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But isn't fiber like really expensive and why have it all so high-tech, its not like he runs a game center or has a sick lan party . Just don't see the point in spending all that money just for lan and not to make money off of it by hosting at least some websites or somtin.

if i had the money i would do the same have camera's outside, computers, laptops. etc.  :D

btw nice setup satcom

fiber isn't that expensive and has the great advantage of being immune to and not causing electromagnetic noise. the problem i see is that first of all he's not taking advantage of the fiber by running fast ethernet instead of gigabit, and i read something about converters meaning he doesn't have fiber nic's. with those two upgrades the setup would be really sweet.

Nice set-up. :shock:

And Transedge01, I think he just has this network set-up for home use.

I don't believe he is attempting to run any type of server (team i2d corp again?) out of his home.

And you can find racks on ebay, I would look there for prices.

lmfao im telling you that his id2 corp f***ing obsessed with servers get a life lame ass

btw nice network satcom

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