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Nokia 7610 Camera Lens

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sorry this is an off topic question on the site.

but anyone knows if it is safe to take a picture or like record a video from this nokia 7610 phone OF ANY MONITOR/TV/SCREEN.

thank you for replies

its safe, but everytime i try to take a picture of another screen from my phone, it just looks like one big bright light.  i dont think the phone can capture the quality of stuff like that.

heres a pic of my phone taking a pic of my comp

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400 dollars for a phone that is over 800 dollars on the internet.  i think its cheap.  plus its the best camera phone that is made = Nokia N90.  its available at ritz or wolf camera and is available if you guys want to buy it or look at it in the stores and play with it.

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the N90 is a 2 megapixel camera with 262,000 colors , 16 bit.  It also has a carl zeiss optic lense with 20x optical zoom.  WITHOUTH A DOUBT ITS THE BEST CAMERA PHONE OUT.  available for only 400 dollars, thats cheap.  if you guys want a picture from it ask me for one.  i have it and its the best.

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Thes are pictures tooken from my N90 of the screen of my laptop.

Compare these pictures to the 7610 pictures a couple posts before this one.  Look at the quality.

400 bucks for that cell phone... rip off. My cell phones camera has better quality than that and it's a 50$ cell phone. lol

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im really sure of that, A VGA camera that you got for free from a activation.  your camera sucks.

Not really I didn't get it for free. But whatever I'm not the idiot who payed 400 dollars for a cell phone with cheap camera quality. :haha: Let's just leave it at that.

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Why in gods name pay 400 dollars for a cell phone that has a piece of s**t camera and video

when u can spend like 100-300 on a good digital camera that has great quality pictures and video.. then just buy a phone with no camera for like 50 bucks from verizon...


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ok, since i'm so retarded (don't feed the troll, but really don't flame the troll. or reap what you sow)

nokia n90.

2mp camera. carl zeiss optics, autofocus. nokia usa doesn't advertise the claimed 20x optical zoom, and it would be a great feature. leads me to the conclusion it's  :bs:

the zoom is probably the make my picture as grainy as can be by zooming in electronically, meaning interpolating what the middle 10 pixels of the sensor see.

as for your 16 bit 262,000 colors, make up your mind. 16 bit would be 64k colors. 262,000 colors is what your display claims to be capable of. if either value is correct for the color depth of the pictures taken, it sucks the big one. for photos you want at least a 24 bit pallette, giving you 16.7 million colors.

your conviction that the camera is the greatest thing since sliced bread? to each his own, but if i go and spend that much on a camera (the phone being worth maybe 120 or so with contract, means you blew 280 for a 2mp digicam. go to best buy and weep at the real digicams you can get for that money. with a real optical zoom.

the quality of the pics you posted is frankly crap. doing a pic off a screen is never good quality, as shown by the moirees in the first one (those wavy interference lines where the grid of the screen and the sensor mesh like looking through two bug screens at once). the second one shows the graininess of the digital zoom. the third one gives some useful info on the sensor itself, which is low quality as in most phonecams. there is tons of hiss and noise evident in the picture, unless of course you spraypainted your laptop in subtle reds and blues in random spots.

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well....we have concluded that it is impossible for that phone to have a 20 x optical zoom LOL - 20 x digital zoom yes - and it is nowhere near the quality when using optical zoom LOL - i dont think a single cell phone nowhere in near future will ever have even 2 x optical zoom ;)

it's true that it takes 2MB pictures, with an allright quality for a camera - but all facts aside - you could have spent 25 dollars on a cell phone and bought urself a nice 375 dollar camera that will shoot pictures making you believe you are there at that moment ;)


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wow, those pictures was shot in the dark and of a screen of a laptop.  I also zoomed in for those pictures and that is why it looks like that.  You can zoom in 20x so I dont care what you say.  If that phone costs $800 why wouldn't you buy it if it was half price.  I only paid 400 with no activation or contract renewal.  Whats so bad about it.

I posted the pictures of the screen to show the person how much better you can actually see the screen compared to his camera.  I can go take a picture of something else and prove you that the picture quality is a lot more better when there is light and if im not taking a picture of a screen or a tv.

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the n90 looks about the size of a brick, is probably heavy too. (don't feel like looking up the stats again) and the reviews about it say that it has comparatively good cam features. compared to other cam phones. that's like saying saddam isn't such a bad guy, compared to hitler and osama. the hiss and noise noticable in the 3rd pic (and i'm pointing out that because there is a lot of area in that pic that is /not/ screen) is of course slightly more noticable due to the fact that you have a very dark object you're taking a pic of. but on a normal pic in daylight it will still be there, just not as noticable because the actual subject of the pic is more prominent. that is why in every serious test of digicams one should always snap a pic in darkness or near darkness, just to see how 'noisy' the sensor is. and i still say for 400 bucks you could have gotten a decent cellphone and a decent cam. not some hybrid that does both but neither really well.

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