial and error method.......

**info not inteneded to assist in the recording of copyrighted material.(f off riaa-mpaa)

Im at the site everyday for many hours straight...love the trance,hard dance,and the hardcore channel.I know what your talking about..ill PM you about what you can do,because basically its illegal here in the states,so I will not say anything incriminating ;):haha:

In order to protect myself: :brave::bs:

The show I record advertises gear intended to record their show for listening at a later time.

So I am doing the same thing, for my own personal use, otherwise I would never hear their show.

(I work during the day, therefore must sleep at night)


I would never dream of recording copyrighted material with the intention of re-distributing it in any way.

i've had good results with this program called WMRecorder:

WM Recorder works by watching internet activity relating to Window Media Player, and assembling the streamed data as an ASF file, which can then be played using Windows Media Player on your PC and many portable devices. Other streaming media formats such as MP3, MPEG, AVI or WAV can also be recorded.



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