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Here is some video that I uploaded took during Hurricane Wilma in one of the hardest hit areas Boca Raton, FL. This is the video that you will not see on the news. The File is about 100mb, i am going to have a 2nd mirror it just takes a wile to upload the file because im on dial-up because i still have no power. If the main mirror is slow go to the second mirror.

<a href="http://imagehouze.com/video/wilma.wmv">Hurricane Wilma Video Mirror 1-99.23MB</a>

Hurricane Wilma Video Mirror 2- will work soon

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that, and the fact that a 'cane isn't exactly a point phenomenon. the area of hurricane/tropical storm force winds is a couple hundred miles wide for a large storm like katrina.

Katrina's hurricane force winds extended out only about 30 miles from the center when it hit land, wilma's hurricane foruce winds extended out 86 miles from the center when it left the coast of florida. the tropical storm force winds extend out about 200 miles from the center in both storms. The only major difference in damage from katrina to wilma is after katrina 3 levies broak and flooded a city, and that was not directlyed related to the hurricane.

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I dont unstand how u are saying that, are u saying that was the wind field on Katrina when it was near central MS are say a hour after land fall. still thats a nice video u posted

im telling you that katrina was a much smaller storm then wilma in the hurrican force winds. had wilma hit the same area as katrina there would have been so much more damage.

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You must've been right in the eye, huh? It's a little decieving how the storm seems to clear up and everyone goes outside only to have it start up again, only the wind is blowing in the opposite direction.

Cool video, glad to see you got through it well enough?

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i was right in the eye, my town boca raton got hit the hardest, the only reason i got power on so fast is i live right next to a hospital. were i use to live, peoples screened in patios were literately picked up off the foundation and thrown 100's of feet away.

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